Review of Wonder

Wonder (I) (2017)
Whoever has been bullied knows this is an unrealistic melodrama at its worst.
18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
On the surface, this movie seems beautiful - little boy with deformities is bullied at school for this appearance, but his strength and character make him go ahead and he suddenly has lots of friends and people at school supporting him.

That's not exactly what happens in real life, and that's what pissed me off.

I was bullied during my childhood and teenagehood, both in middle and high school, only because I was the classroom nerd. I didn't even have a deformity and I was tortured by verbal and physical abuse, and the children were relentless and merciless. Not a single one dared have some empathy for me or tried to talk to me. They'd be more and more cruel everyday, and the school's principal didn't give a damn about my situation either. That's because I was only a nerd! Now imagine what it'd be like for a child with a facial deformity in real life.

I know this movie wants to be motivating and wants to spread the message about being yourself and respecting other. I also see solid performances by Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson. But this movie is not realistic. Bullying is much worse than that and bullied kids suffer much more than that.
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