A fault indeed
4 June 2017
I'm gonna be real, I don't watch many romantic movies so I'm not an expert in the Romance genre. I gave this movie 3 stars for argument's sake, I don't wanna be completely biased when I knew what I was getting myself into. That being said...

This movie was all the rage when it came out and my friends were peer pressuring me to go see it so we did. I honestly couldn't care less whether Hazel lived or died or her whole ordeal (as cold-hearted as that may sound) because she's an obnoxious, selfish, self-centered spoiled brat. She goes as far as telling her parents she knows they won't get over her probable death and basically their whole lives would be over, to which they basically replied "nah mate we cool" (understandably so). I also don't think cancer patients look that healthy or athletic (ie Gus), but what do I know? The only character that I felt was in touch with reality is the writer, but of course angsty teen princess Hazel wants none of this BS. How dare he tell her to get over herself?! I don't even wanna touch the scene where they go to Anne Frank House, because it'll make me reconsider my 3 stars rating and I'm struggling to keep an open mind about this movie. I really am.

If a movie about a bunch of spoiled brats is supposed to make us sympathize with them just because they have cancer, then I guess I'm cold as ice.
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