Just finished it and thinking about it it has more depth than I first thought
26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Never read the book but to me it had the depth of a decently written book capturing the time of being so into yourself at 17 and slowly waking up to reality in college to lives outside of yourself and the complexity of human beings.

I guess the only two hints that the father was gay was that when she went to work with him all the women loved him, "he had game" and just ignored it and of course the obvious, he never has sex with his wife. What through me off was the dad masturbating to a Hustler Mag with women on the cover but maybe he turned gay later or was bi-sexual? I would of liked a lot more of the mother in it. That scene where she is just staring at her daughter in the her doorway in that dark makeup zoned out of her mind and her daughter just gently slams the door in her face and she doesn't even flinch made me laugh. This show needed more dark comedy. Also in the ending I also was wondering if it was like the book because there is some lazy writing.

The dad puts his wife in the basement freezer and you know this right away because earlier in the movie they open it up and it was unplugged and stunk of raw meat so towards the end you know when that scene comes she is in there. So I expected her that night to wake up or something and see him driving off in a car or carrying her body out in something since it was her last night before leaving there. But no, after all those years he gets drunk at a bar two weeks after his daughter leaves and tells a guy at a bar what he did, really? You couldn't come up with something better than that? The part before was good with them being caught in bed but the ending sucked.

The score and music is great for that time frame especially for those who were around the main characters age during that time and came from broken homes as the music fits.

Overall I enjoyed it but wouldn't really recommend this movie.
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