The movie focused on the struggle of a teenage girl, who had to deal with the loss of her mother, and its affect on her family, after she unexpectedly disappears.
26 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I could not get into the movie. I did not like the characters played by anyone in the movie, so I could not get into it. I did not like the development of the story, so by the time it got to the end, though I was surprised by the ending, I did not care. The movie lacked that certain something that could really take it to the next level. I don't think the movie did proper justice to the loss the teenage girl suffered or gave enough hints about the wife's relationship with her husband, for me to care enough about either of them, even in the end. I did not cry or care one way or the other and that's not me. I easily am absorbed into a good movie and I could not do that with this movie. It definitely had potential, but it did not rise to the occasion. I did not like the movie or the way it made me feel, after watching it. I could have done without seeing it and will not see it again.
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