The best film I've seen.
7 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Without me blabbering on, I would like to give my complements to John Green and his Team. The Fault In Our Stars is a fantastic book which has a really sad ending (I'm not going to say it to you). As the quote says "Some Infinities are bigger than others" however, Hazel and Gus's love was quite an extraordinary one. It must of been hard living with Cancer. The book was different, but it still had the same story to the film but with more parts. I got the book after the film came out so my book has the photos in it. I have to say I did cry at the end but I couldn't stop blabbering through the film. Too be honest, Hazel Grace has inspired me. Not everything in life is perfect and people are dying, this book showed the good and bad sides to cancer.

Like the book says, pain demands to be felt. It touched my sad side. This book is one of the best. Thank you.
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