Hulk Hogan - Epic Fail
9 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is sort of Star Wars meets the Terminator meets a nice fellow who likes to help out people. Suburban Commando tries to be a caricature of our society and seriously fails. It is funny but only through its outright stupidity. My friend laughed at the movie and said that it was basically rubbish. When I first saw it a few years back I thought that it was good, but now it is simply full of clichés with a bad actor (Hulk Hogan) showing off his choreographed pro-wrestling skills. He is no commando, he is a pro-wrestler throwing people around. The one thing I like about the movie is the effects and the fact that it is sci-fi. I have a weak spot of sci-fi but I don't think I can sit through the bad acting and the pro-wrestling falseness again.

The movie is about a commando that single handedly destroys a huge space cruiser and the evil dictator flying it and is then commanded to go on a holiday on Earth. That he does and he claims to hate the place, though when he is on Earth he suddenly takes the role of the Good Samaritan. When I watched Hulk Hogan walking down the street all I could think of is that he seriously suited the role of an alien, and he didn't even seem to have make up on. I remember the days of pro-wrestling and now, in the late 1990's, it seriously seems to be dead. There is probably a group of hard core followers, but I never really hear of it anymore.

Hogan is trying to follow Arnold Swartzenegger and has seriously failed. This movie does not stand apart and Christopher Lloyd steals the spotlight from Hogan for his acting ability. Lloyd plays a weak willed architect that is constantly pushed around by life. When this is revealed you instantly know that he is going to go on a big adventure with Hogan and come out of it with more guts and is able to stand up to people. The movie claims to be one of the 90's, but it is only scratching the surface of a new era of bleakness and satire. Suburban Commando is a silly movie that tries to be something that it is not. Suburban Commando depicts the suburbs are a nice place to live with a few silly problems that a superhero can solve, but the movie does not fall into the caricature that Edward Scissorhands creates. It is a good place for people to live and the only disturbances are intergalactic aliens. It does not create a social order whose greatest enemy is itself, as can be seen with movies like Edward Scissorhands. Though this movie claims to be 90's, it is not.
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