Mr. Nanny (1993)
This movie takes a lot of risks, but still has the fundamentals
7 February 2003
Wow! I recently saw this movie on TV, and even though it's 10 years after release, the power of this film is undiminished. Hogan has never been known for making conservative films, but Mr.Nanny breaks all the rules. It shatters boundaries and takes the audience places I didn't know a movie could. It may be quite experimental, and thus not for everyone's tastes, but it features a tour-de-force performance by Hulk Hogan reminisent of his unforgettable RIP Thomas. Probably the most mind blowing thing for me was reading that a lot of the Hulkster's on screen time was adlibbed, and that some of the most poignant lines in the film weren't actually in the script. A true modern classic.
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