
Almost Not a Noob
Jan 22, 2008
He was a well developed character from beginning to end. I enjoyed when he told Jason to run after killing his brother but the most memorable has to be the definition of insanity dialogue. I didn't want to kill this guy he was pretty dope but he had to die sorry...


Retired IGN Mod
Jun 17, 2004
I liked his character altogether. On the mission where you killed him, he said "nail me to the cross and accept me as your savior!" Ubisoft has balls to do that.


Jan 24, 2013
easily has to be the insanity quote i had heard it once before does anyone know who originally said it.?
Dec 25, 2012
I feel like i shoulda of knows some things to when i finally know them but then i feel better when i notice that The definition of Insanity quote seems new to some people when i thought it was something most people just learned or heard when in their late teens or early twenties. I liked that quote the first time i heard it 6 yeas ago and then started to hear again and again and it made me wonder if it was just discouraging philosophical babble. Thats why Vaas's kept saying that to Jason. I havent beat the game yet but I've SPOLIER (And the rest is really long so dont waste you're time if you dont want to hear a lot of opinions about Vaas, the stoyline, plot, the supernatural, titties and supernatural titties... plus infedelity and a the worst Acid trip ever) My Favorite Line from Vaas: "They named bottled water after me because i quench the thirst and make your body happy" lol jk really though my favorite lines where mostly most of said in the "Payback" mission sequence. I thought Vaas' voice actor sounded really good. The voice acting and the whole written character of Vaas and the role that he plays as the protagonist's Nemesis: the way he talks, things he does, how he interacts with other characters specifically Jason, how he acts, what he does, or chooses to do in particular scenarios or situatuons, his personality, aesthetic appearance, and way his voice sounds like a mix between a savage Madman and Punk Rock Villian. The voice acting, I guess, really captures the essence of how he "crosses over to the dark side" and into the depths of insanity leaving his sister and betraying his family for drugs and money as his sister tragically describes also revealing the "puppetmaster" of your Nemesis, the Arch-villian or "demon" archetype-character of Hoyt Volker.

..killed the Vaas demon (i think he was possessed by both drugs and something supernatural.) I think he knew Jason was alot stronger then the first time him and Vass met. Then Jason gained almost supernatural like strength and tattoos where showing up on his arm instantly, he could withstand massive amounts of drug injections ;) without an overdose and was running thru psycho pirates like Kiss ran thru pussy in their day.(why the Kiss reference? Idk but im sure whatever his name was idk why i cant remember such a pop culture icons name all of a sudden but im sure he was on a heavy diet of puss yum!) So Vaas catches up with Jason again and like a James Bond Villian or most old movie Villians, Vass left him to die instead of cutting off his head or putting atleast two in the chest one in the head then burned him. Then a second time Vaas tries to drown him. Maybe he thought, "He escaped my brilliant burning building idea, so instead of FIRE i'l use the element of WATER,". Jason escapes again because Vaas or his pirates were most likely high as a kite and ****ed up when tying the knot to bind Jason's hands. Maybe Vaas wanted to test Jason to see just how bad Jason really wanted to survive.To see if he could overcome a couple deathtraps and then instead of blowing Jason Brodys brains out he shoots him in the heart where the classic cliche Lighter stops the bullet. Supernatural Luck? Because "returning from the dead" in an awesome and terrifying ugly disgustingness of a scene where you have to crawl out of a Mass Grave. Its sick and its twisted and probably one of the best scenes ive ever had to pleasure to watch and even interact with. Of course the comic relief at the end of pulling and dragging yourself up through blood, guts, flesh, and bone of the dead bodies on top of you was great writing and it warranted the cliche "lighter in the shirt pocket that stops a bullet from entering the protagonists heart". After witnessing all the madness and hellish carnage the cliche was forgivable. And Jason Brody's speech is forgivable because you finally get to see him tap that Citra tang (From the first time we meet citra i wanted to see Jason maybe get up in it and i had a feeling it was going to happen because it was hinted at from the first encounter with citra. Plus returning from the dead, finding the Knife, and everything Jason did probbaly just got Citra all hot and bothered unless she does that to every new recruit.... ). Then Vaas is almost expecting Jason to arrive, and plug him or cut his throat. "Suprise Motherf***er!" "I'll Give two grand to the first motherf***er to bring me Jason Brody's nutsack." AND THEN! Suprise again, jason takes a knife to the stomach (Couldnt of been the heart cuz if it was then Jason is definetally gained supernatural healing powers and we've crossed the line between realitic supernatural powers, to supernatural fantasy.
Jan 12, 2013
the def of insanity bit has been in the atmosphere since.. forever. ive mostly heard it from every type of get rich quick motivational speaker/self help guru. when i saw the first FC3 trailer i found it kinda corny. just like Vaas. not really original. just a mish mash of movie villains. fun game though...
Dec 25, 2012
the def of insanity bit has been in the atmosphere since.. forever. ive mostly heard it from every type of get rich quick motivational speaker/self help guru. when i saw the first FC3 trailer i found it kinda corny. just like Vaas. not really original. just a mish mash of movie villains. fun game though...

Spoliers if u havent played and care that much...
I Actually felt that Hoyt was more interesting although the "Vaas Finale" was very cool. The Music, the dialogue, great sequence. The Entire Card Game Sequence and Knife fight where more realistic and thus more thrilling. Vaas Was spectacle and shock value. Hoyt was intrigue and realism.
I get the same feeling but i still Liked Vaas as a character. The Def of Insanity speech was presented as if it was orignal or the first time it was said. I did like how he made the speech and then repeated "Do you know what the definition of Insanity is" just as he shoves the cinderblock off the cliff as if to say "I am the definition of Insanity". That was pretty cool. Then when he says it again after the heli crash before "executing you" Vaas was just a little bit more beyond a stock "Insane Acrchetype" Villian. A good one with good voice acting but nothing to oogle over. But when the best all time Villian out of games AND Movies is...the mother****in Joker (The Dark Knight version obviously. Original, not corny, twisted and you almost root for him... I know i did. Perhaps if Christian Bale wasnt such a dick although i like him as an actor but the Character of Batman before the new trilogy just sucked. I hated him and wanted him to die, with the exception of Michael Keatons role. When Christian Bale became Batman and added the growl the idea itself was cool but not pulled off well, and the armor replacing the rubber made all the difference but still Christian wasnt enough to make me truly root for batman. I was Torn between him and the villians.) and honorable mentions go to Bane (IMO), The villian from No Country for Old Men, and the Villian from SkyFall (same actor from No country coincidently).

Anyway, yes, VERY fun game. Just wish the Multiplayer was polished more and that ability to use cover was still available in multiplayer. IDK why they took it out or better yet why it might of been a technical issue. That little nuance and then the slide really seperates this FPS from others more than you might think. On Console FPS Call of DUty you cannot use cover properly but on the PC you can Lean out which i think is another example of developers being lazy or uncreative in mapping the controls for the game. The Xbox and PS3 controller's buttons could each perform two or three functions each. The Analog Sticks could perform even more and with the combination of button presses and smart ingenuity you could have a controll layout with 50 different individual actions when you also implment the interaction with environment like when in FAR CRY you automatically enter cover mode and can pop out and shoot or blind fire just by getting close enough to a solid object. The Next Generation Looks promising. IMO i think the generation we are in is the end of the second generation of console gaming that started with the first playstation and ended with the sega cd or genesis or all those other "things" that marked the first generation that started with atari, pong (I wouldnt even consider pong a video game. its more of a interactive thing not much more advanced then using a remote changing the channel on your tv back then), nintendo.
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Dec 25, 2012
"You see, the thing is, up there... you thought you had a chance. Waaaaaay up in the fucking skies you thought you, had your finger, on the pussy trigger. But hermano, down here... Down here... You hit the ground..."

Also, the whole cutscene of the Insanity speech.

I like the first quote you mentioned. The Insanity Speech is something they;ve been teaching to drug adicts and in motivational conventions, etc. for years now. Its nothing Original and not even a good implementation of the ideology as character dialogue of the villian. I can only assume that living on the island and in the jungle for most of or all of his life that Vaas may of heard it or heard something similar and put his own tiwst on it thinking it was original. Thats my only explanation. Plus When your a bad guy and have a victim tied up anything about insantity that comes out of your mouth is going to scare your victim unless hes a badass trained navy seal or an insane person himself which Jason was faaaar from any. Now that i think about it, Jason Brody is not built for the jungle and idk how a tattoo and some fresh words from a tribal luietanant named Dennis and the willingness to save his girl and his friends made him into a pirate slaying, mercenary slashing juggernuat of death. It had to be supernatural which it was because thats the story but its never really talked about too much untill Jason starts drinking hallucinagenic potons and fighting large non-existent demon giants while he really gets a free, public grinding lap dance from Citra. The dude never even thinks to put on some proper jungal combat gear except for the occasional body armor. But no boots or gloves or tactical pants, vests or belts or pants, etc. I guess he just shoves evertthing in his breifs. And i guess all those Injections make him so high and numb and focused that hes able to kill literally 500+ battle hardened pirates and mercenaries like he's in the Matrix. STill a fun game but i had to pretend i wasnt Jason Brody the whole time. Finally when i got to put on some Mercenary Gear i felt like i was a soldier. Gee wizz. Still... fun game.


Sharingan User
Jul 31, 2012
Jurassic Park
'' Pussy trigger.''

'' You hit the ground.''

'' Run, forest, run!''

'' It's my sister, she's inking that white boy.''

'' It's okay hermano, I don't like my family either.''

And the definition of insanity speech.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
Pulling one of Christopher Mintz Plasses teeth out with a pair of pliers and telling him his dental hygiene habits are 'embarrassing'.

'You should floss'

Had me laughing. Note this is in the live action mini-series they did to market the game.