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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]X-Men Origins: Wolverine AU Review[/link]
by Patrick Kolan

It's perhaps appropriate that Richard Donner, director of the original Superman movie, was an executive producer on X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Like Donner's classic superhero movie about The Man of Steel, Wolverine is a man of another alloy, with his own agenda and moral compass who, by the end of the film is as alienated as the child of Krypton. Like Clark Kent, Logan is a character with surprising depth, portrayed with more sensitivity and sensibility than you might expect for a film that falls strictly into the action-movie category. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Mar 27, 2009
Its too bad they treated it like a straight up action movie. I think it would have worked better as a character driven story, not just a lets-throw-in-a dozen-unused-mutants thing. I might pass on this installment.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
its not a straight up action film...first 45 min is good story and its a dam fine film. I bet it will be big in sales. If anything the ending could have been more detailed as in it was a basic ending. nothing wow. The films music is great! Hugh Jackman plays a great role and gives it his all. I can see a trilogy here. its 4/5 stars. negative is the boss at the end....typical ending but good.


Jun 25, 2006
i got banned cus i saw the work copy.
and now that i wont get banned
plain and simple
did he even read 1 comic before he raped it?
batman doesn't count on the suck thing btw lol
Sep 8, 2001
well not every X-Men movie is going to have the (writing) power behind it like X2 did - This movie has to be yards and leagues better than X-Men 3


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
No it's less than average.

This review is stupid cause on one hand it says basically the movie is crap but it's worth seeing if you can over the crappyness of it.
sorry but this movie is the worst in the xmen series and possibly the worst movie jackman's ever done.

How can such a bad movie with zero character development, a childishly written screenplay and a plot with events that just happen because they happen.....How can this get a positive review?

Makes you wonder if IGN isn't on the fox payroll.
I mean seriously people, the movie was a stinker.
Right up there with Ghost Rider....even Daredevil was more watchable.
Maybe because they changed so much from the comic that was not necessary and I'm just an old disgruntled comic fan, but the comic origin was gold and could have been perfectly translated on screen.
The minute tehy brought out the magic bullet I actually started to dry reach.
Something things are just cooler left alone the way they are like the old saying...if it ain't broke....


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 26, 2007
The last thing this movie needs is a sequel. I mean they already mucked up film continutiy by making Scott over 40(the last parts of the film takes place in 1979 and the X-Men takes place in the near year of its 2000 release(meaning I'd say 2003ish) but they put at risk ruining Emma's character(it's still salvagable though, just ignore bland chick). The fact is, despite what this review says, the movie doesn't give any background into Wolverine's character. The "mythical" relationship between Sabes and Wolvie never feels forced and we never get that they care too much about each other that it matters they are now fighting. Another little gem is the fact that people start calling him "Logan" out of nowhere. Yes that's great character development right there! It's crap and a sequel will be crap. They need to just reboot this franchise sadly. Hopefully Marvel will do that after they regain control of the rights after Fox gets it dirty hands off it.


Prime Member
May 20, 2001



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Actually predatorhell, the workprint is exactly the same as the final movie minus the cgi of course.
It's already been confirmed, so technically, anyone who downloaded the workprint could review the story.


Aug 15, 2008
The last thing this movie needs is a sequel. I mean they already mucked up film continutiy by making Scott over 40(the last parts of the film takes place in 1979 and the X-Men takes place in the near year of its 2000 release(meaning I'd say 2003ish) but they put at risk ruining Emma's character(it's still salvagable though, just ignore bland chick). The fact is, despite what this review says, the movie doesn't give any background into Wolverine's character. The "mythical" relationship between Sabes and Wolvie never feels forced and we never get that they care too much about each other that it matters they are now fighting. Another little gem is the fact that people start calling him "Logan" out of nowhere. Yes that's great character development right there! It's crap and a sequel will be crap. They need to just reboot this franchise sadly. Hopefully Marvel will do that after they regain control of the rights after Fox gets it dirty hands off it.

Posted by: kbroxmysox on April 27, 2009 08:29 PDT

What is up with everyone's obsession with rebooting....not everything needs a reboot,I mean it's like you go see a movie & just because it became a series and when someone doesn't like one movie out of the series all of sudden it needs a reboot.....1 movie failing out of the series doesn't constistute a reboot.....the Batman series before Nolan was in serious need of a reboot....if the X-men franchise starts going in that direction then I'll agree it needs a reboot,but until then....I can't agree that it needs a reboot,just accept it for what it is & move on......based upon the review it still looks like a decent film....I'll save my full judgement when I go see it this weekend,but for now I'm saying a reboot isn't necessary,quite yet....because technically isn't this movie considered a reboot in the series?I mean after the failure that the 3rd film was(even though I did enjoy it)....same goes for Magneto's orgin film that'll be done in a few years & from what I hear the rumors of a Deadpool & Gambit wouldn't make much sense to have movie rebooted that was technically already a's the first movie in this new's not in need of a reboot yet....when it starting going down the Pre-Nolan Batman series then I'll agree until then.....lay off the's seriously become everyone's obsession....


Prime Member
Jul 27, 2008
This is a great film, not perfect and not without his flaws, Deadpool at the end is one, undenibly so but come on, its the only major one and they already promised to fix him in his own solo later on. For the most part it's well crafted, beautiful music and excellent performances by everyone, no exceptions. The Story falters at some points yes, but overall, and especially at the beggining, it is excellent. We get a really good sense of the relationship between Logan and Sabretooth, and awesome fights (no one cna deny this, even if some times they over do it). Purist are the only ones i see complaining about this, finding minuscle detail and ever bitching about the creative license people took, listen i hate Fox as much as anyone, what they did to Dragonball has no name, and i do agree that X men would be better in the hands of Marvel, but lets not bash the hard work, dedication and true passion of these consumated artists, especially Hugh Jackman, you'd hard pressed to find someone more into his character, who loves it and the material and wants to keep it going for us fans. I wouldn't call this the finest X men movie, but definetly is second best, and i would love to see the sequel in Japan and the Deadpool solo, i give it a 4 out 5, and beg fans not to over hate the movie even if youre displeased, youre entitlted to hating it, but lets not over do it ok, lets be mature about it. People unfamiliar with comics will not find much to complain, because they dont care about detail and absolute faithfullness to the comics, so look it at that way and tel if you dont think its decent.


Aug 4, 2001
When there is so much utter, utter turd floating around in cinema at the moment, an average film like this is almost a good film. I'll watch it, if only because I have a man-crush on Hugh Jackman.


Rip Van Winkle
Apr 17, 2004
It's too bad, really.

The way Jackman talks about his movie, it seems like he actually cares about the character and the fans. He could only do his part, all the cameos and random crap aren't really his fault.


Feb 11, 2009
First off let say this to the idiot who said that this is a reboot movie. It is not a reboot movie, it is a back story movie in the same continuity as the first 3. Now to the review, this movie blows monkey balls. I agree with those who say the movies starts out great. The inclusion of Cyclops and Emma was not called for. Dont let me get started on the magic bullet that erases memories or Baraka-pool. Fox has shredded this franchise into taco salad. And going by this review it seems like they are saying This movie sucks but go see it anyway so fox can make their money back. Hugh Jackman doesn't like X-Men, he likes money and the X-Men movies are his big cash cow.
Aug 26, 2005
This really is a great film... if you're a fan of the X-Men trilogy then this one will, in my honest and brutal opinion, stand nicely beside its brethren. It certainly does NOT deserve a 6/10 - and you either love it or you hate it but X-Men fans (like myself) will be right at home here... if you have no interest in Wolverine/X-Men then no doubt you'll enjoy it a lot less. 9/10 from me. Its not without its flaws, but they are VERY minimal.


Sep 19, 2008
This film is garbage starting from a lousy unbelievable script, to hilariously bad acting, and not to mention Hugh is still a horrible choice for Wolverine. Logan would eat Jackman up for breakfast, and spit him out then chew on his bones for dessert.


Jan 9, 2009
I do not believe any real X-Men fan who ever loved the golden age of these characters with Claremont writing, can possibly enjoy this movie on any level. It is offensive and stupid. There is no excuse. Should I list the dumb and insulting things in this horrible mess? Its not a matter of nitpicking at all.

This movie is nonsense and as a fan I actually really feel hate and disgust towards it. Even with the changes made in the first 2 X-Men films, I feel there was an attempt to really respect the characters. For the most part at least. No one involved in this, cares at all. I don't care what Hugh says. This is a bad interpretation of the character. I want everyone who made this to stay away from these characters. Shamefull.



Feb 3, 2006
This movie was horrible. The plot just jumped everywhere, and it was full of tired cliches. Compared to X2, Stryker and wolverine's procedure also seemed pretty gay. And in the workprint, the music was cobbled together from various themes from Transformers.
Imo it deserves nothing less than a 5/10..


Sep 18, 2008
I love all these retards leaving comment reviews on a movie that they saw that was HALF done.. thats like licking a cow and saying you dont like the way that the burger tastes.


Jan 9, 2009
Half done? Are you insane?

I love people who talk like they know what they are saying when they obviously don't know a damn thing. This movie is a faliure on almost every level and anyone who has ever loved this character in a time that defined him, cannot possibly enjoy this.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2009
Axl, half done or nearly done, it doesn't matter, the point is it wasn't completed. The real stupidiy lies with people that expect realism from comic book movies, and those that expect the movie to relay everything they want out of the book.

Cinema cannot translate written works properly. As great as Lord of the Rings was, anyone familiar with the books will tell you that there were some flaws and liberties taken, but that does not remove from the fact that they were great MOVIES.

I'm going to see it Friday and form my own opinion, as in the end that's all anyone really has.


Jan 9, 2009
No, just no. Lord of the Rings respected the characters. Nolan's Batman movies respected the character, as did Iron Man. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate and true to the character but, it has to respect them and brother, this Wolverine flick doesn't care about the character(s).

Wolverine is too interesting a character for them to have felt the need to make up their own stuff. Their is stupid thing throughout this flick. Yes, the majority of those seeing this don't know or don't care enough to know, to be bothered by the ridiculous amount of dumb things in this. But, the fans have been betrayed and as a fan, watching this is a very painful experience.


Jan 9, 2009
I am going to put down here some thing off the top of my head that is just dumber then hell in this movie so highlight if you don't care about being spoiled from things that stink more then a pile of poo:

[hl=black]Instead of the program being Weapon X, now just Wolverine is. But its not really X. Its Roman numeral 10. And this Deadpool abomination is Weapon pause for it... 11!

Instead of Wolverine being taken because of the knowledge of his healing factor, and experimented on, he voluntarily goes along with this because if he doesn't he will just keep getting his butt kicked by Sabertooth.

Sabertooth is shorter then Wolverine, has lamb chops and dark hair.

Gambit manages to escape the program and later when Wolverine and Sabertooth fight it out in the streets, he for some reason decides to get involved and start fighting Wolverine.

Wolverine is scared to offend Blob, also known as fat bastard, and manages to knock him down (because of course Blob who can't be knocked down means nothing here much like with everything else).

Wolverine pops his claws left and right just for giggles. Doesn't wince at all. In the 1st X film Rogue asks him if it hurts, and Wolvie says "Everytime." And it should. His wounds heal so everytime Wolverine pops his claws he is cutting through his flesh. Realistically there should always be blood like in one of graphic novels (I understand they don't want to show blood) but, it should still cause him pain. In the comics whenever Wolverine popped his claws it meant something bad was going to happen. Here its all, hey check out these out.

Wolverine losses his memory not from brainwashing but from a magical adamantium bullet like he is a werewolf. Its all shoot him in the head and he will forget all of this.

Gambit is gay

Cyclops somehow is wearing Ruby quartz glasses that you know, Professor X gives him when he becomes an X-Men, before he even meets him or has any knowledge of the X-Men.

Wolverine gets called Logan out of the blue with no explanation (after being called James and Jimmy throughout)

Wolverine goes by the name Wolverine because of an Indian proverb about the moon being a Wolverine

Wolverine has the ability to sense danger to his girl from a mile or so away

His girl is really silverfox I guess, and is Emma Frosts sister

Emma Frost instead of being the badass White queen whose mental powers are almost as strong as the Professors here, just turns into a disco ball the can block bullets.

Professor X isn't in a wheelchair

Will.I.Am is a bore

the action scenes especially the one with the helicopter looks like it was filmed like an episode of the A-Team

Wolverine hardly even looks like Wolverine. I think they forgot about Wolverine's trademark hair and instead has beautiful flowing pretty Hugh Jackman hair

Instead of being discovered by Alpha Flight (that would have been too cool apparently) Wolverine gets ddiscovered by Ma and Pa Kent

...and for the record even though in one of the incarnations Wolverine real name is James, and he has bone claws, and Emma Frosts skin turned to diamonds, its just dumb. [/hl]

I will stop there because even speaking of these things is sickening me but, I eagerly await the real Wolverine movie made by Marvel. This movie is just wrong.


Aug 16, 2004
Instead of bashing the movie like that why don;t you do something more productive with your time? The movie isn't even out yet, if you didn't like the previews then don;t go see it.


Jul 9, 2007
A movie is not a movie unless you see it on the big screen. Now that being said I will wait till midnight on Thursday, watch it, and then give my grade. But being a guy who read the wolverine comics and the new origin comics, I have a weird feeling I will be disappointed. But we will see.

P.S. How can such a long and rich story line be in a 1 hour and 37 minute movie???


Jan 9, 2009
I did see it on a big screen. Don't assume everyone who saw it, saw it on a computer monitor. Look, I can't express this enough, how much I deeply love this character. Wolverine got me into comics. I saw a cover with this badass with claws out smoking a cig and looking like a maniac. I remember thinking "oh my god this is a superhero?" I loved him since I was around 6, long before I loved Batman. I even dressed up as Wolverine (for Halloween) when I was a little runt (There is a pun for you old school fans) and my dad made my hair look like Wolverine's using vasoline. My hair then, looked way more like Wolverine then Jackman's.

Listen, Wolverine at this stage should be more animal then man. That was a major conflict. It was always the irony that even though Wolverine looked more human then Sabertooth, he was always more of a maniac who was out of control and an animal then Victor. Wolverine in this movie is so friggin nice and sensitive. Damn, this just isn't Wolverine.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 2, 2005
W.AxlRose I think you dont know too well the comic book because the X in Weapon X really stand for 10 because it was the tenth program in the Weapon Plus program and Emma can turn her skin into diamond in the comics like in this movie. Also Emma is young in that movie about 16 to 18 years old so her telepathic power are not as powerfull as now and she have a cameo role so dont expect her to be in all her glory. And Gambit is cool in that movie.


Jan 9, 2009
Wesker-19 said:
W.AxlRose I think you dont know too well the comic book because the X in Weapon X really stand for 10 because it was the tenth program in the Weapon Plus program and Emma can turn her skin into diamond in the comics like in this movie. Also Emma is young in that movie about 16 to 18 years old so her telepathic power are not as powerfull as now and she have a cameo role so dont expect her to be in all her glory. And Gambit is cool in that movie.

My point is that Wolverine wasn't just Weapon X, they all were. Deadpool, Victor, Agent zero whatever, were all Weapon X.It is the program, not just Wolverine. Gambit is cool in this movie? Really? [hl=black]He somehow has the ability to twirl his staff like a helicopter and can glide, and knows how to scale a wall in case his staff splits in two. And please explain why he got involved in the fight with Wolvie and Sabertooth? It makes no sense, and makes him not cool. [/hl]

One more thing, what the hell is up with the blatant ripoff of Episode 1 of Star Wars [hl=black]with the doors opening up and Wolvie telling everyone to find another way out and they went at it. he kind of went out like Maul too. [/hl]


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 2, 2005
[hl=black]Instead of Wolverine being taken because of the knowledge of his healing factor, and experimented on, he voluntarily goes along with this because if he doesn't he will just keep getting his butt kicked by Sabertooth.

It was already said in X2, so i'm not surprised.

Sabertooth is shorter then Wolverine, has lamb chops and dark hair.

Not sure because Liev is 6'4 and Hugh is 6'3.

Gambit manages to escape the program and later when Wolverine and Sabertooth fight it out in the streets, he for some reason decides to get involved and start fighting Wolverine.

For action purpose.

Wolverine is scared to offend Blob, also known as fat bastard, and manages to knock him down (because of course Blob who can't be knocked down means nothing here much like with everything else).

Weird yes. Only Juggernaut can knock him down.

Wolverine pops his claws left and right just for giggles. Doesn't wince at all. In the 1st X film Rogue asks him if it hurts, and Wolvie says "Everytime." And it should. His wounds heal so everytime Wolverine pops his claws he is cutting through his flesh. Realistically there should always be blood like in one of graphic novels (I understand they don't want to show blood) but, it should still cause him pain. In the comics whenever Wolverine popped his claws it meant something bad was going to happen. Here its all, hey check out these out.

He have claws for a century, he have pain but he can endure it.

Wolverine losses his memory not from brainwashing but from a magical adamantium bullet like he is a werewolf. Its all shoot him in the head and he will forget all of this.

A little stupid because Adamantium cannot pierce adamantium. Wolverine can heal his injury but not his memory, i can deal with this liberty.

Gambit is gay

For me he is cool in that movie.

Cyclops somehow is wearing Ruby quartz glasses that you know, Professor X gives him when he becomes an X-Men, before he even meets him or has any knowledge of the X-Men.

Plot holes nothing else.

Wolverine gets called Logan out of the blue with no explanation (after being called James and Jimmy throughout)

Plot holes again.

Wolverine goes by the name Wolverine because of an Indian proverb about the moon being a Wolverine

For logic purpose in a movie plot. You dont decide to give you an alias without a purpose. In the movie it was about the proverb.

Wolverine has the ability to sense danger to his girl from a mile or so away

6th sense from a feral mutant. I the reality it was hinted that animal can sense the danger for their beloved ones.

His girl is really silverfox I guess, and is Emma Frosts sister

I'm with you is stupid.

Emma Frost instead of being the badass White queen whose mental powers are almost as strong as the Professors here, just turns into a disco ball the can block bullets.

Just cameo for a movie not about her it logic she is not in her full glory. And like i said before she can turn her skin into diamond.

Professor X isn't in a wheelchair

Like in the intro of X-Men 3. When Xavier was young he was not in a wheelchair.

Will.I.Am is a bore


the action scenes especially the one with the helicopter looks like it was filmed like an episode of the A-Team

For me the action looked nice.

Wolverine hardly even looks like Wolverine. I think they forgot about Wolverine's trademark hair and instead has beautiful flowing pretty Hugh Jackman hair

No one give a damn. Wolvie is wolvie.

Instead of being discovered by Alpha Flight (that would have been too cool apparently) Wolverine gets ddiscovered by Ma and Pa Kent

Alpha doens't exist in that reality.

...and for the record even though in one of the incarnations Wolverine real name is James, and he has bone claws, and Emma Frosts skin turned to diamonds, its just dumb.

Because Emma can turn her skin into diamond you know?

I will stop there because even speaking of these things is sickening me but, I eagerly await the real Wolverine movie made by Marvel. This movie is just wrong.

You will wait for a long time my friend![/hl]

[hl=black]My point is that Wolverine wasn't just Weapon X, they all were. Deadpool, Victor, Agent zero whatever, were all Weapon X. It is the program, not just Wolverine.

I can deal with that. Wolverine was the first success but not the last.

Gambit is cool in this movie? Really? He somehow has the ability to twirl his staff like a helicopter and can glide, and knows how to scale a wall in case his staff splits in two. And please explain why he got involved in the fight with Wolvie and Sabertooth? It makes no sense, and makes him not cool.

I am not a fan of Gambit i dont give a damn about it.[/hl]
Nov 18, 2002
I have seen the FULL movie in the cinema. There are as many things to love in this movie as there is to hate. Gambit without the accent is unforgivable. So many wasted characters. But I need to say that I loved X-Men3, It had great action the introduction of great new characters and as it was the last in a trilogy so it did not need to be weighed down by too much story. I appreciate that things get changed in movies. Only seeing great characters so briefly is a waste (just like Two Face in the Dark Knight) As a comic collector I am not too precious about things being mixed up. But this was just a bit mixed up. But having said all that its not as bad as Spiderman 3.
Feb 25, 2009
Saw it last night and the only things that really bothered me about the film was the inclusion of Scott Summers and Sabretooth hunting him. Then Deadpool at the end, where did the awesome "Merc with a Mouth" go from the first 20 minutes, very disappointed. Otherwise it was a decent film, not great but decent. Much better than Last Stand, at the least the story flowed in Wolverine.


Aug 22, 2008
Well the title is Wolverine.

It should be expected that other character inclusions would be short.

The short character inclusions might get fans excited to see their favorite mutant in a feature film.

Should be a good exciting film though.
Nov 27, 2003
*spoilers: Absolutely Tragic mishandling of the backstories of most of the characters, including Wolverine himself. The "Agent Zero" character was completely superfluous to the plot ((whatever happened to Maverick). I Agree with some of the changes they made, the liberties they took with Deadpool were atrocious. Scott Summers was a joke, I completely lost track of what time they were setting the story in, and by the end it was simply laughable. Poor 1/5


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 2, 2005
Ok now i have seing the movie and it was great and really fun. People who complaint about it are just d****** who dont know how to love a good action flick.

Spoiler Ahead:
Instead of the program being Weapon X, now just Wolverine is. But its not really X. Its Roman numeral 10. And this Deadpool abomination is Weapon pause for it... 11!

Me - Because in the comic book the X is really for 10. Did you know Captain America is Weapon I? And the Weapon XI of this film is way cooler than the Weapon XI in the comic book. And a Deadpool movie is planned.

Instead of Wolverine being taken because of the knowledge of his healing factor, and experimented on, he voluntarily goes along with this because if he doesn't he will just keep getting his butt kicked by Sabertooth.

Me - I doens't mind about this change because i loved this version too. They keep it in a similar way. Weapon X facility wanted his healing factor like in the comics in a way or another.

Sabertooth is shorter then Wolverine, has lamb chops and dark hair.

Me - No Sabretooth is a little bigger than Logan.

Gambit manages to escape the program and later when Wolverine and Sabertooth fight it out in the streets, he for some reason decides to get involved and start fighting Wolverine.

Me - He was insulted when Wolverine hit his prety face and wanted revenge against him.

Wolverine is scared to offend Blob, also known as fat bastard, and manages to knock him down (because of course Blob who can't be knocked down means nothing here much like with everything else).

Me - Just a cameo for a character everyone love like they did in X2 with Colossus.

Wolverine pops his claws left and right just for giggles. Doesn't wince at all. In the 1st X film Rogue asks him if it hurts, and Wolvie says "Everytime." And it should. His wounds heal so everytime Wolverine pops his claws he is cutting through his flesh. Realistically there should always be blood like in one of graphic novels (I understand they don't want to show blood) but, it should still cause him pain. In the comics whenever Wolverine popped his claws it meant something bad was going to happen. Here its all, hey check out these out.

Me - And the claw cause him pain but he endure it. He explained that in X1 he is not obligated to esplain that again. We all know it.

Wolverine losses his memory not from brainwashing but from a magical adamantium bullet like he is a werewolf. Its all shoot him in the head and he will forget all of this.

Me - Bullet can do brain damage you know? Wolvie can heal his wound but not is memory.

Gambit is gay

Me - No, you are gay. It the first time i loved Gambit that much in something

Cyclops somehow is wearing Ruby quartz glasses that you know, Professor X gives him when he becomes an X-Men, before he even meets him or has any knowledge of the X-Men.

Me - Maybe this will be explained in X-Men First Class.

Wolverine gets called Logan out of the blue with no explanation (after being called James and Jimmy throughout)

Me - Two explanations: First maybe he changed his name after the incident with Team X or Second in the movie version his Name is James Logan Howlet.

Wolverine goes by the name Wolverine because of an Indian proverb about the moon being a Wolverine

Me - A cool idea to introduce where he found this name and why it was important for him in realistic purpose

Wolverine has the ability to sense danger to his girl from a mile or so away

Me - No he followed Sabretooth's sent in the wood because Victor wanted Logan to fellow him. Are you sure you have watched this movie.

His girl is really silverfox I guess, and is Emma Frosts sister

Me - Story purpose to explain why Silverfox was doing all the bidding Stryker wanted in exchanged for her sister safety and to introduce another character everyone love.

Emma Frost instead of being the badass White queen whose mental powers are almost as strong as the Professors here, just turns into a disco ball the can block bullets.

Me - The story take place before she became the White Queen and as i know the movie is not called X-Men Origins Emma Frost.

Professor X isn't in a wheelchair

Me - The story take place 17 years before X-Men 1 like in the intro of X3 when he was more younger.

Will.I.Am is a bore

Me - John Wraith was cool

the action scenes especially the one with the helicopter looks like it was filmed like an episode of the A-Team

Me - The helicopter scene was done right.

Wolverine hardly even looks like Wolverine. I think they forgot about Wolverine's trademark hair and instead has beautiful flowing pretty Hugh Jackman hair

Me - Wolverine looked like Wolverine. Read more comics and less cartoons.

Instead of being discovered by Alpha Flight (that would have been too cool apparently) Wolverine gets ddiscovered by Ma and Pa Kent

Me - The old man said he have a son maybe his son is James MacDonald Hudson the leader of Alpha Flight.

...and for the record even though in one of the incarnations Wolverine real name is James, and he has bone claws, and Emma Frosts skin turned to diamonds, its just dumb.

Me - Emma Frost being able to turn into diamond turn character more cooler.

I will stop there because even speaking of these things is sickening me but, I eagerly await the real Wolverine movie made by Marvel. This movie is just wrong.

Me - This movie was just awesome and i am already impatient for the sequel.

My point is that Wolverine wasn't just Weapon X, they all were. Deadpool, Victor, Agent zero whatever, were all Weapon X.It is the program, not just Wolverine.

Me - No! It was just Wolverine.

Gambit is cool in this movie? Really? He somehow has the ability to twirl his staff like a helicopter and can glide, and knows how to scale a wall in case his staff splits in two. And please explain why he got involved in the fight with Wolvie and Sabertooth? It makes no sense, and makes him not cool.

Me - Gambit is a formidable fighter and like i said he got involved in the fight between Logan and Sabretooth to take revenge against Wolverine for hiting his face.

One more thing, what the hell is up with the blatant ripoff of Episode 1 of Star Wars with the doors opening up and Wolvie telling everyone to find another way out and they went at it. he kind of went out like Maul too.

Me - It was Silver Fox who guided the prisoners to the right place to escape and they found their way. -Spoiler finished.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This movie was all right. I wouldn't give it a 3. Maybe more like a 5.5 or 6. I was not expecting anything other than I needed something to wash out the taste of X-Men 3. It did succeed there. Despite it's shortcomings it did do some things extremely well. I was pleased with Wolverine and it didn't feel like a re-invention of the character that we have seen and come to like from the films. My biggest complaint was the time setting. For the first third of the film, it followed a timeline very well and we understood what the time period was. But, there came a point where you start to lose context with the time period and you try to follow it, but you can't. At one point I was thinking it was the late 60's early 70's but then HummVees appear out of nowhere. WTF?! Ok, I can get past that. Continuity is what it is. Some directors pay attention to that and then others... well, ignore it all together. All in all, this film was a popcorn flick. It won't reveal anything new but it has exciting moments with Schreiber and Jackman doing very well for a summer movie. I can't complain. It got me out of the house and allowed me to suspend disbelief for about two hours. That is what movies should do.
Apr 15, 2010
unfortunatelly their 3 is a 3 out of 10 and then they have a 6 out of 10, and this shit deserves 3 out of 10
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