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Aug 15, 2010
Through out the Marvel Comic Studios career, they haven't been the best to make everything accurate based off of the comics (such as making Juggernaut a mutant in the 3rd X-men movie, and not having web shooters for Peter Parker in the god awful Spiderman Trilogy). The most recent Marvel Comic Film, X-men First Classes, was based off of a particular "saga" in the X-men universe. Some things that I noticed weren't particularly accurate were:

Alexander Summers' (Havok) could make energy "saws" and throw them, while in the comic books he could always use energy blast and beams through his hands.
Charles Xavier (Professor X) wasn't paralyzed like he was in the comics. In the comics, an alien threw a boulder on top of him, while in the movie a bullet to his spinal cord made him paralyzed.
Max Eisenhardt (Magneto) was referred to as Erik Lehnsherr the entire movie
Henry "Hank" McCoy (Beast) did not have super strength and speed before his transformation
Janos Q. (Riptide) mutant power in the movie was to create twisters and tornados with his hands whilst in the comic book he could spin at an incredible rate.

Please feel free to add additional errors in the movie!


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
All comic book movies are gonna take liberties (sometimes not always warranted) when looking to base the script on the source material. I liked the movie, but thought these were some of the things that were done in a lame sort of way. Other things dealing with story and continuity bothered me as well but I liked the movie overall.

Also, just to add to your list, Emma Frost has to change her entire body into her diamond form, not parts like her hands.


Aug 15, 2008
dd1zzle said:
Through out the Marvel Comic Studios career, they haven't been the best to make everything accurate based off of the comics (such as making Juggernaut a mutant in the 3rd X-men movie, and not having web shooters for Peter Parker in the god awful Spiderman Trilogy). The most recent Marvel Comic Film, X-men First Classes, was based off of a particular "saga" in the X-men universe. Some things that I noticed weren't particularly accurate were:

Alexander Summers' (Havok) could make energy "saws" and throw them, while in the comic books he could always use energy blast and beams through his hands.
Charles Xavier (Professor X) wasn't paralyzed like he was in the comics. In the comics, an alien threw a boulder on top of him, while in the movie a bullet to his spinal cord made him paralyzed.
Max Eisenhardt (Magneto) was referred to as Erik Lehnsherr the entire movieHenry "Hank" McCoy (Beast) did not have super strength and speed before his transformation
Janos Q. (Riptide) mutant power in the movie was to create twisters and tornados with his hands whilst in the comic book he could spin at an incredible rate.

Please feel free to add additional errors in the movie!

With Xavier, there's a reason why there is something called a "plot device" & really that's what Xavier's patalyzation was a plot device in this film. Of course it's not going to happen the same way it happened in the comic, that's why there is a screenplay made, to which the follow to plot of the movie. I mean how bad would it be, if we saw the movie the way it was & then just randomly alien popped in thier & threw a boulder at Xavier for not reason, wouldn't make much sense would it.

Now onto Magneto's are correct about Magneto's real name, however he was was referred to Erik Lehnsherr for two reason. The 1st being Erik Lehnsherr, has already been established in the film continuity as being Magneto's name. Being that this film follows the same timeline as the original trilogy, it makes sense why they would continue to use the name. Also Erik Lehnsherr was used in the comic & I'm going to quote something from wikipedia here to where the name came about.

Magneto was born Max Eisenhardt sometime in the late 1920s to a middle class German Jewish family whose father, Jakob Eisenhardt was a highly decorated World War I veteran.Surviving discrimination and hardship during the Nazi rise to power, Kristallnacht, and the passing of the Nuremberg Laws, in 1939 Max and his family fled to Poland where they were captured during the German invasion of Poland and sent to the Warsaw Ghetto.Max and his family escaped the Ghetto, only to be betrayed and captured again. His mother, father, and sister are executed and buried in a mass grave, but Max survived, possibly due to the manifestation of his powers. Escaping from the mass grave, he was ultimately captured yet again and sent to Auschwitz, where he eventually became a Sonderkommando.While at Auschwitz, Eisenhardt reunited with a Roma girl named Magda, with whom he had fallen in love when he was younger, and with whom he escaped the prison camp during the October 7th 1944 revolt. Following the war, he and Magda moved to the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia, and Max adopted the name "Magnus". Magda and Magnus had a daughter named Anya, and lived uneventfully until one night when an angry mob burned down their home with Anya still inside. Enraged at the mob for preventing him from rescuing Anya, the young Magnus's powers manifested uncontrollably, killing the mob and destroying a part of the city. Magda, terrified at Magnus' power, left him and later gave birth to the mutant twins Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch before walking away to die. [hl=yellow]Wanted by the authorities for the deaths and destruction in Vinnytsia, while searching for Magda, Magnus paid a Romanian forger George Odekirk, to create the cover identity of "Erik Lehnsherr the Sinte gypsy" for him[/hl].

Read the highlighted passage.
Nov 16, 2008
I don't know much about the comics but it seems that some of those changes sound like they are for the better, such as those to do with the way they use their powers.

One thing though I have always felt it better that Spiderman's webs are a result of the bite rather than something he invented. It is so much better and easier to buy than him being a genius and able to come up with something like that. It's also rubbish in the comic books when he would run out of webs, it's a stupid part of the character and should always be part of his powers not a mechanical invention.
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