
No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
So I think most fans are in agreement that Konami (aka Great Satan) has its boot on the neck of MGS at the moment, and any MGS product they churn out without the creative direction of the series' creator would be an abomination (enter MG Pachinko). But things change, and the video game industry, particularly in Japan, is a fickle beast. Would you be willing to accept a new MG title, or a MG reboot, if Konami management changes or the property is licensed out? And if so, under what conditions?

Just curious, b/c I'm a game design student specializing in writing for games, and working on a MGS remake is my impossible pipe dream [face_tongue] I'm thinking about making a thread on here with some ideas for how I would handle remaking the old games, but if the fans are totally opposed to anything that isn't straight from the hand of Kojima, I'll hold off.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
Only under very strict circumstances. Those circumstances are listed as follows:

1) It must be good.

That's it. If Konami is capable of making good MG games without Kojima, then that would be awesome news.


Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2009
I would prefer the Metal Gear series to be left untouched because I think it has long since run its course, not to mention that Kojima is done with it. It had a good run, and I'd hate to see it get milked to death by Konami (which is already happening with Snake Eater Pachislot).

That said, if someone could come along and make a good Metal Gear game without disrespecting Kojima's legacy, I won't have any reason to complain.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
As much as I hate Konami, if a Metal Gear game comes out with high production values, a good story (although preferably a new canon) and the game is actually good, I can see myself buying it.

The problem is, without Kojima, I don't see much innovation in the series' future. Each game has been a technical marvel and pushed the stealth genre and games medium forward in new and interesting ways. I don't see that happening at Konami anymore. I'm sure they have talented people there, but with corporate restructuring giving the bigwigs the control and not the designers, I don't think we're ever going to see something that feels truly fresh and new.

What I'm afraid of is getting an Arkham Origins situation.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Sure. The people who worked with Kojima for decades know his style, and could easily imitate it with weird plots and characters. You would not know the difference, really.

After all, we have many other game franchises where the writers and designers have been swapped several times, and it has not affected the greatness of those series'.


Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2009
Sure. The people who worked with Kojima for decades know his style, and could easily imitate it with weird plots and characters. You would not know the difference, really.

After all, we have many other game franchises where the writers and designers have been swapped several times, and it has not affected the greatness of those series'.
Not true. I don't think you're giving Kojima's individual artistic sense enough credit.

Kojima had tried a few times in the past to let his co-workers make a MGS game without him, and he always had to step in because development wasn't going well.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
Sure. The people who worked with Kojima for decades know his style, and could easily imitate it with weird plots and characters. You would not know the difference, really.

After all, we have many other game franchises where the writers and designers have been swapped several times, and it has not affected the greatness of those series'.
Not true. I don't think you're giving Kojima's individual artistic sense enough credit.

Kojima had tried a few times in the past to let his co-workers make a MGS game without him, and he always had to step in because development wasn't going well.
Exactly. Kojima's team has proven time and time again that unless he's there, they can't really do a competent job. He's talked about how the younger members of his team couldn't understand his creative vision and how he wanted to change things up since they were too used to how things were always done. Hell, he handed Rising to Platinum because the team he assigned to it wasn't performing up to snuff.

I'm certain his new Kojima Productions won't have this problem with a small, hand-picked staff helmed by him.


Original poster
This is a problem with management, and a problem with Kojima, unfortunately.

The entire thing would collapse without him. That's a bad thing. He didn't delegate enough and didn't let others contribute as much, because Metal Gear was always his show, his baby. Maybe it was because he didn't trust members of his team enough, but this is the result. Now no one would be able to do Metal Gear, and an imitation of someone's style isn't good. When you create an organization that collapses without one or two key people, the organization will fail.


No Longer a Noob
May 20, 2013
Shadow Moses
I'm that kind of person who hates when companies keep f***ing milking dead cows. Dragon Ball, Yugioh, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, The Terminator etc. Let them rip, for god.
It wouldn't be different with MG. Kojima is done, I'm done, everything is fine so I wouldn't like to see it being milked ever again.

But we all know its impossible because of money. So at least make it new and make it a great experience.
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Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
I'm that kind of person who hates when companies keep f***ing milking dead cows. Dragon Ball, Yugioh, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, The Terminator etc. Let them rip, for god.
It wouldn't be different with MG. Kojima is done, I'm done, everything is fine so I wouldn't like to see it being milked ever again.

But we all know its impossible because of money. So at least make it new and make it a great experience.




No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
Yeah okay, after seeing Metal Gear Survive or whatever the fuck that was supposed to be, I'm gonna go ahead and definitively say I don't want an MGS without Kojima. And I'm the one who started this thread.

Oh, and that shit I said about wanting to work on an MGS reboot? Nevermind. That dream officially died today.