
The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
December to Dismember. a WWE run Ecw ppv from 06. worst chamber match of all time and a ppv of unbuilt matches with like one decent match on the card. I only ever got one TNA ppv ever which was a Bound for glory and it was a good show. December 2 dismember was easily the worst one i ever got
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No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
December to Dismember. a WWE run Ecw ppv from 06. worst chamber match of all time and a ppv of unbuilt matches with like one decent match on the card. I only ever got one TNA ppv ever which was a Bound for glory and it was a good show. December 2 dismember was easily the worst one i ever got
I do remember being pissed that I paid money for that show.


Feb 26, 2014
I seem to remember this PPV being really bad, but I can't bring myself to watch it back, just in case it's as bad as I remember. I'm thinking the Orton/Christian match was pretty good, but might be mistaking it for one of their other matches that was great ...



Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Backlash 2018

When people earnestly say "Man, the Miz's match really saved that show from being completely unwatchable," I mean....



Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
I seem to remember this PPV being really bad, but I can't bring myself to watch it back, just in case it's as bad as I remember. I'm thinking the Orton/Christian match was pretty good, but might be mistaking it for one of their other matches that was great ...
It was pretty good, but also the weakest of their whole series


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
I do remember being pissed that I paid money for that show.

That ppv was the demise of ECW as a standalone brand in WWE. It failed so badly that they stopped pushing it with its own ppvs like Raw and Sd had at the time
And yeah I imagine everyone unfortunate enough to have bought it was mad afterwards lol.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
That ppv was the demise of ECW as a standalone brand in WWE. It failed so badly that they stopped pushing it with its own ppvs like Raw and Sd had at the time
And yeah I imagine everyone unfortunate enough to have bought it was mad afterwards lol.
It also led to Heyman departing from the company for a while (I think until Brock’s return), because Vince overruled everything he wanted to do and ignored Heyman insisting the fans would shit on the way Vince booked it.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
It failed so badly that they stopped pushing it with its own ppvs like Raw and Sd had at the time
To be fair the only PPV's after that were New Year's Revolution, the Rumble, No Way Out, and from WrestleMania on nobody had brand specific PPV's


Feb 2, 2011
The Danger Zone
I think WM 32 would be the worst for me. The only redeeming thing on that show was Sasha/Becky/Charlotte. I hear ppl say the ladder match and Styles/Jericho were also worth it, but for me the former was ruined by Zack Ryder winning for no good reason and the latter was just a mediocre match by AJ Styles standards at the time. I really felt the time I spent watching this could have made my life better. I also hate WM 27, but at least it was shorter.


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
I think WM 32 would be the worst for me. The only redeeming thing on that show was Sasha/Becky/Charlotte. I hear ppl say the ladder match and Styles/Jericho were also worth it, but for me the former was ruined by Zack Ryder winning for no good reason and the latter was just a mediocre match by AJ Styles standards at the time. I really felt the time I spent watching this could have made my life better. I also hate WM 27, but at least it was shorter.

32 was one of the worst mania's overall But i mainly say December 2 Dismember because i forgot WM 32 almost in entirety aside from a few matches. So for me it was more forgettable and meh than terrible. Where as i remember D2D specifically because it was so bad. Wm 27 was much the same i only remember Undertaker vs HHH and Miz vs Cena. i forgot every other match that happened there. So mostly more forgettable than terrible.

It also led to Heyman departing from the company for a while (I think until Brock’s return), because Vince overruled everything he wanted to do and ignored Heyman insisting the fans would shit on the way Vince booked it.

Yeah Heyman split until he came back and was with Brock and Punk when Brock wasn't there until he turned on Punk for Brock.
I was convinced for years that vince sabotaged some creative on purpose just to troll and screw with people and bury certain wrestlers. I know he was doing it on purpose too. Because there was no logical reason for some of it at points other than to bury someone and troll the fans. And all the NXT call up burials over the years were because people said HHH booked better than Vince. He buried them out of spite..


King Of The Pirates
Nov 25, 2020
I seem to remember this PPV being really bad, but I can't bring myself to watch it back, just in case it's as bad as I remember. I'm thinking the Orton/Christian match was pretty good, but might be mistaking it for one of their other matches that was great ...

I loved that ppv. The Cena vs truth match was actually good


No Longer a Noob
Apr 7, 2015
Honestly I dont remember the name I remember the Year it was 2007. After Eddie and Benoit died we started looking for alternatives. We found TNA that was amazing but the one PPV we got was a Japanese Promotion that did nothing but death matches I want to say FMLL but it was a long time ago and we ended up turning it off even my dad who was a fan of hard core and old 70s style brawls like Funk vs Rhodes said that wasn't wrestling.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Honestly I dont remember the name I remember the Year it was 2007. After Eddie and Benoit died we started looking for alternatives. We found TNA that was amazing but the one PPV we got was a Japanese Promotion that did nothing but death matches I want to say FMLL but it was a long time ago and we ended up turning it off even my dad who was a fan of hard core and old 70s style brawls like Funk vs Rhodes said that wasn't wrestling.
The irony is kinda palpable, considering how prevalent Funk was to Japanese Death Match history (not that you or your dad are expected to know that)


No Longer a Noob
Apr 7, 2015
The irony is kinda palpable, considering how prevalent Funk was to Japanese Death Match history (not that you or your dad are expected to know that)
I know that in the long run same with Foley just don't really enjoy the style. Like I see the stuff GCW does with the light bulbs and glass and stuff and it's a turn off. The only reason I watched it was my buddy bought it is because he's a huge Jeff Jarrett fan and wanted to see if he could still go when he fought Effy.