
Nov 9, 2009
I just picked this up - it is by far, the worst looking PS3 game I have ever played. EVERYTHING is blurry, out of focus and VERY dark. It is not my tv since all other games I play are crystal clear and perfect

Anyone else have this problem?


Jan 13, 2010
yeah, this game definitely doesn't look as sharp on the ps3 as it does on the 360. i had heard that they did a quick port of the game about 6 months after they released it for the 360, so it isn't developed with the ps3 in mind. my biggest complaint was that it was just too dark and the game didn t have an option to adjust the lighting. don't forget the game is about 2 years old for the ps3 and 3 years old for the 360. rainbow six vegas 2 (i like the original better) is a better port and a better game on the ps3


Feb 21, 2010
I agree with you on this ...i had to stop playing the crap of a game after 20 mins. Ifelt cheated and really upset that this game was allowed to be released at all. After playing modern warfare 2, i couldn't stomach this game. Stay away if you are thinking about getting this. A little worried about the high rating it got on ign.


Apr 9, 2005
If you think so, RSV2 is one of the best games I’ve played, so it's a little lets try and find something worth complaining about. At least you don’t have douches stabbing you all the time, "OMG I just got stabbed in the toe! Now I have to die instantly!!!! Uhhh no that’s gay get that outta here if they make RSV3 then MW2 get its competition
Feb 20, 2010
hey i like rainbow six... compaired to shitty games like halo (gaylo) queers of war ( gears of war ) it really is under rated ... but it really ticks me off when people judge a game by the cover or what they've seen .... i wont get into the games that i play .... but my point stands which is DON'T JUDGE A GOOD GAME BY SAYING IT SUCKS OR SOME OTHER B.S.