
Jan 18, 2015
World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2 has been available already today, along with the introduction of WOW Token. If everything goes well, players can exchange wow gold and game time between each other. But it is still most players that worry about its price setting.

wow token available in 6.1.2 ptr

How WOW Token works

Players can "purchase a WOW Token through the in-game shop with cash, and then sell it on the Auction House for gold at the current market price. When a player buys a WoW Token from the Auction House with gold, the Token becomes Soulbound, and the player can then redeem it for 30 days of game time."

Two days ago, World of Warcraft lead game designer Ion Hazzikostas revealed that "it's a part of Patch 6.1.2, a smaller update hitting the public test realms, in the very near future." it comes unexpectedly soon.

How much a WOW Token costs

Blizzard hasn't set the cash price yet, but Hazzikostas said that "it's not going to be cheaper than a monthly subscription," which runs $15 a month. What's more, wow tokens are cat out at the current market price, and players cannot be able to set their own price for a token.

That means, no matter how violent wow gold price fluctuates, the sellers can and only can get that set wow gold us or eu. For all sellers, it means nothing but risks. But if you have millions of wow gold in stock, you can purchase some WOW Tokens for sale to gain more wow game pay time.

If you would like to join 6.1.2 PTR, it is time to copy your character and download the PTR client now. And Patch 6.1.2 adds in the framework needed for the WoW Token feature in the game client and is not active at this time.

News from: Gold4fans