May 7, 2012
Hey guys. I made this program called Seed Autobuyer. It has a neopets main shop autobuyer, auction sniper, a shop auto pricer and a shop wiz sniper. It works great and has gotten me and my friends tons of NP.

I have been making neopets programs for years, and I really think this is my best autobuyer yet, it has everything! Below are some youtube videos explaining how to use it. This is the real deal!

Download link:

Main shop AB and Auto pricer guide:
Auction Sniper Guide:
Shop Wiz Sniper Guide:
Enjoy! :-D


Jul 7, 2013
You could do that if it were still 2010.

If you want to be a part of a brand new community, and help test programs before they are fully released...

Go to & contact detrimental or joseph.

We currently have a fully working main shop autobuyer, an aaa autobuyer (functional) in testing, and loads more in the works!!!

Also, come by and share your ideas, staff are always working on new projects and would love to hear some input.
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