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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Wolverine in X-Men: First Class?[/link]
by Scott Collura

UPDATED: Could Wolverine, the most famous (and profitable) of the X-Men, be making a cameo in Fox's upcoming X-Men: First Class? Producer Bryan Singer and the studio weigh in on the rumors. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Sep 21, 2004
i dunno i personally kinda wish the continuties would link up some how so they all make sense... but thats just my opinion. i just wish we could see the actually xmen the way they were supposed to be like the comics.
Sep 30, 2010
I'm a HUGE Wolverine fan (hence the user name) but he doesn't belong in the X-men First Class film. I hope they don't put him in since all his character is used for it seems is a cash cow. Give some other X-men characters a chance.


Nov 15, 2009
I think he should make a cameo appearance. Fox needs to assure its' audience that there is some continuity in this series and carefully placing Jackman's Wolverine into the film could help viewers see the scope of these stories. Plus, you can put him in the trailers, which would rake in 20 mill extra for the film.

This is why I prefer what DC is trying to do with their properties. They put their characters in stand alone films where other DC superheroes don't exist. It allows the viewer to simply soak in that particular character rather then get confused in a mess of sub plots and superhero hierarchy. I can't stand that Marvel's movies have become long commercials for future movies. They aren't films, their expensive pitches for future pitches. When I watch Fox I'm reminded why I want to write films in the first place; because the people at Fox doing it today are very dim bulbs. Fox doesn't seem to know what it want out of the X-Men franchise except for, of course, money. I mean, whoever approved the script for X-Men Origins: Wolverine should have been taken down to the cellar and clubbed like a baby seal... Wait, you mean the protagonist loses his memory at the end so, technically, none of the dross I watched for the previous two hours even mattered? Great! Sign me up, I want to see that movie.

The approach DC seems to be taking, minus the idea of the Justice League film that got squashed, seems to be the ideal approach. Viewers are allowed to focus on the main plot of a particular film and won't get tied down trying to understand how what they are watching effects other elements in the grand scheme of the universe. The Green Lantern film seems to be taking this approach. I think it appears all the better because of it.


Aug 15, 2008
As long as it's Jackman who makes the cameo as Wolverine. Just do not recast him in the reboot.
Jan 3, 2009
I currently work for Marvel Studios, and have worked with many big name celebs. I find it impossible to believe that Jackman would just take a cab. We always use car services, limos or professional drivers for cast members, and am willing to bet Fox would do the same thing. Could you imagine Jackman getting off a plane and jumping in a yellow cab? No way...


Mar 24, 2009
BKirckof, I'm not sure if you got the whole point of the wolverine movie (don't get wrong, it was a mess of a film) but it had to show logan's life up to and including his work in the weapon x program. He had to lose his memory or the the first x- men movies would make no sense. Oh, and these x- men films have not tied into any other marvel movie franchise what so ever. The only marvel movies that are doing that are the avenger characters, and that was planned from the beginning( with exception of iron man).

So in short, WHAT?


Mar 24, 2009
BKirckof, I'm not sure if you got the whole point of the wolverine movie (don't get wrong, it was a mess of a film) but it had to show logan's life up to and including his work in the weapon x program. He had to lose his memory or the the first x- men movies would make no sense. Oh, and these x- men films have not tied into any other marvel movie franchise what so ever. The only marvel movies that are doing that are the avenger characters, and that was planned from the beginning( with exception of iron man).

So in short, WHAT?


May 2, 2008
Beyond The Fact That This Movie Will Not Feature Cyclops And Jean (WHICH WILL MAKE IT S**K), Bringing Wolverine In Will Only Make It S**k Even More.


Prime Member
May 7, 2007
@awalkerphoenix, yeah I thought of that. The studios will often provide black limo service even for the likes of me on set visits! That's bottom of the barrel... but maybe this guy wasn’t a “cab driver” but a limo driver… could’ve gotten lost in translation.


Oct 22, 2008
I am really sick of Wolverine. He was the 'ultimate' hero in all 3 Xmen movies and he got his own Origins. Wolverine is a big deal I know but my gawd can we get a real glimpse at the others besides a fancy 5 sec display of powers.

I was soo excited for Gambit in Origins but he barely did anything.

They may as well call it Wolverine and Friends Pt. 5


Mar 12, 2009
I dont mind if it is just a cameo.. I would like a movie that focuses more on the other mutants. I like Wolverine but the other mutants are just as cool.


Original poster
well considering Hollywood is going to completly rape and effe the origins up to their plastic corporate liking..i don't see why he shouldn't be in the movie (other than continuity of the legend-but hell..stan lee has sucked enough dick to where it doesnt matter now)

but end the end...i am still waiting on the White person version of MLK's life. i think the guy from Seinfeild should be MLK...maybe Dog the Bounty hunter as Malcolm X?! yeh....
Sep 4, 2008
Personslly I would prefer it if he doesn't have a cameo. I mean wolverine's had his time on the silver screen. I think it's time to let some of the other mutants have some. I think the film would probably do better as well as it would help to make it more independent from the rest of the x-men films.


Apr 10, 2010
Wolverine's cameo could either make or break this movie, and the entire franchise for that matter. I say this because Wolverine has had overexposure to Hollywood, and more appearances, even just cameos, could practically overload audiences. On the other hand, it could tell us that the continuity is the same, or at least we could hope so. We'll see.


Oct 19, 2010
Wow well he does join that would be great and theres only one man able to play poor old man logan and thats hugh. he shouldnt be in the movie for mnore than 5 mins thi has nothing to do with hiim but it could lead up to the reboots coming up and how they met.
Jul 17, 2003
I feel like Fox could completely ignore Wolvie in the FIRST X-Men reboot film. Just dupe the casual fans - they'll see "X-Men" and just assume he's in there. You'd have to throw him a few scenes in a sequel probably, but just dupe the ignorant masses with the first film and keep him out of it.


Hip Hop Shinobi
Jun 9, 2003
I love Wolverine as he is one of my 3 favorite comic book characters. With that said.....I think First Class needs to operate without Wolverine. The strength of the characters and life of x-men comic books is that you can use any of the characters in a good story and make it work without certain other characters. I think it's highly important for Fox to make this movie work without Wolverine.
Apr 19, 2010
If they were going to have Wolverine in it at all, I'd be glad if they used Jackman to play him. He's a great wolverine, it would be good if they gave him a decent script for a change.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 7, 2003
Some peoples seems to forget that Wolverine was one of the soldiers who help the young Magneto to escape his concentration camp during WW2.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 25, 2004
If we're talking about having the Wolverine film connect with the First Class film (and ignore comic Lore as Fox always does), then Wolverine would have to make a cameo in First Class BEFORE he lost his memory and long before he joined Weapon-X.

The reason is because in the film we see him rescue Scot from the prison, and we've been told Cylops is not in First Class.

If Fox cares about continuity (FOR ONCE) they are going to have make that work somehow. But then again, they have alread ruined the continuity between Sabertooth in Wolverine and Sabertooth in X-Men1 and the lack of "brotherly" connection between them in X-Men1.
Aug 9, 2010
Maybe they'll remove the first Wolverine from continuity all together? Wolverine 2 and First Class could both say "Okay, things didn't happen the way they did in that movie at all." I've heard that Deadpool is ignoring it, anyway.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2009
How about we let someone other than Fox handle this? Someone who respects the source material and won't trash it. This movie is going to suck, they have made so many bone-headed moves.
Aug 23, 2010
I always though Wolverine was the factor that put X-Men in the spotlight. Before him, they were just whiney brats with stupid powers, but then they brought in a guy who wasn't afraid to spill some blood, a guy everyone knows, Wolverine.


Sep 8, 2010
Fox would do this because they want to make as much money possable before a real studio takes over the franchise! YES THAT WOULD BE DISNEY!


Original poster
this doesn't make any sense, didn't Wolverine meet Rogue and the rest of the gang for the very first time in the first x-men movie? did someone shoot him in the head with another adamantium bullet?!!


Oct 26, 2010
@solidknight... yeh, much like X3, and Origins Hollywood is once again going about ******* up really great stories and characters to sell tickets to morons.

X1 was awesome because they new it would be the Marvel fan base that was predomately watching it. Now the series has a name for itself they are just going to make up any BS they want to get tickets sold.
Sep 29, 2008
X1 sucked. X2 sucked. X3 sucked. Wolverine Origins sucked.

I absolutely love the X-Men, but I never once imagined that a movie about mutants with bad-ass powers, interesting personalities, and 40+ years of continuity could possibly be turned into a 2 hour long boring soap opera.
Feb 11, 2010
can someone enlighten me..

So this movie is a "reboot" or "new start" therefore the timeline of x1, x2, and x3 dont need to be followed...correct or no.


Jun 3, 2009
Given that Hugh is also helping to produce the next Wolverine movie, he has a lot more to do with the X-Men franchise than just acting. They were probably co-ordinating story ideas or marketing tie-ins.


Dec 27, 2003
@CommanderTurk_19... Matthew Vaughn has said it's a prequel. A horribly conceived prequel.
Jun 4, 2006
ALL X-men movies SUCKED MAJOR BALLS! I grew up watching the cartoon series and the movies basically just ruined the franchise name. And I truly deeply HATE Hugh Jack-off as wolverine, i guess he has the looks but the type of personality he brings as wolverine feels off. its not believable
Jul 20, 2004
@gigidygigidygo I totally agree with you, there are 3 things only that I enjoyed about these lame movies: Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto (even though for Magneto should be bigger), Patrick Stwart as Prof X and Rebecca as Mistyque all of the rest was HORRIBLE!!

And this movie is conceived as a reboot and NO there shouldn't be Wolverine just the original 5 members of the X-Men. Disney should break off Fox's contract and take care of such great franchise and not let another abortions come to the big screen such as Wolverine 2 and First Class the way it seems to be right now (even though I like the cast 'till now, that's my point)


Oct 2, 2010
So we're getting news from cab drivers now. I might ask the pizza delivery guy who the next villian is in Batman 3. Get a grip IGN...


Mar 10, 2009
So, no Cyclops (The FIRST X-man) but they find a way to pigeonhole Loser-ine? Typical. I can't wait until he's chewing up camera time in the Avengers sequel as well.
Dec 28, 2009
This is interesting, as i say always i am a huge fan of Hugh Jackman and i'd love to see him as my first favorite mutant in The First Class even as a cameo.


Feb 21, 2011
I'm fan of X-Men movies and I love all the characters But in the last movies Wolverine has shown like leading role.
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