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No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
Here is the categories for the awards, try to answer them all [face_tongue]

Best Non-American User:

Biggest Spammer:

User to be a Mod:

User to Never Stop Posting:

User Most Likely To Be Perma’d:

User That Needs To Post More:

Thread of the Year:

Most Influential User:

Best ’04 User:

Best ’05 User:

Best ’06 User:

Best ’07 User:

Best Newcomer:

Worst Newcomer:

User That Needs To Return:

User that Needs To Leave:

Most Improved User:

Funniest User:

Most Helpful User:

Best Icon:

Best Signature:

Nicest User:

Best Veteran (Consists of: Robbie922004, forzenspear2004, gatebreaker99, kongming_rulz and Rossie94):

Best Reg (Anyone not listed in the veteran category and still posts):

User of the Year:

As always, the same rules apply, don't vote for yourself, those votes will be discounted. I should make it known that no double voting is allowed so don't send me the same or different votes from the same user as those will be discounted. Send this to me over email at or PM your nominations to me. I'm not sure when I'll have the results up, I'm pretty busy these days so just because I haven't posted them doesn't mean I've given up or forgotten [face_tongue]
And I hope everyone wins at least one award[face_peace]


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
Robbie922004 said:
Sent away.

Results thread will be fun [face_mischief]
Should be very interesting. Could be some major shocks this time as the folk who have been getting some awards pretty much every time are losing at this point in time.
Still, we shall see.
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