
May 2, 2011
I pre-ordered U3, I got it and thought it was amazing. U2 was awesome too, it's story was slightly better then U3's but. Why? Why is there so much hate on Uncharted 3?! I go on IGN and see the review, 10/10, that's what I'd rate it too. But, I see all these forum posts and comments hating on it, why? It literaly looked AMAZING, the multiplayer was amped up from the last game, and was epic with what I call "Pulling a Drake" moments... y'know, almost falling off a plane, or hanging from a sideways train etc. etc. What's bad about it?
Last edited:
Oct 8, 2011
People are stupid. They expected way too much not even knowing exactly what they wanted. Also, they think that U2 is the 'perfect' game, and then they're disappointed that U3 wasn't better (even though it was...). Again, people are stupid.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
All 3 are brilliant and make a wonderful trilogy. They all add something different while keeping aspects which people loved in the games. The third one is an epic adventure like the the two which proceeded with entertaining gameplay and cinematic moments and also some emotional moments in the mix as well. Is it the best in the trilogy? Probably not. But still a wonderful game.
Jan 7, 2013
I pre-ordered U3, I got it and thought it was amazing. U2 was awesome too, it's story was slightly better then U3's but. Why? Why is there so much hate on Uncharted 3?! I go on IGN and see the review, 10/10, that's what I'd rate it too. But, I see all these forum posts and comments hating on it, why? It literaly looked AMAZING, the multiplayer was amped up from the last game, and was epic with what I call "Pulling a Drake" moments... y'know, almost falling off a plane, or hanging from a sideways train etc. etc. What's bad about it?

Man, I didn't play U2, but I was disappointed. The first ND game I played was TLOU, and although there are a lot of similarities, it just boils down to personal preference. I can CLEARLY SEE why this game has been worshiped the way it has, and I do not mean for one second to say that it doesn't deserve that praise. It's just for me, personally, the pacing of the character movement seems drunk and hasty, and that carried over to the MP just as I expected it would.

I never read the article, but I read something on the sony forums where someone quoted someone from ND saying that TLOU would offer a "mature MP experience", or something to that affect. I didn't understand what that meant, now I do. Mature = slower. For some that might be bad, but for me it's good.

I knew of the game, I'm growing to be a fan of ND, and after seeing the IGN review using the words "this game is why I play video games" or something like that, I was so MFing excited to get this bad boy downloaded, installed, and experienced. I made it to the part where you find where the car went underground and I was already bored to tears. It just never grabbed me. I don't wanna climb around and look for treasures with climbing controls "inferior" to the ones I was spoiled with by the AC series.

So to answer your question in short form: if people didn't like this game, they were probably just comparing it to games they liked BETTER(for whatever reason, like chocolate vs vanilla), and were not being objective enough about their opinions.