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Mar 19, 2010
Hey guys, it's me WhiteSoxGuy. For those new here, if any, I was one of the vets back when SWBFII was fresh and new and gathered around 5k posts on this board. Since then I've came back spontaneously to check up with everyone. Couldn't remember my account info since it's been a while, so I had to make a new one. It now reflects my PSN ID.

So, I recently bought the Best of Star Wars PC collection which includes Battlefront, Republic Commando, Empire at War, Jedi Outcast, and Knights of the Old Republic for $5. I was surprised to see the online for Battlefront was still going strong. So if anyone is up for some matches over the PC just give me a shout!

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm a console player. I bought this because it was so cheap. So I'm really new to PC gaming, but I know the one thing they had that I envied was mods. Can anyone exactly explain how mods work and how I can get them on my game?


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
I'll need to add you on PSN, dude.
I play the original on PC a bit but not often. I'd have to reinstall it and such but maybe if I have some spare time (busy time at school approaching), I'll reinstall and we can have a game on Bespin Platforms or something.
As for mods, I have no idea as I never bothered with them.
Mar 19, 2010
Ah man, there's some really cool map mods out and I downloaded some of them but I can't get them to appear in the game. I have no clue how this works...
Mar 19, 2010
Actually I found a youtube video explanation. It's really quite simple. I'm downloading a Felucia map as we speak and I should have it installed soon. Doesn't look that bad. . .
Mar 19, 2010
Robbie922004 said:
SOX! [face_hugs]

Anyway, by any chance do you have a 360 now? If so, gimme your gamertag!

Nope, PS3. But at this rate I may be going PC. These mods are really cool (most of the user created maps suck, but some are REALLY good). I have one that's Kamino but twice the size and added in vehicles. Another one where it's made up completely of Hoth caves. Really intense snow battle between clones and jedi map. And all for free. I really envy this of the PC.
Mar 19, 2010
Rossie94 said:
Maybe in Summer, I'll put it in my computer and we can arrange a game.
Sounds good, but I might be moving onto BFII soon. As much as BFI is better, there are certain parts of BFII that I really want on my PC and some of the mods look really intense. Not to say that BFI mods are bad, but alot of them are kinda stupid (fully automatic one-shot-kill sniper rifle with 1000 ammo). One I really want to try adds a new era, KotOR, which would be pretty fun.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Rossie94 said:
Needs moar Lord_Kerrigor. And Dean.

And Yodathegreat.
And Mad_Pumpkin.
And IonMan.
And ACowWithADS.
And Jimbo.
And RCDelta.
And CloneTrooper.

And Robbie.

And Kong/Dean :(
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