Mar 4, 2014
I have heard a lot of good things about these games but I have never really been recommended any of them. So I was wondering which one I should start with, that will get me into the games and a series.


Jan 6, 2010
Riverside, CA
The Digimon games are each different in gameplay mechanics and story elements. I'm pretty sure none of them are related in anyway either, so I'm sure you could pick up just about anywhere In the franchise. I've really only played Digimon World 3 and Digimon World: Dawn/Dusk. Neither were really spectacular, but if you're a huge Digimon fan (like me) you could probably find some enjoyment out of them.


Jan 18, 2004
You didnt like Dawn/Dusk??? Are you nuts?

I would stick to either Dawn/Dusk on DS or Digimon World 2 on ps1......those are the only really good ones.


Jan 6, 2010
Riverside, CA
You didnt like Dawn/Dusk??? Are you nuts?

I would stick to either Dawn/Dusk on DS or Digimon World 2 on ps1......those are the only really good ones.

I did like Dawn and Dusk! There was sooooo many varieties of Digimon to choose from and the evolution lines were so deep! I was pointing it out as one of my favorites of the digimon games. I have Digimon World 2 somewhere, I should consider trying it.


Jan 18, 2004
oh well u said neither were spectacular and I had to completely disagree about dawn/dusk lol.

DW2 is sweet because you get to see ur digimon in 3D, you get to see attack animations, there is a cool leveling mechanic where they have to devolve to raise their MAX level kinda like dawn/dusk. The only bad part is trying to get skills from one digimon onto another. You can DNA digivolve them or something into different types but you can not go Digimon A to B and back to A again.. You have to go A to B to C to D to E and then back to A.

Couldnt find any place online that made it simple so I have kinda stalled out playing it even though i hunted for that game for years lol. Dawn/Dusk is so much easier and atleast we get to see our digimon while we are walking around or back on our islands.