
Nov 19, 2012
Ok when i mean remakes I mean like updated graphics and being suited for a better audience (fe4 child huntings anyone) and maybe a few more skill. We dont want another bullshitty remake (fe11 and fe12) We want a good, no major gameplay changing remake.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
None. Remakes nearly killed the Fire Emblem series. Heroes of Light and Shadow was a good remake, but it was still a game I had already played.


Jul 26, 2013
But if I had to choose... I wouldn't be too upset with a Sacred Stones remake. That's my favorite. Granted that's probably from nostalgia sense it was the first one I played. :3


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 16, 2007
Even though I loved the DS Fire Emblem games, I'm not exactly clamoring for another remake at the moment. At least not until Intelligent Systems gets their shit together with the series after the Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem crossover.

A couple of games could benefit from a re-release though. Sacred Stones has already been re-released on the 3DS as an exclusive for the 3DS Ambassador program. Path of Radiance + Radiant Dawn WiiU bundle wouldn't be too much to ask for, would it?


No Longer a Noob
Jan 25, 2013
Marukyu Striptease
This would be a good time to bring Jugdral over to the West, seeing as how they used a fuckton of Jugdral's mechanics in Awakening for what a lot of fans figured was the first time ever.

Then again, I'd love to see Blazing Sword with voice acting and a better support system. Aside from Awakening, probably the best supports in an FE game, by far.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 22, 2013
Where the Real Aliens are.
Believe it or not, but I would like to see FE13 get a remake, even though it came out this year, adding new elements like Anna and Say'ri being able to marry anyone with a future kid, and Chrom being able to marry Cordelia, and Sumia having more marriage options, with everybody also having more class options.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 4, 2004
I'd like to see FE4 and 5 combined into one gigantic remake somehow, since they're basically connected, but I have no idea how they could fit it all into one game without it end up feeling watered down. Maybe have split paths along the vein of Sacred Stones, and let you choose between Seliph or Leaf's path?


Sing it, Sam
Feb 26, 2006
I'd like to see FE4 and 5 combined into one gigantic remake somehow, since they're basically connected, but I have no idea how they could fit it all into one game without it end up feeling watered down. Maybe have split paths along the vein of Sacred Stones, and let you choose between Seliph or Leaf's path?
That wouldn't necessarily work, since the end of Leif's path ends up crossing back up with Seliph's path. FE5 being a midquel kind of ruins things. It also doesn't help that FE4 and FE5 have wildly different gameplay mechanics.

The way I see it, IS is setting up for an FE4 remake. It can't be a coincidence that right after their FE3 remake, they made a game that heavily relied on a mechanic that was introduced in FE4. It also doesn't make sense for them to stop remaking the games RIGHT before getting to the single most popular game(Most popular in Japan, at least) in the series.

My hope is that after remaking FE4, which is bound to happen, that FE5 gets remade. And without gimping the difficulty.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 4, 2004
I'd like to see FE4 and 5 combined into one gigantic remake somehow, since they're basically connected, but I have no idea how they could fit it all into one game without it end up feeling watered down. Maybe have split paths along the vein of Sacred Stones, and let you choose between Seliph or Leaf's path?

That wouldn't necessarily work, since the end of Leif's path ends up crossing back up with Seliph's path. FE5 being a midquel kind of ruins things. It also doesn't help that FE4 and FE5 have wildly different gameplay mechanics.

Yeah, they would probably have to rewrite the story quite a bit for that part. They'd have to stretch out the paths to have them converge much later, otherwise it would probably just be like an A path/B path kinda thing (which might work out alright, but, eh, whats the point, save for a little extra replayability)

Gameplay mechanics would be the big issue. Truthfully, at the time I wrote this, I was picturing the remake as using FE13's mechanics, but after rereading OP's post, I noticed he mentioned that gameplay mechanics would be kept intact. Honestly, updating the game mechanics is the only real point I see in making remake to begin with, so I guess I'll just say none of them should be remade.

Perhaps I should clarify: I would really like to see this game made, if things like money and cartridge space weren't issues.
Realistically, I know it probably wouldn't work and they shouldn't try.

My hope is that after remaking FE4, which is bound to happen, that FE5 gets remade. And without gimping the difficulty.

I couldn't dig it up again, but I remember reading an old interview where one of the executives from either Nintendo or IS said he really wanted to do a FE4 remake, so I'd say the possibility is very real. The interview was a few years old though, so it's possible that idea just panned out as Awakening.


Feb 25, 2014
I say seisen no keifu should be remade
Believe it or not, but I would like to see FE13 get a remake, even though it came out this year, adding new elements like Anna and Say'ri being able to marry anyone with a future kid, and Chrom being able to marry Cordelia, and Sumia having more marriage options, with everybody also having more class options.
You mean stuff that shouldve been there in the first place?


Well, I fail.
Jul 7, 2005
The obvious answer is FE4, especially now that they have brought back the child/marriage system.

A year later, I agree fully. They've introduced the system to the U.S. fully now, and it would just be so fitting to combine the two.

The only thing I guess would be challenging is convincing the playerbase that something like 12 chapters or whatever it is is enough when they're humongous.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
The obvious answer is FE4, especially now that they have brought back the child/marriage system.

A year later, I agree fully. They've introduced the system to the U.S. fully now, and it would just be so fitting to combine the two.

The only thing I guess would be challenging is convincing the playerbase that something like 12 chapters or whatever it is is enough when they're humongous.

I would be worried about them neutering the game to appeal to the Awakening babies. Seeing the old FE4 characters in an artstyle that doesn't look really odd would be cool, but I'm kind of wary of IS taking what was easily their most ballsy game and remaking it for the current fanbase. FE4's midgame twist would NOT fly today, especially after Awakening coddled the player and told them everything would be okay. FE4 messed with player expectations a lot, which is why it's so memorable. I don't think it would be on the same level of outrage since nearly every fan knows the twist already, but the new fans would probably be as pissed with IS as MGS fans were with the Raiden twist in MGS2 back in the day.


Well, I fail.
Jul 7, 2005
That is a good point. While I love people enjoying my favorite series, Awakening is probably a horrible first impression of the series. I don't know how much I'd like the series if I was told that, instead of my units fighting together and defending each other, rescuing a unit just took them out of the game and impaired the guy rescuing. Not to mention Constitution, lack of skills in some games, somewhat limited to extremely limited supports depending on the game, and no Casual mode.

This is coming from a guy whose favorite game is probably Awakening at this point. I've played through it so many times now just to collect supports - yes, even supporting kids with different fathers even if it's like the same conversation, and I have one Lunatic+ Classic clear, but I did let a few people die. (Fuck you, Stahl.)

I could see people being pissed about losing their characters. That, plus less chapters to work with in general, would probably keep people from liking the game. I would say that they could add DLC to the game to make it feel more familiar, but DLC is a matter of taste. I love DLC; a lot of people think it's stupid if DLC has important plots.

There are so many problems, but most of them are for newer fans. I would probably just suggest bringing back the ranking system and adding FE5, since both are part of the same world.