
Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
So at the end of the game everything seems to have been resolved in terms of the relationship between Bayonetta and Jeanne. Bayonetta was reunited with her father but learned that he was ultimately a person with extremely evil intensions that was willing to do anything to achieve those ambitions. Jubileus was revived but ultimately defeated by Bayonetta. The one thing that tied Bayonetta and Luka together has been revealed to be a lie so Luka no longer has a need for revenge against her but has grown close to her.

I should have tried to do that in bullet points but I guess it kind of comes across like that anyway.[face_peace]

Anyway, how would you like things to move forward in the sequel? Is there actually anything to be resolved? Any relationships you would leak to see progress or change?

Personally I would hate to see them go back on Bayonetta and Jeanne making up, I love them being a partnership and I think that would be a cool thing to see more of and to see progress. There could also be revelations about more of Bayonetta's past or her mother.

Finally- I can't wait until these review threads and IGN article's have died away so that the board can move on. I'm fed up having posts about how much people hate the game, at the end of the day we're on the board because we like the game so we shouldn't have to see it everytime we come on.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 29, 2006
All IGN Bot threads are like that, which is why I usually avoid them. Haters gonna hate.[face_tongue]

I agree with the whole Bayo/Jeanne thing, seeing them stick as partners would be pretty cool, or friendly rivals at least. I could imagine a stage or boss where Bayo is fighting alongside Jeanne and they do dual tortures or climaxes, that'd be pretty awesome.

As for a sequel's story maybe something involving the "Fallen Angels." Seeing as [hl=black]Rodin was one, perhaps there's others? It would give him a larger role too if that was the focus.[/hl] It could also shed a little light on the regular angels and maybe their true origins.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
The idea of having dual tortures or climaxes sounds amazing. Fighting alongside Jeanne would be very cool and who knows, there could even be sections where you compete to achieve things or split up to complete individual tasks.

Your idea for what the sequel's story could hold is also interesting. Other than what you said, we know very little about Rodin and that storyline would certainly help flesh him out quite a bit and would be an interesting path to take. I've got to admit, I was surprised that he didn't make some sort of an appearance at the climax of the game. He only returned for the short part at the end that didn't really tie into the huge events that had just occurred.


Mods are people too.
Jan 8, 2001
Bayonetta and Jeanne take on the legions of hell to free themselves from their life-and-death contracts as Witches. With Rodin's help, since he clearly knows his way around the place. The game's already DMC in new clothes, why not be honest about it? [face_tongue]


Just That One Guy
Nov 22, 2003
kiera2 said:
Bayonetta and Jeanne take on the legions of hell to free themselves from their life-and-death contracts as Witches. With Rodin's help, since he clearly knows his way around the place. The game's already DMC in new clothes, why not be honest about it? [face_tongue]
I actually like this idea.


Just That One Guy
Nov 22, 2003

Looks like the sequel may be a spin-off. Better be a Rodin game.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
soan_sabishi said:

Looks like the sequel may be a spin-off. Better be a Rodin game.

I think that article highlights the main problem with that. Bayonetta has just been established as a character and to move the focus away from her would be a huge mistake. Not to mention I think the opportunity of having Bayonetta and Jeanne teaming up would be too cool and interesting to pass up.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 29, 2006
A spin-off? It better not be "Luka Paloozza" or some crap like that. I bet Sega owns the rights to her though which means there's a good chance Bayonetta 2 won't be half as good as the first if platnium Games/TLA aren't developing it. I don't think moving the focus off Bayonetta is a good idea either, isn't that what happened in DMC4 where Nero took the focus from Dante and many DMC fans were not happy about it? Bayonetta's creators should know better than that.

He could also mean spin-off like a Bayonetta racing or shooter...ugh either idea seems not so good at this point.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
That part was amazing. I was surprised when it happened and it was one of the best moments of the game.

I really like Jeanne but I prefer Bayonetta. Jeanne is ice cold with only a hint of emotion towards the end whereas we find out that while Bayonetta is badass and funny, she also has a lot of heart.

They are both awesome though and I would love another game where you can play as either of them as they face the legions of hell as kiera suggested.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002

I can picture it now -- motorcycle racing, just like Sonic The Hedgehog or that Sonic Kart-Racers game.