
Aug 11, 2015
New Jersey
Halt! No, I'm not here bashing World Of Warcraft, simply questioning it. Not in a bad way, I just really wanna play it, but I've tried. Tons of times. I just fail to see the point. It looks really fun, and I'm a huge fan of a game's community, and it looks very grind-y, which is something I like in a game.

My bottom line is, what's the point in it? What do I do? I mean I've done quest after quest, but when can I actually have fun? Skilling? Making money.

Sorry if I seem like a noob. That'd be, well, because I am :D

Thanks! <3

(First post hype!)


Aug 26, 2015
Puerto Rico
I guess its more of making another life within the game being able to play with friends and explore a vast world...or taking on a boss or doing a raid with friends experiencing the world i would say


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 2, 2010
Hicktown, TN
The best part of the game is playing with friends and making everything like an adventure. Just please do NOT burn through the game quickly or you will get to a burnout phase like I did on several occasions since the game came out. I'm on break until next expansion to get my excitability back.
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Aug 26, 2015
Puerto Rico
^^ [URL=''][URL='']@xZURCx[/URL][/URL]
Exactly, I feel the same. The point is to explore and beat some bad ass bosses with wicked friends. It's the reason I'm thinking of rejoining WoW. I retired from WoW the day I got my Kingslayer title.

Going to start a new account, just not sure where and what to role yet, so I'm thinking on it.
Yea i mean in the end as long as you have fun thats the most important thing of gaming


Aug 26, 2015
Puerto Rico
The best part of the game is playing with friends and making everything like an adventure. Just please do NOT burn through the game quickly or you will get to a burnout phase like I did on several occasions since the game came out. I'm on break until next expansion to get my excitability back.
I agree with you on that MMO's are suppose to be a long journey not a rush