
Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
By most accounts RAW this week was...pretty great. The changes can already be seen in WWE as a whole. People are toning themselves down from the overly cartoon gimmicks (even in NXT 2.0) matches are delivering, and so on.

But it has only been one week.

What's it going to take to get you back as a regular WWE fan? Three weeks of consistency? Two months? Six? A year?

Or are you already back on board? Or never even got off board to begin with?

I was saying for a couple weeks now that most of the major problems in WWE are institutional, and not something new leadership are going to address, and in some cases not realize are problems to begin with. On top of that, HHH, can't just make sweeping changes. We all want to see Kevin Dunn gone, and lots of talent hate Dunn...but the man still has massive political pull backstage and there's a real chance that if he goes, the production team will not be happy about it.

Also, WWE is by all business metrics a massive success. There's considerations that HHH can't just start changing everything when everything that goes on now makes investors millions.

That said, changes are happening.

There's tons of people on this board that don't watch WWE anymore at all, some who might check in every other PPV, some that I know the last PPV they watched was the Royal Rumble, and then some (personally before the Rumble the last WWE I watched was WrestleMania)

There's also a subset of fans here who just don't do the weekly wrestling thing. But all that aside, what's the threshold that WWE needs for you to tune in enough to call you a fan?

For me, on top of getting the titles off Reigns (and keeping them off) I'd need to hear that WWE's been consistently good from now until probably late into the road to wrestlemania, 6 months about. There's been far too many instances of "No no! WWE is good now!" over the past decade (mostly the past 5 years) only for the quality to dip again. (man I remember getting excited that Heyman was running RAW).


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
I have actually been thinking about this, and what is keeping me from coming back now. Honestly it is two fold.

1. I already watch too much wrestling, Dynamite, Rampage, Impact, having Dark/Dark Elevation on in the background, and sometimes NJPW or TJPW, that is already too much and I can't add 7 more hours to the week, I have other interest

2. The Saudi deal, I hate, hate, HATE sportswashing and the Saudi deal is one of the worst examples of it in all the world. I can't in good concious watch WWE knowing they are okay with working with the Saudi Arabian government, or the mayor of Knox County, Tennessee to a lesser degree.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
- More wrestling, less bullshitting
- Make the IC, US, Tag Team, and Women's Tag Team divisions mean something again
- Give more people the spotlight instead of same old, same old (Roman, Ronda, and Charlotte comes into mind)
- More creative freedom and storytelling that have some references (See Street Profits mentioning beating Seth for the tag titles for example)
- Fire Kevin Dunn since the camera cuts are HORRIBLE
- Saudi Arabia deal to dissolve. Blood money is what ticked a lot of people off
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Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
- Ongoing stories that actually develop over time instead of, "Here's the premise, now we'll be in a holding pattern until the big match on PPV."

- Stop using wrestlers part-time in the main event scene, particularly champions. If someone can't or won't be on TV regularly then don't use them in a prominent way.

- Along those lines, quit giving guys WAY past their prime top spots. If you want bring in older guys to pop ratings, cool. Don't put them over younger, more promising talent. More Flair and Foley style booking. Less Goldberg and Hogan.

- Rotate who gets the spotlight a little. I'm ok with building up an end-boss but don't let him overstay his welcome at the top (Triple H, Cena, Brock, Reigns). I'm ok with an ace and actually prefer the concept but the ace needs to be the best at least in kayfabe. Which should mean that he or she can put on a great match and then win cleanly.

- Along those lines, way, way less non-finishes and let the babyfaces lose cleanly sometimes simply because the heel is a good wrestler.

And the thing is, none of those are drastic changes in terms of personnel or presentation so they could happen immediately.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I never got off board because I was waiting for this moment to come! And because I could just have on while working from home and only need to pay just enough attention to do fantasy scoring. It actually took me FOREVER to get through this week’s Raw cause I had to keep pausing it while I worked on other stuff, since I wanted to actually pay attention to the match or segment happening. That hasn’t happened in a while.
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Feb 2, 2011
The Danger Zone
I am actually the opposite. AEW is the one that has lost my interest, WWE has fully regained it.
Tbh, I'm leaning towards this opinion lol. AEW booking has been really frustrating to watch since MJF and Punk left. FTR are probably the only guys on the show I really care about right now, and they aren't even being featured.

I thought SummerSlam was a decent show, with a really great opener and main event. HHH finally gave us a great Brock/Reigns match. It was so good I'm back invested in Reigns' title reign, when before they lost me around Wrestlemania last year. Their stacked women's division is also really exciting right now. Big pushes for all the former NXT heavy hitters(Nak, Ciampa, Balor, Sami, Owens, etc) would seal my interest.


Legend status, fuck a Noob
Jun 17, 2003
Whatever they were doing for SD! in 2002-2003. Lots of wrestling while building up stars. Not focusing on one individual.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 29, 2011
My biggest issue with WWE is planning feuds, matches, PPVs, etc. months, sometimes over a year in advance. It just makes title matches predictable and less interesting because some of the feuds are just to kill time until the big match.

To go along with that, I'm also not a fan of title reigns that last more than a year.

And also no part time champions.

Less celebrity appearances.

Women's wrestling still feels forced to me and I'm just not interested in most of the women's roster. Give them their time, but I can only take so much.

If someone gets the crowd behind them, don't hesitate to give them a push.

Less silly name changes.

That's just off the top of my head, maybe I'll think of some more.
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The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
I never thought I’d see the day where you’d be on the WWE bandwagon again.

Triple H really is changing the game.

I always said vince and his booking was the problem. I knew it was he lost his creative edge for the most part a long time ago.
It took one guy stepping into creative to make it better almost instantly.


As far as AEW goes their creative direction has been heading downward since around the time Cody left. Been mostly downhill since. Stopped taking them seriously when Wardlow didn't squash orange. To properly build a guy like wardlow as a monster how does he not squash cassidy when he squashed MJF. Their booking is inconsistent and all over the place now. I was already leaning back towards WWE even before HHH took over because i was losing interest in AEW's direction. Now since HHH took over things are getting better in just two weeks. So it actually has me very interested in the direction. My annoyance with Vince's booking made me want AEW to be good. For awhile they were. Now they feel like WCW thunder trying to figure out their own identity while they barely do anything with half the people they have.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
Fire Killer Kross again.
Not before letting Reigns squash him. Let Reigns run through him and make a comment about Triple H's lost boys not standing a chance against him.

Then either Riddle, KO, or Balor show up really challenge Reigns.
(Chris Hero would also be acceptable but I let go of that dream long ago)

Edit: Zayn, Ciampa, Shinsuke and WALTER would also he acceptable
Feb 12, 2006
Staying consistently good for several months, six-ish or more. Good feuds, good stories, good characters, good matches. Doesn't necessarily have to be top-to-bottom good, but I'm not gonna start watching again just because one feud or one character has been really good. I've read plenty enough of them landing on that occasionally and it always just sounds like it's only extra remarkable because everything else has the essence of runny shite.

The main thing that's gonna matter to me is the stories and characters, though. Doesn't have to be complex or out-there, I just want reasons to care about what's going on, who's fighting who, what this wrestler's deal is, etc. I'm absolutely gonna be picky about it, too. If any of it feels tired, outdated or tone-deaf just from reading about it, I'm just gonna assume nothing's really changed at the core.

Also, gonna be petty and I accept that it's also probably not a popular opinion, but I'd be a little more interested if Brock Lesnar left.


No Longer a Noob
May 16, 2016
I mean, I never left. But I’m just a casual fan now… a casual fan that knows too much.

Better questions for me might be:
- “What would get you to watch full time again?” Nothing. It’s fake fighting. I’ve been watching for nearly 40 years. I’ve seen it all before. I’m more than happy tuning into just the more “appointment” moments live, and watching nothing after it already happened. I’ve got too many other things to watch, play, and do then to watch some show from the other night that “won the weekend” or whatever.

- “What would get you to watch AEW?” Again nothing. An “alternative to WWE”? Well, I don’t really think that’s necessary, but again, this is another thing I’ve seen countless times before. And somehow the fanbase is more annoying than ROHs was 20 years ago. And I enjoyed that for awhile!. I read PWI in the late 80s, I watched Hogan and the Horsemen a bit on Saturday Nights in the mid 90s, I did a little bit of channel flipping during the MNW, stayed up to watch ECW, and even traveled on a few buses to go to ROH shows. I even allowed myself to get dragged to a TNA show once that I didn’t pay for. So here we are again, all this time later, and it’s another… alternative. Who cares?

ALMOST FORGOT THE SAUDI THING that had come up a couple of times ITT. That really bothered me when it happened. In the time since I’ve mellowed on it a bit. It is kinda cool that people who live in SA who like WWE can go see a show now, I suppose. Also it’s hard to deny that the way the women have been portrayed in those shows can only be called progressive.


We all go a little mod sometimes.
Feb 9, 2011
My wrestling fandom is a bit different than most, I think. Or at least most of those who watch WWE and AEW.

I basically don't watch anything that isn't a match. And if I do watch a segment or promo, it's because (1) a bunch of folks I trust say that it was worthwhile, and/or (2) a bunch of folks that I trust say that it's essential to help me understand/appreciate a match. So that means that the greatest barrier for entry for me is not cringeworthy promos or wasted TV time or whatever - it's a lack of quality matches. I have no problem fast-forwarding through shit and picking and choosing what I want to watch.

My problem with WWE has been that I couldn't really jump in at any point, because they were putting on shit matches with talented people. Overbooked, undercooked messes with shit finishes and precious little workrate. In most promotions that I watch, I can see match between two guys/girls/teams that I like and have a pretty good chance of enjoying it; that hasn't been the case in WWE for quite some time.

And so, for me, the second WWE starts putting on consistently strong shows from an in-ring perspective, I'll probably start dabbling in matches again. I don't see myself ever watching a show front to back again, though. That's reserved for Dragongate, AEW, and ... I think that's it.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
So they had two triple threats last week and a finals match so Ciampa could earn the right to face Lashley this week and ultimately lose?

I love it. While it happened quick, building up a challenger and making them feel important in a losing effort is definitely some early NXT booking that connected with me so well back in the day. Everyone comes out looking stronger.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
So there was a whole story in the background of other shots leading up to Dexter Lumis returning.

That's neat


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
So there was a whole story in the background of other shots leading up to Dexter Lumis returning.

That's neat
My dream scenario is this all leading to the return of The Way.

Indi & Candice destroy Nikki & Doudrop to steal their spot in the tournament. Gargano and Dexter feud with AJ and Ciampa, fresh off a face turn.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
I really don't know what I want from Gargano at this point. I enjoyed his run in NXT up until I stopped watching but I also feel like he's probably already had his best matches. I don't want him in AEW because it's full and only a particularly special talent should be picked up at this point. On the other hand, I don't see him accomplishing a whole lot in WWE either.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
I'm going to call a shot. If Gargano goes back to WWE, he will win the WWE title at WM 40


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
I think Gargano is the perfect fit for WWE at this point. Triple H loves him and he still has a ton of stuff he wants to accomplish in WWE. And with the women’s division on fire, it really is the best time for Candice to get in on the action.


No Longer a Noob
May 16, 2016
Couple of months after they deliver one of their best storylines ever: “WWE doesn’t deserve wait and see privileges”. LOL.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
It’s a little more concerning that Vince is back and allegedly tearing up scripts the night of shows again, though. It’s hard to trust the process when you know it could all change at the drop of a dime.


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
It’s a little more concerning that Vince is back and allegedly tearing up scripts the night of shows again, though. It’s hard to trust the process when you know it could all change at the drop of a dime.

Well what this is, is the wrath of a ego driven old man who was forced out of the company by the board, so he shoved a giant pole up the boards ass and fired the board members that tried to oust him replaced them with friends and then sold the company to someone that would let him stay in charge and insure stephanie and hhh will never own WWE. Now he will passive aggressive fuck with various pushes and angles that HHH made just to do it for the sake of saying i'm in charge.
Despite vince screwing with it this weeks Raw was mostly good while the past few had been kinda either chaotic and token or below average.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Couple of months after they deliver one of their best storylines ever: “WWE doesn’t deserve wait and see privileges”. LOL.
But they botched it, they botched the storyline

Even Sami and Kevin's win means less if it didn't contribute to the fall of the Bloodline. All it did is when Roman's shitting on the Usos, it just makes him right.


No Longer a Noob
May 16, 2016
But they botched it, they botched the storyline

Even Sami and Kevin's win means less if it didn't contribute to the fall of the Bloodline. All it did is when Roman's shitting on the Usos, it just makes him right.

The Bloodline story is still ongoing.