
Almost Not a Noob
Feb 7, 2013
I came to a realization. Digimon boards here are dead. WHATEVER. ANYWAY thats not part of teh plot. NO not at all.

What would you guyz like to see from digimon? I mean like......

1) Has some original story?
2) Has some great idea for new digimon creations? (please post pics. I WOULD LOVE to see)
3) Has some great game idea's or ways to improve on already there mechanics?
4) Complaints about digimon? Some things that need to be removed?
5) SOMETHING fantastic that digimon just should have but dosnt?
6) What would you do if you owned digimon? How would you increase popularity?

There you go. Please answer and discuss anything your interested in. MAKE it a big think tank. BECAUSE why not? Who knows maybe some day one of us will hit the jack pot in money and can buy the franchise, In that case it could be a good reference on what should and shouldent be done. THATS MY PLAN> (hopes for billions of dollars to fall out of the sky.)

(I may post some shiit too; you know to get the ball rolling)


Jun 26, 2013
1. As for any ideas for original stories for anime series and/or video games I have one: How about revisiting the concept of Bio-Hybrids introduced in Savers/Data Squad. The main characters would be fused with Digimon who have retained their consciouses and seek to restore their bodies by separating them to undo the experiments done on them. In the process of fighting the bio-technology Corp. responsible for their unconsenting fusions, they get caught up in unraveling an ancient conspiracy by invaders from the Dark Ocean who threaten both the Human and Digital Worlds. I would like this to be something that would explain how the Digital World and Dark Ocean came to exist (Via a combination of science and supernatural forces). I would also like it to have a psychological tone, question what it would be like to wield (and abuse) powers that transcend the natural world and how the bio-hybrid humans and their infused partners are affected by use (and misuse) of said powers.

4. As long any anime series or video games doesn't try to incorporate shonen fighting series elements again (e.g. Savers/Data Squad), otherwise I wouldn't mind the creators being able to experiment as they please within reason.

6. What about a Live-Action movie? [face_tongue]. But seriously, I have in the past posted an idea on doing that.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 7, 2013
1. As for any ideas for original stories for anime series and/or video games I have one: How about revisiting the concept of Bio-Hybrids introduced in Savers/Data Squad. The main characters would be fused with Digimon who have retained their consciouses and seek to restore their bodies by separating them to undo the experiments done on them. In the process of fighting the bio-technology Corp. responsible for their unconsenting fusions, they get caught up in unraveling an ancient conspiracy by invaders from the Dark Ocean who threaten both the Human and Digital Worlds. I would like this to be something that would explain how the Digital World and Dark Ocean came to exist (Via a combination of science and supernatural forces). I would also like it to have a psychological tone, question what it would be like to wield (and abuse) powers that transcend the natural world and how the bio-hybrid humans and their infused partners are affected by use (and misuse) of said powers.

4. As long any anime series or video games doesn't try to incorporate shonen fighting series elements again (e.g. Savers/Data Squad), otherwise I wouldn't mind the creators being able to experiment as they please within reason.

6. What about a Live-Action movie? [face_tongue]. But seriously, I have in the past posted an idea on doing that.

No. 1 sounds really good. Thats a plot that sounds VERY digimon'ish. And it seems to keep the essence of it being a show appropriate for kids and written well enough to be enjoyed by adults.

No. 4 Agreement.

No.6 Really? Thats great. If its well done. A lot of live action has disappointed me. But with enough funding CG digimon can look near real in a good live action. I wonder? LOL/


No Longer a Noob
Apr 26, 2012
More depth to the Digital World and to find out how exactly it was created. Maybe a later season mentioned it but, I only watched the first three seasons. Eventually have the first season Digidestined as adults, stay in the Digital World and protect it.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
More depth to the Digital World and to find out how exactly it was created. Maybe a later season mentioned it but, I only watched the first three seasons. Eventually have the first season Digidestined as adults, stay in the Digital World and protect it.
They're making a new season of the original Digidestined a few years older going back