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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]What Say You: X-Men - First Class[/link]
by Jesse Schedeen

Fox released a banner image featuring the stars of X-Men: First Class. Is the franchise headed for redemption? [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Jan 19, 2011
I see nothing wrong with the costumes for this one. Its set in the 60's, so it's gonna look older anyhow. Let it ride. I believe the rushed production will make it good - even though normally it would cripple the film - I think it's gonna work out fine.


Jun 25, 2010
Quick question- why is mystique always so damn ugly? I've seen pictures from the comics where she looks like s normal person except blue with yellow eyes. Why'd they have to give her scales? The actress playing her is actually good looking
Jan 19, 2011
Not going to lie, I'm going to see this movie even though I have no doubt that it will be jacked up beyond recognition. For one, if it's called First Class, shouldn't the original five be the cast? Wasn't Charles bald even back then? Why is Havok here? He's Scott's younger brother. By continuity he would be old a dirt by the time of the first X-Men movie. I could go on, but I won't. I 'll watch the movie just because it's a superhero movie, like some parts, criticize the hell out of it, and get on with my life.
Nov 20, 2009
everything about that picture makes it look like some crappy tv show from the syfy channel. the lighting costumes and makeup.

I hope better picture surface soon.


Aug 1, 2010
why does beast look like a Na'vi? also didn't realize Sinestro was a part of the X-Men universe... But the experts at Fox know the comics and the fans better than we do... They are trying too hard to make this look like other movies... this whole thing is just bad news bears
Jun 27, 2010
doesn't look very good. For some reason I think of star trek or some campy space ski-fi show when I look at that. But not wise for me to judge now I guess.
Jan 15, 2011
What the HELL. Why does Professor X have hair? Why is Mystique one of the X-Men?Wherea Cyclops? And Beast wasn't blue when the X-Men formed!


May 27, 2010
This is not X-men - first class. What happen to the original class; Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Beast, and Angel? Fox studio could have done better.


Oct 15, 2009
these pics look bad and all of you people should have known by now this is not based on the actual first class but fox's bastardized version of first class with practically zero continuity with the other movies
May 23, 2010
This is looking and sounding more awful by the moment....

No Cyclops? No Jean Grey? Are they freaking kidding me?

3/4 of the people look ugly as hell IMO. And this interview does nothing to reassure me that they are taking this movie seriously.

I hope it tanks...BIG TIME.

At least I now know not to spend money watching this crap. The Dark Knight Rises looks to be awesome. Anne Hathaway and possible Eva Green...sign me up! Catwoman and Bane!? SWEET
Jun 16, 2009
@Flyboyninja @Feith221 @Iwritemovies @FFXIIIVersusAngel @scooter427 @shadow_918 @thekilljoys @Crescent_Soul You're all negative jackasses. how about you wait to see the actual movie or at least some footage before you judge it you pessimistic losers
Mar 1, 2009
no, just no. since when was Mystique an actual member of the X-Men? can someone please tell me because it's like I've been taking crazy pills! this makes no sense! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Jul 17, 2003
It's too hard to tell anything by a miniscule banner like that. But whatever; this has nowhere to go but up. My opinion of it could NOT be more apathetic. Captain America is going to be fantastic, as will Thor. And Green Lantern cannot be a bad film, considering that the director of Casino Royale is doing it and George Johns is overseeing it, as well as how like-able Ryan Reynolds is. That first trailer was really lame, but I'm certain Green Lantern will be great.

X-Men First Class though? Good luck to it. This is the 5th X-movie, and I just don't really care whether it's good or bad. I wanna see Cap, man!
Aug 3, 2010
How the hell is this a prequel? No Cyclops, Jean or Storm or Iceman??? And if it IS a prequel, why is Hank already blue? Isn't Havok, Cyclop's YOUNGER BROTHER?, sooooo where is Scott? This movie is getting worse all the time. I hate saying this, but THE X-MEN FRANCHISE IS DEAD... (BTW, Mystique was NEVER AN X-MAN)


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 7, 2010
Idk, I need to see better pictures and a trailer. Also I think this movie should be pushed back to August. Give it some more time in production and it will have less compition from other summer blockbusters. Also can attatch it's trailer to Captain America. I know it probably wont happen but I'm just not having high hopes for this; angry fanboys, rushed production, its just being given every possible chance to fail. I hope it doesnt, but its not looking good.


Aug 16, 2010
this isn't looking good to me, but I will hold out and go see the film in the summer, it could be gem.......... but it is looking and sounding bad and cheap.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
Who cares what they look like - the real question is, is anyone going to care about these x-men? They've already made movies featuring the most popular x-men so I'm not really sure what the point is of going backwards to characters that people aren't going to give a rip about. Good luck.
Jun 29, 2001
I don't think it looks that bad. Emma Frost is very hot.
Besides, I doubt they'll be in costume for most of the movie anyways. Look at the first two films.


Oct 13, 2008
Honestly, I was very excited about the potential of "X-Men: First Class" until finding out that Bryan Singer was again involved in an X-Man movie. I know everyone loves this guy (not me), but he single handedly destroyed X-Men for me (I'm a Comic Book Fan First, Comic Book Movie Fan second). He made the X-Men movies at a time when "Comic Book Movies" were just using the characters and not the stories from the source material. He destroyed my live action X-Men hopes and dreams. Those movies were nothing more than wolverine advertisements (I don't care how popular they were, I hated them). Then Mr. Singer jumps ship on the third X-Man movie to go and frack up "Superman Returns". IMO Bryan Singer is no better than M. Night Shyamalan. Of course there has been a paradigm shift in regards to how comic book movies are made nowadays (mostly by Marvel) in that the source material is more respected than it previously had been. When "X-Men: First Class" was initially announced, it was assumed that this would be the first Marvel productions X-Man movie. Then Sony and 20th Century Fox (Spider-Man & X-men respectively) paid Marvel an "undisclosed" amount of money to hold onto said franchises. My internal red flags still hadn't gone up yet. That all changed when it was announced that Mr. Singer had been brought back into the fold; this time as an Executive Producer (which in this day & age translates to "Backseat Director"). Why call it "X-Men: First Class" if they're not even attempting to honor the source material? Just call it "Another Bryan Singer X-Man Movie" because that's what it is. It now HAS to establish the universe that BS (no pun intended) established in his movies. I'm somewhat shocked that Wolverine is not making an appearance in this movie because over at 20th Century Fox; they love them some Wolverine. Apparently, Wolverine IS the X-Men according to 20CF & BS. I wouldn't be surprised if by the time this movie hits theaters, not only will you see Wolverine in the movie, but the name will have changed also to "Wolverine's X-Men: First Class.


Oct 15, 2009
@azog the uruk 13 I never said the movie would be bad but this picture looks horrible and you can judge the movie based on "released footage" how many clips or trailers for movies have you seen that looked awesome then you saw the movie and it totally sucked because the scene they used was cut or edited different to make the movie look better the article specifically asked what we thought of the pics jerk and everything else i stated about this having nothing to do with the comic with the same name and no supposed continuity with all previous x films is all facts


May 16, 2008
I didn't know First Class is going strait to the Sy Fy Channel awesome i don;t have to spend money to see the movie. The 45 minutes of commercials will suck though.


Jan 1, 2010
I sincerely hope that these aren't the final looks for these characters because it really looks like they spent nothing on costumes.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
Don't hold your nose up about pre-judging a movie. They're called first impressions and they go a long way. Here's mine-

I appreciate the 60s approach and the honoring the colors from the comics. But I look at this and I laugh. The "serious" faces over the TV-budget outfits makes it look ridiculous. Was Emma Frost's outfit thrown together in a child's arts n crafts class? I'm disappointed they are sticking with Singer's gross scaly Mystique, and is that Sinestro back there? Bottom line: I'm not pumped.

Now I don't care about Wolverine or black leather. X-Men is my favorite Marvel comic and I just want a faithful translation. The Singer movies were great at translating the themes of prejudice and politics, but not so much with the characterization and team dynamic. Believe me, I want this to be good. As FOX's cash-in sequels get increasingly worse, I read no signs that this would be any different. And now to get these photos... my faith dwindles.
Jul 15, 2010
I think fox studios should take a few lessons from steven spielberg. after the 3rd installment of xmen they shouldve left well enough alone with an actual "ending" instead of leaving us hanging to an antiscipated sequal to magneto playing chess, and now we get this crap?! wtf seriously! why keep going back further from one prequel to another that no one in their right mind is gonna give two shits about anyway, especially when the new x4 movie doesnt even include the original xmen from the actual storyline itself?! sure origins was kick ass, but this one here just looks bad. if ya cant follow the plot from x3(as horrible as it was) or even stick to the story from the comics why even bother? its gonna butcher the entire franchise and make any true x fan turn the other cheek. i dont know about stan lee endorsing this, but it would be enough to make me wanna crack some skulls. fuckin hollywood idiots.


Feb 22, 2010
Just remove all the people that had anything to do with the any x-men film or nuke the Singer universe because unless if its a reboot or a stand alone like The Wolverine


Original poster
An x-men movie without wolverine is gonna be a shot in the foot. I can't see the general public caring about this group of mutants. One thing about casual fans of comic book movies is that they tend to remember what happened in past movies better than those who were more into the comics. So EVERYONE may be asking just what the f**k is going on with the movie continuity.

There's one messed up difference here though. Normally in movies like spiderman or iron man, when a casual fan has questions about what they're seeing onscreen, a comic book guy will be happy to explain the mythos to the casual fan. But in this case, the comic guys probably won't know or care to make sense of this movie to casual fans. So in the end, a sh*tton of viewers will probably be confused by this movie. I still have hope for the wolverine movie though.


Aug 1, 2007
It'll be fun to see something about the X-Men that doesn't focus on Wolverine. Sure, I enjoy the character, but the only reason he was so cool in the first three films was that the plots were mostly centered around him. Many of the other characters with deep, interesting stories of their own were static set pieces whose dialog consisted mostly of cheesy one-liners.

And after all, aren't most of us going to go see it in theaters regardless of our prognosis?
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