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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]What Say You About Man of Steel?[/link]
by Jesse Schedeen

Zack Snyder's Superman movie has a new title and a villain. What say you about The Man of Steel kneeling before Zod? [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Mar 26, 2011
the dark knight was the first batman movie of the franchise to not have "batman" in the title and look how that turned out... hopefully this will have the same outcome.
May 22, 2009
Good title, but it feels a bit too much like they're trying to give it a Dark Knight vibe. IF however, the second is called Superman and has Superman actually coming into his own, then it'll have paid off.
As for Zod, the casting is a little strange, but the guy is an actor, so presumably he will act. A little disappointed that Lex isn't the villain, since he's like, the one supervillain who actually ties in quite well with his nemesis' origin, or at least his debut. Ah well, second movie right? Also, Zod might have been done before, but not as much as Lex.


Apr 10, 2010
Not too excited they are using Zod. The title is awesome though, it's obviously got the same idea behind it that "The Dark Knight" did.


Sep 8, 2010
Like the title. The villain has already been done. To make superman feel larger than life and powerful GIVE HIM SOME ONE LARGER TO GO TOE TO TOE AGAINST!!! Supermans fights in the animated movies are what we want to see in a REAL movie!!
Oct 20, 2010
This is B.S.
General Zod has been done before. How bout a better villian who hasn't been in a movie yet? Bizarro anyone?


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 19, 2004
I'm surprised. In most reboots, the villain is actually one we never seen in the original series. So I feel Brainiac or Doomsday whould have been great choices for the villain if I was the director/producer for this film.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 23, 2003
What I don't understand is that the filmmakers are adamant about distancing themselves from the original Superman films while at the same time retreading a villain that was originally created out of those same films. Why screw around? Let's get Darkseid in there for Zod's sake!!!
May 18, 2009
Singer copied Donner's first movie-it failed. Snyder is copying Donner's second movie-fail?, seems up in the air. I just pray that no one's watching Superman 3&4 and wondering how they could remake them better.
Nov 23, 2010
would love bizarro or doomsday, but I think that braniac would be the best choice. I've always wondered why he isn't considered first in Supe origins


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2007
The title is fine (trying to go the Dark Knight root and use a nick name) and I don't mind the idea of Zod or the casting of anybody so far. I am just hoping it all comes together in the end to make a great superman film.

I would also like to mention that it was my understanding that Superman Returns was NOT a reboot, but a sequel to the first to Superman movies (forgetting 3 and 4 ever happened).


Dec 24, 2010
why isn't "i hate the villain" an option? seriously why would the do a superman movie AGAIN only to reuse a villain...where is DOOMSDAY?


May 3, 2009
Why does everybody think this is a remake of Superman 2? And why do people compare Superman Returns to Superman [1]?
Superman Returns was a sequel to the first 2 Donner movies, ignoring 3+4.
Man of Steel is a standalone reboot that just happens to have Zod, the villain from a previous Superman film in it. Zod also happens to have been featured in tons of Superman comics over the decades.
The reason for going with Zod is because he's someone who can challenge Superman physically and mentally without having to figure out the crazy budget questions of Darkseid, Apocalips etc. Also, I have a feeling they're saving Doomsday for the Justice League movie.


Aug 22, 2001
Great Title. Love it. Just hope the only villain isn't Zod. Gotta have Braniac or something besides Zod in my opinion.


Oct 30, 2010
Got to ask ourselves why Snyder says something and then does the opposite. Is Zod the final villain? Is there someone else? I'm assuming that it would be too aggressive or confrontational to ask Snyder why he did the opposite of what he said. It's funny because he also said that the internet has no idea of what is happening and HE actually adds to the confusion by setting us on the wrong path. Nothing to reassure the fans of what this movie is turning into.

I wish Snyder could simply make a little video and tell us straight up: "Superman fans, trust me, it's going to rock! I just can't give out more info."

If he has the guts to do that, then I don't care about any movie details anymore and would trust him.

I just find it weird that DC/WB/Snyder don't want to promote this movie more and do some damage control. They give out info bits here and there, but never put a positive spin on it (unlike most movie hyping strategies). Makes you wonder if they don't think that it stinks, but want to contain it.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
Meh, don't know a thing about the guy playing Zod. I'm just glad it's not Lex, he's been done to death. Still say they should have gone with Viggo Mortensen or Daniel Craig. One thing's for sure, we now know to never believe another thing that comes out of Snyder's mouth. Chump.


Nov 12, 2010
If I had to venture a guess, this is probably planned as a trilogy. In that event starting with a villian that we've already seen is not so bad. They are probably thinking that they will work their way up to bigger baddies. Also, if they are taking any ideas from Nolanland, it may be that there will be more than one villain in this movie.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
Snyder doesn't surprise me. Zod was probably picked because he's slo-mo friendly.
I like the title (which was going to be the name of Superman Returns' sequel anyway- like how The Dark Knight is the first non-Batman Batman title)
But both Zod (an overrated, uninteresting villain) and Michael Shannon leave me meh.

I feel that by simply going back to Superman II's Zod, they are already making the same mistakes Superman Returns made. Batman Begins used 2 completely new villains, while still finding a good way to integrate them into Bruce's origin story. Zod clearly has connections to Superman's genesis outside of earth, but I don't really see what he specifically brings to the picture that a Braniac or Darkseid couldn't.

I'm all for Supes getting more physical this time around, but even if you asked me to choose which bad guy I want to see again, I'd still choose Luthor- just done RIGHT this time. He's complex and fascinating. The two are inexplicably linked and it's hard to imagine a Superman movie without him. Save Lex for the sequel? Why not focus on the movie you're making NOW? Not the one that may or may not exist tomorrow?

Man of Steel may get rebooted again- there will already be a different one for JLA. It just seems like a missed opportunity to explore some fresh faces. Zod in 1, Lex in 2, so we'd have to wait till a 3rd movie to see someone new? If they even make it that far. Singer's reboot didn't.


Apr 11, 2011
I like this. Its a fresh start for the series that fell off after the second. Snyder said they were trying to make it more reality than fantasy (though flying people is still fantasy). I laugh at the bashing on Snyder since he is only directing the movie. Nolan and Goyer wrote the script, its their story not Snyder's. Nolan probably told Snyder not to mention anything about the villain until they had someone confirmed to play Zod. People had problems with a new Joker in Batman and look how that turned out. I remember Nolan saying he would never touch a Superman movie, but something in Goyer's story must of changed his mind. I'm pretty sure this movie will be good.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 21, 2006
for everyone calling for darkseid:

you would have to explain the whole new gods' mythology, the anti-life equation, all of that. probably not the best jumping off point for a reboot.

i've seen calls fordoomsday. are you f'n kidding. yep, lets put the guy thatkilled our main character in the first film. that's smart.

brainiac would have been a fantastic choice. a friend of mine and i came up with thisn idea, that jor el actually uses a solar probe to send kal-el away to earth(with brainiac as the probe's AI).a product of the last days of krypton novel(space ships had been outlawed)

but we have to trust in what the development team is trying to do.

remember the head of this production is chris nolan. snyder isn't running around without a leash.


Feb 21, 2011
i would have preffered viggo but oh well the man of steel reminds me of the "dark knight"- going to be darker and badass me think


Jul 15, 2010
I'm definantly in the boat of hating on Zod. But calling for Darkseid does not make sense. Darkseid is a fan's villain for a fan's movie. You cannot expect the directors to cater only to us. our catering to is found in the movie being well done and full of all the little things that only fans catch. HOWEVER, as I stated before, I am no fan of the decision to make Zod the villain. this is stupid and catering to people that want to see a super-powered slug fest. Instead, they should have gone for a better story and had a villain that had an emotional affect on the audience, metallo or parasite (admittedly I don't think either would be the best choice), or one that brought up an ancient debate. In this case, brain and Brawn. Brainiac would have been the perfect villain for a remake. He challenges superman in ways that audiences have yet to see in the film. we see his lack of emotion clash with supes, care for too much. His intellect against his strength. Best choice would have been brainiac. It would have taken superman movies in a different direction that where they have been in the past. creating a much needed change instead of trying to build of an old and dead model.


Jan 8, 2011
I think debating over the title and villain are irrelevant. A good movie is a good movie whether it's title is good or not, and the villain is who the villain is. I think a bigger concern is the man behind the camera,
Sep 23, 2009
I don't understand the Zod hate. I even heard people say he's been done to death. Really? His character was only prominent in one film and that was like 30 years ago. What fan boys fail to understand is that we're not going to have character as powerful as doomsday or darkseid because those are characters you have to build up to. This will be a movie about Superman's heritage and discovering his powers. Do you really think they would make the first movie based on the death of superman? I for one look forward to this movie and have faith in Nolan and co. I remember when everyone was bitching about Heath Ledger being cast as the Joker and i'll be honest i was right along with everyone else in being confused in that casting. But hey look what happened, everyone loved his performance and he even won a posthumous award for it. I have noting good nor bad to say about this movie because it is in such early development. That's like looking at a 3 month old fetus and just assuming it's gonna be raised to be shitty ass kid. I've got faith in Zach Snyder because Watchmen was a pretty solid movie. Although, it could've used more blue dong IMHO.

I guess what it all boils down to is stop be assholes and be happy a movie is being made at all. If you want to see something better then go study film, work your ass off and make your own script.


Jul 12, 2010
somebody new, thats all i ask, take some notes from smallville the series, zod is alright, but i think hes had his time in the villain spotlight, time for some new theater superman villains, brainiac, bizzaro, some one for the new gods like darkseid or his subbordanates, theres enough villains that go 12 rounds with the big red cape, just nice to see them get the chance
Jul 17, 2003
I'm a Superman fan, and this is extremely stupid. This would be like every damn Batman movie having the Joker or the Penguin as the villain. There's so much more to Superman than Zod and Luthor, but it appears that WB is shooting for the mainstream with this one and so they're not going to opt to introduce them to something compelling and new (like how Iron Man was an unknown before his movie), and instead just go for the tried-and-true. Which is so retarded, it's not even funny,

Why is it that the only people making Superman movies seem to only have a cursory knowledge of Supes at best? Not to mention, one informed exclusively by Donner's fucking movies? I can understand not doing Darkseid or Doomsday - that's an epic event you must build towards. But Metallo, Parasite and ESPECIALLY Brainiac are all good to go for a reboot like this. Going back to the Zod well is an overt, cheap grab to attract the attention of casual fans, which is just stupid. I can understand not wanting to cater to comic "nerds", since many "comic con darlings" have bombed at the Box Office (the only successes have been Tron and Green Hornet, and Disney considers Tron a disappointment as well). But sh** - again, you have the chance to treat Supes like a blank slate, and show people something new, something they haven't seen, and something that's compelling. The route that Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Green Lantern are taking.

This is retarded. I'm not going to write the movie off entirely at this point, but I'm a Superman fan, and I could not be more apathetic to this film right now. It used to be exciting. It's just anger-inducing right now.
Oct 26, 2009
Superman Returns was not a Reboot, lets get that straight. It really was Superman 5.

Now, for a reboot with a retelling of his origin, we all knew that they were going to have either Luthor or someone like Zod in it as the main villain.

You want Darkseid, Doomsday, or Brainiac as the first main villain? I am sorry, they just don't fit with an early Superman finding out who he is. He needs someone to compare himself to, and both Luthor and Zod fit that role like a glove. They are for a later version of an older, more mature Superman. I can see Darkseid or Doomesday possibly entering in the second film, and Brainiac just isn't appropriate til a 3rd or 4th.

The title is fine. It's like the Dark Knight, it's another name for Superman, and in the viral media age we are in, you'll have to be as stupid as Scott Walker to not know it's a Superman movie.

I am not a Superman fan, and I am already ok with the film.
Jun 10, 2006
I think the name will help keep people from being confused about the relation of this film to the previous films, especially in the international markets.

As for the villains, most people only know Lex and Zod. Yes, many great things could be done with Brianiac, but that would be like introducing Spider-Man with Mysterio or Kraven instead of Harry Osborne. Besides, at least they have a very good actor playing Zod.


Prime Member
Feb 22, 2001
I didn't vote, as none of them really fit me. I was thrilled to see a new Superman movie on the way, and the cast is great... but I would love to see a new villain, as in, one that hasn't appeared in the movies. Sure Zod was awesome back in the day... but Superman really has other great villains. I'd love to see them make something similar to Action #775! Or Doomsday, or somebody from another planet or something... Superman Returns was too similar to the previous movies, and that's what hurt it most for me, more Zod means more rehash...and really, Superman deserves better.


Dec 2, 2008
I am totally okay with Zod but I still would have loved a villain I haven't seen in a previous movie. Either way, this is promising just because Supes will go toe to toe with someone of equal power with modern special effects, a big let down in "Superman Returns". Snyder is known for his visuals and I'm sure this flick with have plenty of eye candy.

.... and a nice plot would be great, I don't want another Superman 3 either.


Original poster
Zod again? Why aren't they doing something shocking, something we've never seen in a Superman movie? Zod's cool but we've already seen him. Where's Doomsday, Darkseid? Sigh. It might be a good movie but there's no surprises in this, nothing to exciting.
Mar 4, 2010
I kind of like that they took Superman out of the title. It worked in the Dark Knight to take Batman out of the title. For a reboot Zod is a good villain I guess. He is the antithesis of everything Superman stands for like Lex Luthor and he has the same powers as Superman. Problem is we have seen this before. I was kind of hoping they would go for something new.
Mar 28, 2011
I am so sick of movie reboots and prequel stories in movies. Spiderman and X-men are starting from the beginning. Star Trek has already rebooted. Shit, I'm waiting for the next next generation for that series but their probably going to reboot it. Most people know Superman's story. Time to progress his story past the beginning.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
@ RantingThespian -

Superman Returns was not Superman 5, it was Superman 3. They've said from the get go that they were acting as if Superman 3 and 4 didn't exist - something that's not hard to do.


Original poster
Not too sure about the title, I think it'd start the trend of using the character's "street referral title" for the name of the movie, ala The Man of Steel (obviously) and The Dark Knight. Next thing you know the new Spiderman movie will be called Friendly Neighborhood.


Jan 22, 2008
michael shannon was phenomenal in revolutionary road and he devoured every scene he was in in the runaways. as an actor he can definitely bring to zod what heath ledger brought to the joker, provided the direction is there (zack snyder let me down on watchmen). i know that's a tall order, but the guy really is a great actor. and at least with zod, supes has something to hit that he can't decapitate with one punch. doomsday or brainiac would have been nice, but with nolan you know they're going to really try and establish a "grounded mythos." well... as grounded as you can get with the story about an alien baby crash landing on earth in some sort of hypersonic, warp-driven, planetary escape pod...
Jan 9, 2009
I think the title is ok. But I still disagree with them doing a total reboot acting as if the forst two movies didn't exist. If you just picked up after Superman 2 you could avoid the origin story everyone and their mom knows and has already seen. Also I disagree with other fans who hate Luthor. I think you can include him by making him a minor character. Like you could have Braniac in the sequel to this movie with Luthor as a secondary character. After Superman kicks Braniacs ass you could have Luthor using Braniacs technology to create Metallo. Theres your trilogy. Just saying....
Jul 22, 2008
I dont wanna step on any toes (probably will though), and i must point out that ive never read a superman comic, but i watched most of the cartoons. But he always seemed so spectacularly one-dimensional.

-Im invincible unless they have cryptonite
-They have cryptonite
-I crawl weakly and knock the cryptonite so i cant see it anymore.
-I instantly regain all powers and save the day
-lex luthor slams his fists on his desk

After deciding to make a new movie could they not have used an enemy that hadnt already been in a superman movie before. what about darkseid, hes supermans main villain isnt he?


Nov 23, 2009
everything about the movie sounds good everything but the casting of Lois Lane smh need to re cast her before its too late PLEASE!!!


Mar 24, 2011
Even though nobody wants to see Zod again, i have to say i do, because we are going to get a better Zod, one closer to the Zod Geoff Johns remade in the comics, a war hardened general whos patrotism knows no bounds, and Michael Shannon is an epic choice, he will bring the perfect amount of crazy to this role, he threatening enough just to look at haha i cant wait to see how he does Zod
Nov 3, 2010
Well at least we know we won't get confusingly edited battles with Snyder ala Batman Begins or Dark Knight, but actually a Supes that can fight, but why Zod again? I do hope the story is something like "For tomorrow" where Zod was a real badass even though he was not the main villain. Also, where are Doomsday, Brainiac and Darkseid!!!???


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 22, 2008
meh, who cares bout the title, no one is gonna be walkin up to the window and saying it in full.
why do we have to go thru Zod again. with the plethora of viallains Supes has faced that CAN give him a run for his money, why Zod? why not open wit Livewire or Parasite and segway into Darkseid, Mongul or of course obviously...DOOMSDAY!
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