
Almost Not a Noob
Aug 10, 2013
I want a LEGO Dr Who where you can travel in time and every different time period has an open-world and you can change to different Characters etc. What LEGO game do you want to be made?


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 19, 2013
Wirral, UK
Not sure if there is already plans to do it, but would like to see the LEGO game on the WiiU, LEGO CIty Undercover, released for the other next generation consoles too as looks a really good game.
Aug 4, 2014
A Lego DC/Marvel crossover game would be pretty awesome, and not out of the realms of reality according to TravelersTales. I have discussed certain aspects of this in one of my YouTube videos:

I love the suggestion of a Dr Who game, there is so much potential in that franchise and it definitely has the right tone to fit the Lego world. It's easy to see the seperate doctors having different abilities etc.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 30, 2011
LEGO Doctor Who

This would be my ideal LEGO Doctor Who game (ideally the first LEGO game to feature four/five player co-op):

Hub Worlds
The main hub world in the game is the 12th Doctor's TARDIS console room. Here, you can access levels on the TARDIS scanner, pilot the TARDIS to another world or time or step outside the TARDIS doors and explore.

There are a total of seven different time periods and planets to explore on free roam. These are:



Present day London

Pompeii (Volcano Day)

New Earth

Victorian London

Cavemen Era

On Gallifrey, you can visit the Sisterhoods of Karn to create up to five LEGO minifigures. Other locations include the Time Lord Academy, the Citadel, the garages we see the 1st Doctor and Susan steal the TARDIS from and the Death Zone from The Five Doctors.

During your trip to Skaro, Daleks patrol around as they search for Thals. You must make sure, therefore, that they don't spot you otherwise you are exterminated. A gold brick is achieved by using Rose's Bad Wolf powers on the Daleks.

The corridors from the first Dalek serial are fully explorable. In one corridor, Barbara Wright is seen being cornered by a Dalek (a iconic scene from the first Dalek episode). If you destroy the Dalek and save Barbara, you unlock Barbara Wright as a playable character.

Present Day London
In Present Day London, you can drive around in generic vehicles such as a blue family car as well as a few from the show including a UNIT Jeep and Mickey Smith's car. You can travel to locations including Coal Hill School, the IM Foreman junkyard and the Powell Estate, as well as swim in the Thames and ask questions related to alien invasions to various passers-by.

You are able to enter UNIT Headquarters, where you can find the Brigadier (who will give you daily missions to complete around London). This is the only building you can go inside in the Present Day London free roam area.

Pompeii- Volcano Day
In Pompeii, you can go inside Mount Vesuvius and interact with people from the past. You can also purchase items from this time period that can be used in other areas during free roam. For example, there may be a quest in Present Day London which requires a item from Pompeii.

New Earth
In New Earth, you can pilot flying vehicles around the setting seen in series 2 of the show's revival, as well as the Macra-infested motorways from Gridlock. You can enter the hospital, where you are able to infect the other player/s with various diseases in order to find a cure that can be used in free play whenever a enemy places you in a trance-like state.

Victorian London
Victorian London is largely identical to Present Day London, only with a more steampunk look. In Victorian London, however, you cannot drive around in cars (unless you drive a car from Present Day London into the TARDIS). Instead, you can drive horse and carriages. Penny Farthings are also available providing you manage to find a Victorian cyclist on one. You are also unable to visit UNIT HQ in this time, due to the establishment not existing until a later period. Instead, you can visit the Palace Theatre and 13 Paternoster Row. Both buildings are enterable.

Inside the Palace Theatre, you will find Jago and Litefoot whereas at 13 Paternoster Row, Madam Vastra is waiting for you in the hallway to give you your daily mission.

Caveman Era
In the Caveman Era, you will find the cavemen from the very first Doctor Who serial An Unearthly Child. The fifth player on the Wii U version can touch the Wii U gamepad to light their cave campfire with fire.

Chapter 1- Contemporary Earth
Powell Estate
Rose is helping Jackie prepare lunch in their flat. They are expecting a guest. The 9th Doctor, to be exact, who has reluctantly accepted Rose's invitation for Sunday Lunch. Instead, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart arrives and tells Rose he needs her help.

Rose asks how he knows her name and he explains he keeps records on all of the Doctor's companions. The Brigadier leads her outside. Rose's eyes widen as she sees a massive robot (the K1 Robot from the fourth Doctor serial 'Robot') chomping on buildings, cars and street lamps. The robot spots her and aims its weapon in her direction. Jackie, spotting the commotion from the window of their flat, runs out and confronts it. Mickey also rushes out.

Playable: Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith

Boss: The K-1 Robot

The fifth player on the Wii U can use the Wii U gamepad to control the K-1 Robot.

The K-1 Robot collapses outside the Powell Estate. A UNIT helicopter transports it to a empty field. Some dog walkers stroll peacefully across the wide space and scream in shock as they spot the robot. This attracts the attention of some Robot Spiders, who make their way towards the dog walkers.

Jackie Tyler says she has a fear of spiders and runs off.

Playable: Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Dog walker 1, Dog walker 2 (on the Wii U)

Enemies: Robot Spiders

Boss: K-1 Robot (the Robot Spiders repair the K-1 Robot and it comes back stronger than ever, with extra hearts and a almost-indestructible body).

The 9th Doctor's TARDIS
The TARDIS materialises into view as the dog walkers run away. The 9th Doctor appears and ushers them inside. He asks the Brigadier why he invited him here. Rose reminds the Doctor that it was her that invited her, however the Doctor shakes his head and explains he also recieved a call from the Brigadier. The Brigadier tells the 9th Doctor, Rose and Mickey that time itself is under threat from a legion of monsters led by the Master searching for the 'time brick'.

They hear a laugh from inside the TARDIS and turn to find the Master (in her Missy incarnation) standing behind them. She runs in the direction of the TARDIS wardrobe. The TARDIS crew chase after her.

Playable: The 9th Doctor, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Rose, Mickey

Enemies: Robot Spiders

Boss: Missy

The fifth player on the Wii U version can use the Wii U gamepad to drop Robot Spiders into the TARDIS.

The Eye Of Orion
Missy teleports away from the TARDIS.

The Brigadier tells the 9th Doctor that the other Doctors are meeting on the Eye Of Orion for a debrief.

The TARDIS lands on the Eye Of Orion and the crew step out to find the other 12 Doctors on the ground trapped in cob webs. Spiders (seen in Planet of the Spiders) appear; they weave webs around Rose and Mickey. However, the 9th Doctor and the Brigadier manage to escape. Peri and K9 join them.

Playable: The 9th Doctor, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, K9, Peri

Enemies: Spiders

The fifth player on the Wii U can use the Wii U gamepad to weave webs around the other players.

Chapter 2: A Judoon Platoon
Criminal Behaviour
After the debriefing on the Eye Of Orion, Donna, Amy and K9 join the 1st Doctor in his TARDIS as he pilots the ship away. The TARDIS lands on the planet Clom. Judoon are patrolling the area. They are searching for the Doctor. The 1st Doctor tries using a alias, however the Judoon scan him and find he has two hearts.

Playable: The 1st Doctor, Donna, Amy, K9

Enemies: Judoon

The fifth player on the Wii U can use the Wii U gamepad to scan the players using a Judoon scanner.

Going To The Zoo
The TARDIS crew manage to trap the Judoon behind a rhino enclosure in Zorb Zoo. They heave a sigh of relief, not noticing the Slitheen closing in behind.

Playable: The 1st Doctor, Donna, Amy, K9

Enemies: Slitheen

The fifth player on the Wii U gamepad can create a killer stench by swiping the stylus across the touch screen.

Break Out
The Judoon break out of the enclosure.

Playable: The 1st Doctor, Donna, Amy, K9

Enemies: Judoon

Boss: Judoon Captain

The fifth player on the Wii U gamepad can once again use the Judoon scanner.

The TARDIS crew run back to the TARDIS, however the Shadow Architect is waiting for them. She has clamped the TARDIS.

Playable: The 1st Doctor, Donna, Amy, K9

Enemies: Judoon

Boss: Shadow Architect

The fifth player can control K9's laser to defeat the Judoon and the Shadow Architect using the Wii U gamepad.

Chapter 3: Vampires and Voord
Across The Universe
Elsewhere in the universe, the 4th Doctor is playing with a yo-yo by the TARDIS console as Rory Williams, Turlough and Danny Pink watch. Before long, a alert sounds on the TARDIS scanner.

Meanwhile, the Master/Missy is holding a meeting with a number of the Doctor's enemies about the current rumoured location of the time brick. She sends the Voord to explore the area, whilst also ordering the Saturnyne vampires to find the Doctor and his companions and kill them before they stop their quest for the time brick.

The Saturnynes find the TARDIS parked in World War 2 France. The 4th Doctor, Rory, Turlough and Danny step out. They spot the Saturnynes and sheepishly hold up their arms in surrender.

Playable: The 4th Doctor, Rory, Turlough, Danny

Enemies: The Saturnynes

By The Campfire
The 4th Doctor cooks the Saturnynes over a camp fire with chips. Rory remarks that it's 'the strangest fish and chips I've ever eaten'. Dusk falls and all but Danny fall asleep.

Danny watches in horror as the 4th Doctor, Turlough and Rory begin to mutate into Saturnynes.

Playable: Danny Pink (The other characters become playable as and when you defeat their Saturnyne mutations and thereby reverse the mutation).

Enemies: Saturnyne Turlough, Saturnyne Rory, Saturnynes

Boss: Saturnyne 4th Doctor

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to sling a fishing rod over the mutations.

The Tower Of Love
The 4th Doctor jumps with a start as though he has woken from a bad dream and complains that he smells of fish. Whilst he dips in the nearby River Seine, Turlough, Rory and Danny decide to do a bit of sight-seeing and head for the eiffel tower. There, they find Jenny (the Doctor's daughter), who tells them she's been tracking down a race known as the Voord. Apparently, they appear to be searching for the Time Brick; Jenny picked up a unusual reading here on her new arton energy detector.

At this point, some Saturnynes appear and tell the group Rosanna Calvierri wants to see them.

Playable: Turlough, Rory, Danny, Jenny

Enemies: Saturnynes

Boss: Rosanna Calvierri

Across The Voord
Rosanna is wrapped in a fish net and thrown in the river. Turlough, Rory and Danny bid farewell to Jenny and rejoin the 4th Doctor, who is shocked to here the Voord's plans. The 4th Doctor scours a intergalactic forum site for the latest Time Brick rumours and pilots the TARDIS to 2098 Paris.

They leave the TARDIS. It is parked outside the Eiffel Tower, which now hovers above the ground. The Voord are shooting at passers-by with black laser guns.

Playable: The 4th Doctor, Turlough, Rory, Danny

Enemies: The Voord

Boss: Yartek (Jenny rejoins when the boss appears. Jenny has a cartwheel ability which allows her to escape mind control. She can cartwheel away from the green beam of light between her mind and the Voord, so long as the player presses the right button for special abilities the moment mind control is used. She can also break the mind control of others through a timed cartwheel which sees one leg touch the light).

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to use mind control on the other players and (during the boss fight only) play as Jenny.

Chapter 4: Carrots and Conflict
Life On Mars
Missy hears how the Voord were defeated by the 4th Doctor and sneaks undercover to find out this Doctor's plans. She overhears a conversation between the 4th Doctor and Danny about how they were recruited and decides to recruit her previous incarnations to stop the Doctor.

Meanwhile, the 6th Doctor is fishing with Ace, who is beginning to get on his nerves. The Doctor catches what he believes to be a fish but when he reels it in, turns out to be the John Simm incarnation of the Master. The Master presses a button on a vortex manipulator around his wrist and dissapears. The Doctor and Ace follow in the TARDIS. The Master takes them to Mars.

On Mars, they find Gadget (who annoys the 6th Doctor even more than Ace!) and a man claiming to be the Doctor's son (at this, the 6th Doctor rolls his eyes and dismisses it as a load of nonsense, suggesting it sounds like a piece of scripted drama from a soap opera set in space).

Ice Warriors approach.

Playable: 6th Doctor, Ace, Gadget, the Doctor's son

Enemies: Ice Warriors

Boss: Grand Marshal Skaldak

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to freeze Ice Warriors in blocks of ice.

Floods Of Water
With the Ice Warriors defeated, the TARDIS crew continue their journey across Mars to the Master. The Doctor feels a drop of water land on the back of his neck and turns round. A water zombie infected by the Flood virus seen in The Water Of Mars waves at him, smiling guiltily.

Playable: 6th Doctor, Ace, Gadget, the Doctor's son

Enemies: Flood-infected water zombies

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to throw cures from the touch screen to players affected by the Flood.

Just One Drop
More and more water zombies approach. Behind them, the Master (John Simm incarnation) appears, laughing as he watches the water zombies move in on the 6th Doctor and gang.

Playable: 6th Doctor, Ace, Gadget, the Doctor's son

Enemies: Flood-infected water zombies

Again, the fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to throw cures from the touch screen to players affected by the flood.

Master Of Mars
More water zombies walk towards them as the previous patch die, this time accompanied by Ice Warriors. The Master taunts the Doctor; he flickers from blue skeleton to human body (as seen in The End Of Time) and shoots two blue beams at the Doctor from his hands. The 6th Doctor sits dazed in the corner. Jenny (the Doctor's daughter) appears.

Playable: Ace, Gadget, the Doctor's son, Jenny

Enemies: Ice Warriors, Flood-infected water zombies

Boss: The Master (John Simm incarnation)

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to both throw cures from the touch screen to players affected by the flood and act as a shield to reflect the blue laser beams coming from the Master's hands.

Chapter 5: The Dalek Umpire
Descent of the Daleks
With John Simm's Master, the Flood-infected water zombies and Ice Warriors defeated, Jenny leaves the 6th Doctor, Ace, Gadget and the Doctor's son to have her own adventures.

The Master (Missy) hears of the John Simm Master's defeat and shouts insults at him.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, the 5th Doctor is playing a game of cricket with Clara Oswald splinters when Daleks descend looking for the Time Brick.

Playable: 5th Doctor, Oswin Oswald, Victorian Clara, Gallifreyan Clara

Enemies: The Daleks

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to help defeat the Daleks by touching them on the touch screen.

A Spot Of Cricket
The 5th Doctor lodges a cricket ball at the last Dalek remaining. It explodes. They carry on with their game.

Playable: 5th Doctor, Oswin Oswald, Victorian Clara, Gallifreyan Clara

Minigame: Cricket

The fifth player on the Wii U acts as the bowler by touching the touch screen to bowl the ball over to the player with the cricket bat.

Game Over
The game of cricket is quickly over when a figure approaches who looks suspiciously like Davros. It's the Moxx of Balhoon, who glides past. Davros then appears.

Playable: 5th Doctor, Oswin Oswald, Victorian Clara, Gallifreyan Clara

Boss: Davros

The fifth player on the Wii U can use the gamepad to build lego items which can be used by the other players to stop Davros.

Chapter 6: Upgrading the game
Searching the Cyber-web
Davros hits his Dalek-like casing in anger as it refuses to move. The 5th Doctor returns to his game of cricket.

Cyber-ships race towards a golden brick. The Cybermen inside believe it to be the Time Brick. However, just as they're about to reach it, the brick falls down to a distant planet. The planet turns out to be Metebelis Three.

The War Doctor is following the Cyber-ships in his TARDIS, accompanied by Wilf, Captain Jack Harkness and Sergeant Benton. They land and step outside the TARDIS to find themselves face-to-face with some guards.

Playable:The War Doctor, Wilf, Captain Jack Harkness, Sergeant Benton

Enemies: Guards

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to distract the guards.

The Great One's Cave
The TARDIS crew manage to escape the guards and find themselves in the Great One's cave. However, the Queen spider known as 'The Great One' is waiting.

Playable: The War Doctor, Wilf, Captain Jack Harkness, Sergeant Benton

Enemies: Spiders

Boss: The Great One

Into The Cells
The Great One looks to be defeated. However, soon she regains control and takes over the War Doctor's mind. The War Doctor leads the prisoners to the prison cells and locks them inside.

Playable: Wilf, Captain Jack Harkness, Sergeant Benton

Enemies: Spiders

Boss: Posessed War Doctor

The fourth player is inactive during this point. The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to distract the guards whilst the other players escape from the cell.

Not So Undefeatable
As the now-no-longer-possessed War Doctor and companions walk down the prison corridor, they see Cybermen trapped in the cells. Soon, they break out and stomp towards them.

Playable: The War Doctor, Wilf, Captain Jack Harkness, Sergeant Benton

Enemies: Cybermen

Boss: John Lumic

Chapter 7: Action!
It's the Master...again!
On Contemporary Earth, the 3rd Doctor and Ian Chesterton are on the trail of some Autons. The Roger Degaldo Master appears and tells the 3rd Doctor how he has teamed up with his future incarnations. He runs off and the 3rd Doctor and Ian pursue him. However, the Autons appear and move in towards them.

Playable: 3rd Doctor, Ian Chesterton

Enemies: Autons

This level is more like previous LEGO games in terms of co-op, as only two characters are available in story mode and there are no Gamepad controls, meaning only two players can play this level. However, the level can be played with four players in free-play.

Or is it?
With the Autons defeated, the 3rd Doctor and Ian run in the direction of the Master. Leela joins them as the Master appears (or does he?).

Playable: 3rd Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Leela

Boss: The Master

Three players can play this level on story mode, however the fourth and fifth players are still inactive.

The Real Deal
The Master is revealed to be a hologram. The 3rd Doctor, Ian and Leela are joined by the 2nd Doctor as they search for the real Master. Bickering ensues.

Eventually, they find him eating a sandwich in a cafe. The Master spots them and quickly finishes his sandwich.

Playable: 3rd Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Leela, 2nd Doctor

Boss: The Master

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to cause indigestion for the Master, reducing his hearts by one.

Chapter 8: Salamander's Revenge
Oh my giddy aunt!
The 2nd Doctor heads back to his TARDIS as the Roger Degaldo Master runs quickly to the Cafe toilets to throw up. Waiting inside his TARDIS are Grace Holloway, Jo Grant and Harry Sullivan.

The TARDIS enters the time vortex. Something (or someone) hits it from outside, sending it spiralling off course to Australia 2019. The 2nd Doctor, Grace, Jo and Harry step out and head for the Australian outback, not noticing Salamander gripping onto one of the TARDIS's four exterior walls.

Playable: 2nd Doctor, Grace, Jo, Harry

Enemies: Salamander loyalists

Anybody for trout?
Salamander heads for the Australian Outback.

Elsewhere the 2nd Doctor and gang are now at the Kenowa research station.

Playable: 2nd Doctor, Grace, Jo, Harry

Enemies: Donald's henchmen

Boss: Donald Bruce

Smoked Salamander
After searching the outback, Salamander decides to visit the Kenowa research station. The 2nd Doctor, Grace, Jo and Harry are still there. Salamander tells them he is seeking revenge for the Doctor's actions in pushing him out of the TARDIS.

Playable: 2nd Doctor, Grace, Jo, Harry

Enemies: Salamander loyalists, Donald's henchmen

Boss: Salamander

There are no gamepad controls for this chapter.

Chapter 9: Love Is A Deadly Weapon
Where The River Runs Dry
Meanwhile, the 8th Doctor finds himself heading towards 1960s America with Tegan, Nyssa and Peri. There, he finds a young girl (Young Melody Pond) running down a backstreet. He, Tegan, Nyssa and Peri chase after her. They find a whole army of Melody Ponds.

Playable: The 8th Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, Peri

Enemies: Zygons

Boss: Young Melody Pond

Grown up
They manage to escape the young versions of Melody Pond.

The TARDIS next arrives in Leadworth. This time, they find a 11 year old Melody Pond, who spots them and runs away. Again, they find duplicates of her. This time, however, in the form of gangers.

Playable: The 8th Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, Peri

Enemies: Gangers

Boss: 11 year old Melody Pond

The Teenage Years
The TARDIS crew run back to the TARDIS. The TARDIS lands in Leadworth again, only this time five years later. Teenage Melody Pond is outside, who again scarpers when she spots them. Zolfa Thurans (Meglos's race) take on Teenage Melody Pond's form.

Playable: The 8th Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, Peri

Enemies: Zolfa Thurans

Boss: Teenage Melody Pond

The River Water Is Poisonous
When the TARDIS next lands, it's in a Stormcage prison cell, where River Song is waiting with Teselectas taking on her appearance.

Playable: The 8th Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, Peri

Enemies: Teselectas

Boss: River Song

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad to detect shape-changers.

Chapter 10: Seven and the Silence
Silent Manipulation
Missy laughs about how easily the four River Songs/Melody Pond were to manipulate for her benefit. However, one of her previous incarnations, the Eric Roberts Master, informs her that they were defeated. Missy then turns her attentions towards the 7th Doctor (who is nearing a suspicious gold brick, according to the image on Missy's iPad) and communicates with the Silence via a mobile phone, demanding they stop the 7th Doctor from reaching the Time Brick.

The 7th Doctor walks towards the gold brick with Romana 1, Brian Williams and Malcolm (from Planet of the Dead). However, the Silence appear before he gets there.

Playable: 7th Doctor, Romana 1, Brian Williams, Malcolm

Boss: The Silence

Silence Is Golden
The 7th Doctor, Romana 1, Brian and Malcolm all forget about the presence of the Silence and the Silence get the Time Brick. They use vortex manipulators to take the brick to Missy. The 7th Doctor and co follow their arton energy signal in the TARDIS.

Playable: 7th Doctor, Romana 1, Brian Williams, Malcolm

Enemies: The Silence

Boss: Missy

A Masterful Escape
Missy escapes with the Time Brick. Other incarnations of the Master surround the TARDIS crew.

Playable: 7th Doctor, Romana 1, Brian Williams, Malcolm

Enemies: The Silence

Boss: The Masters

Giant-sized conundrum
The Masters are defeated. Until a massive android replication of Missy approaches.

Playable: 7th Doctor, Romana 1, Brian Williams, Malcolm

Enemies: The Silence

Boss: Android Master

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad throughout this chapter to send reminders to the main screen that the Silence are there.

Chapter 11: Smithy and Jones
Goodbye, London
Missy decides to use the Time Brick to erase Present Day London, where the 11th Doctor, Craig Owens, Martha Jones and Zoe Heriot are looking for some rogue Sontarans looking for the Time Brick (seemingly unaware it's now been found).

Reapers appear.

Playable: 11th Doctor, Craig, Martha, Zoe

Enemies: Sontarans

Boss: Reapers

No Present
Present Day London is falling apart. Buildings start to dissapear, postmen begin to run out of post and a driver is left without his car. The Sontarans realise the Time Brick has been found and believe the Doctor has it.

Playable: 11th Doctor, Craig, Martha, Zoe

Enemies: Sontarans

Boss: Linx

The Rutans Appear
Meanwhile, the Rutans think the Sontarans have the Time Brick. The war between the Sontarans and Rutans resumes, with the Doctor and co caught in the middle.

Playable: 11th Doctor, Craig, Martha, Zoe

Enemies: Sontarans, Rutans

Boss: Field Major Styre

The fifth player can use the Wii U gamepad throughout this chapter to bake the Sontarans.

Time Can Be Rewritten
Back at the TARDIS, the 11th Doctor decides he will rewrite time so Present Day London was never erased. To do this, he tracks the gold brick down to it's exact location.

The TARDIS arrives on the Nethersphere, where Missy is about to use the Time Brick to erase Present Day London.

Playable: 11th Doctor, Craig, Martha, Zoe

Enemies: The Masters (excluding Missy)

Boss: Missy

Chapter 12: A Good Man?
Safe...or not?
The 12th Doctor remembers saving Present Day London from Missy in his previous incarnation. He knows it isn't over, as his 10th incarnation is yet to carry out a task to end it. 12 comes to the conclusion that he only made things worse; by stopping Missy from erasing Present Day London, he caused her to turn her attention to a different time period. The time period being the one in which he first decided to flee in the TARDIS on Gallifrey. If only he'd managed to get the gold brick from her (sigh).

Unlike the other Doctors, he refused to travel with a companion other than Clara. So he and Clara head for Victorian London, where the Krotons have enslaved the Victorians to help them find the Time Brick (unaware it has been found). There, Strax, Madam Vastra and Jenny join them.

Playable: The 12th Doctor, Clara, Strax, Madam Vastra, Jenny

Enemies: The Krotons

Boss: Eelek

Another Brick
One of the slaves finds a brick. The Doctor recognises it as a 'Gene Manipulation brick' (a brick which changes your genes to transform your body into a different physical structure). The slave picks it up and is immediately transformed into a 'Hulk'-like figure.

Playable: The 12th Doctor, Clara, Strax, Madam Vastra, Jenny

Enemies: The Krotons

Boss: Slave

Giant On The Run
The slave escapes and runs further into Victorian London. At some point, the slave has dropped the brick on the ground. The Doctor picks it up and is also transformed.

Playable: The 12th Doctor (Giant), Clara, Strax, Madam Vastra, Jenny

Enemies: The Krotons

Boss: Slave

Reverse The Polarity!
The 12th Doctor has defeated the Slave with a gigantic Sonic Screwdriver, however he is unable to find a way to reverse the gene process and like the Slave, he turns against Clara, Strax, Madam Vastra and Jenny.

Playable: Clara, Strax, Madam Vastra, Jenny

Enemies: The Krotons

Boss: The 12th Doctor (Giant)

The fifth player can use the Wii U Gamepad throughout this chapter to stop the Krotons from moving.

Chapter 13: Ten's Hour
Salve Decem
With the 12th Doctor's gene manipulation reversed, the 12th Doctor and Clara head back to the TARDIS.

Meanwhile, the 10th Doctor is in 1066 Hastings with Susan Foreman, Jamie McCrimmon, Polly and Romana 2 when he notices knights and horses beginning to disappear. The Time Lords appear, thinking the Doctor has caused this.

Characters: The 10th Doctor, Susan Foreman, Jamie McCrimmon, Polly, Romana 2

Enemies: The Time Lords

Boss: Rassilon

Meddling In Time
The Doctor tries to convince the Time Lords it isn't him but they don't believe him. The Meddling Monk appears. The Doctor immediately suspects he has stolen the Time Brick off Missy.

Characters: The 10th Doctor, Susan Foreman, Jamie McCrimmon, Polly, Romana 2

Enemies: The Time Lords

Boss: The Meddling Monk

Omm, omm, omm...ega
The Meddling Monk assures it's not him and also suspects the Doctor. Until Omega appears...

Characters: The 10th Doctor, Susan Foreman, Jamie McCrimmon, Polly, Romana 2

Enemies: The Time Lords

Boss: Omega

The Culprit Appears
Missy appears and states that once Present Day London was saved from fading out of existence by the 11th Doctor, she turned her attentions to 1066 (due to it being a major part of human history).

1066 fades away and Missy leaves in her TARDIS. The Doctor and co follow her to Gallifrey, just as his earlier incarnation is about to steal the TARDIS.

Characters: The 10th Doctor, Susan Foreman, Jamie McCrimmon, Polly, Romana 2

Enemies: TARDIS mechanics

Boss: Missy

The fifth player can use the Wii U Gamepad to hypnotise the Time Lords.

Chapter 14: The Finale
The Doctors Assembled
Every Doctor and companion in the story join forces to work out how to destory the Time Brick. They reckon Azmael may know the answer, however he, like the rest of the Time Lords once believed, thinks the Doctors were behind the Time Brick's use.

Playable: The 1st Doctor, the 2nd Doctor, the 3rd Doctor, the 4th Doctor, the 5th Doctor, the 6th Doctor, the 7th Doctor, the 8th Doctor, the War Doctor, the 9th Doctor, the 10th Doctor, the 11th Doctor, the 12th Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe, Jo Grant, Sarah Jane Smith, Leela, Romana 1, Romana 2, Adric, Tegan, Turlough, Peri, Ace, Grace, Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Wilf, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Clara, Danny Pink, Polly

Enemies: Gastropods

Boss: Azmael

The fifth player can use the Wii U Gamepad to flick the Gastropods away.

They manage to convince Azmael of the truth and he tells them how to destroy the Time Brick. The Time Brick fights back, creating golden figures and a golden king.

Playable: The 1st Doctor, the 2nd Doctor, the 3rd Doctor, the 4th Doctor, the 5th Doctor, the 6th Doctor, the 7th Doctor, the 8th Doctor, the War Doctor, the 9th Doctor, the 10th Doctor, the 11th Doctor, the 12th Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe, Jo Grant, Sarah Jane Smith, Leela, Romana 1, Romana 2, Adric, Tegan, Turlough, Peri, Ace, Grace, Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Wilf, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Clara, Danny Pink, Polly

Enemies: Golden figures

Boss: Golden king

The fifth player can use the Wii U Gamepad to melt the gold and make the figures ans king easier to defeat.

Catching The Bate
With the golden figures defeated, the companions return to their right Doctors and leave.

The 12th Doctor and Clara arrives at Bates' Motel. Norman Bates appears (said to be hinting at a LEGO Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho videogame). As does Strax.

Playable: The 12th Doctor, Clara, Strax

Boss: Norman Bates

The fourth player is inactive during this level. The fifth player can use the Wii U Gamepad to find out more about Alfred Hitchcock.

The 1st Doctor (Child) - 50,000 studs, complete the 'Listen' bonus level to unlock.

The 1st Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, has a 'cane attack' ability.

The 1st Doctor (Monocle)- 150,000 studs, find Clyde Langer's homework in Present Day London, same ability as 1st Doctor.

The 1st Doctor (French Revolution)- 150,000 studs, help a roman find his wife in Pompeii, same ability as 1st Doctor.

The 2nd Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, can use recorder to make enemies dance.

The 2nd Doctor (fur coat)- 150,000 studs, defeat a Yeti in Present Day London, same ability as 2nd Doctor.

The 2nd Doctor (The Two Doctors costume)- 150,000 studs, help guide a pregnant woman to the hospital on New Earth safely without the woman being eaten by the Macra, same ability as 2nd Doctor.

The 3rd Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, capable of Venusian Akido.

The 3rd Doctor (velvet cape)- 150,000 studs, hidden in UNIT HQ, same ability as 3rd Doctor.

The 3rd Doctor (female cleaner)- 150,000 studs, hidden in the Black Archives at UNIT HQ, same ability as 3rd Doctor.

The 3rd Doctor (Spearhead From Space hat outfit)- 150,000 studs, hidden in the Black Archives at UNIT HQ, same ability as 3rd Doctor.

The 4th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, can use his scarf to reach otherwise unreachable locations and wrap enemies around.

The 4th Doctor (burgundy outfit)- 150,000 studs, interact with ten people from Present Day London, same ability as 4th Doctor.

The 4th Doctor (Curator)- 150,000 studs, complete the 'The Curator's Tales' bonus level, same ability as 1st Doctor.

The 4th Doctor (waxwork)- 10,000 studs, complete the 'Shada' bonus level, no abilities, hops around levels with no ways of attacking enemies or building things from LEGO bricks.

The 5th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, uses a cricket bat to attack enemies

The 5th Doctor (Omega)- 150,000 studs, complete a lesson in the Time Lord Academy, same ability as 5th Doctor.

The 5th Doctor (Time Crash)- 200,000 studs, find the Adric memorial in the TARDIS, same ability as 5th Doctor.

The 6th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, strangles enemies.

The 6th Doctor (Blue outfit)- 150,000 studs, help Victoria find appropriate clothes for visiting Present Day London in the TARDIS wardrobes, same ability as 6th Doctor.

The 6th Doctor (The Two Doctors)- 170,000 studs, find a way to reduce the temperature in UNIT HQ, same ability as 6th Doctor.

The 7th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, has mind controlling abilities.

The 7th Doctor (cardigan)- 150,000 studs, find the fluid link on Skaro, same ability as 7th Doctor.

The 7th Doctor (TV Movie)- 150,000 studs, help solve a roman's financial problems , same ability as 7th Doctor.

The 8th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, can use Sonic Screwdriver for numerous uses including blowing stuff up and locking/unlocking doors.

The 8th Doctor (Night of the Doctor)- 250,000 studs, same ability as 8th Doctor, complete 'Night of the Doctor' bonus level.

The War Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as 8th Doctor, also able to use The Moment to blow up silver LEGO objects.

The 9th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as 8th Doctor.

The 10th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as 8th Doctor.

The 10th Doctor (Brown pinstriped suit without long coat)- 50,000 studs, has same ability as 8th Doctor, escape from infected patients at the New New York hospital.

The 10th Doctor (Blue pinstriped suit, no long coat)- 150,000 studs, has same ability as 8th Doctor, destroy 10 clothes racks in the TARDIS wardrobe.

The 10th Doctor (3D glasses)- 170,000 studs, has same ability as 8th Doctor and is also able to detect 'void stuff' to find hidden LEGO objects, help Luke (distracted on his phone) across the road to Sarah Jane Smith in Present Day London.

The 10th Doctor (Pyjamas)- 150,000 studs, has same ability as 8th Doctor, find the satsuma.

The 11th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as 8th Doctor.

The 11th Doctor (Fez)- 150,000 studs, transport Amelia Pond to the National Museum in Present Day London, has same ability as 8th Doctor.

The 11th Doctor (Stetson)- 150,000 studs, find 10 stetsons in the TARDIS, has same ability as 8th Doctor.

The 11th Doctor (Victorian garments)- 150,00 studs, complete Madam Vastra's first mission, has same ability as 8th Doctor.

The 12th Doctor- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as 8th Doctor.

The 12th Doctor (Cardigan)- 170,000 studs, help Clara find her souffles in the TARDIS. The 11th Doctor (Purple tweed)- Help Jenny find Strax, has same ability as 8th Doctor.

Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart- Unlocked during story mode, has gun.

Rose Tyler- Unlocked during story mode, has Bad Wolf ability (see top of wiki).

Mickey Smith- Unlocked during story mode, is able to hack into control systems where player must engage in typical LEGO puzzle-solving to get what's needed (eg: access to a area in a level).

Jackie Tyler- Unlocked during story mode, no ability

Peri- Unlocked during story mode, no ability.

K9- Unlocked during story mode, can shoot lasers at enemies and out-of-reach objects.

Dog walker 1- Unlocked during story mode, no ability.

Dog walker 2- Unlocked during story mode, no ability.

Donna Noble- Unlocked during story mode, can hit enemies behind them with a hammer (as seen in The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky).

Amy Pond- Unlocked during story mode, can manipulate enemies into doing what she wants by dressing in her police woman costume and kissing them.

Rory Williams- Unlocked during story mode, can give enemies a mighty punch.

Rory Williams (Centurion)- 150,000 studs, destroy 20 pillars in 50 seconds, same ability as Rory Williams.

Turlough- Unlocked during story mode, can use tie to reach numerous inaccessible places.

Danny Pink- Unlocked during story mode, can catapult over enemies to attack them when they least expect it.

Jenny (the Doctor's daughter)- Unlocked during story mode, can cartwheel over lasers and use cartwheels to avoid being mind controlled by enemies.

Ace- Unlocked during story mode, can use Nitro 9 to blow silver LEGO objects up.

Gadget- Unlocked during story mode, can speed through areas to avoid obstacles that may suddenly appear such as fire.

The Doctor's son - Unlocked during story mode, can heal anybody with between one-three hearts left.

Clara Oswald- Unlocked during story mode, can reach 'impossible' locations by standing on 'impossible pads'.

Oswin Oswald- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as Mickey Smith.

Victorian Clara- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as Amy Pond.

Gallifreyan Clara - Unlocked during story mode, no ability.

Wilf- Unlocked during story mode, has gun.

Captain Jack Harkness-Unlocked during story mode, has gun.

Sergeant Benton - Unlocked during story mode, has gun.

Ian Chesterton- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as Turlough.

Leela- Unlocked during story mode, has knife.

Grace Holloway- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as the Doctor's son.

Jo Grant- Unlocked during story mode, can use her clumsiness to find hidden areas.

Harry Sullivan- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as the Doctor's son.

Tegan Jovanka- Unlocked during story mode, no ability.

Nyssa- Unlocked during story mode, has psychic abilities which allow her to see things which previously weren't there.

Romana 1- Unlocked during story mode, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Brian Williams- Unlocked during story mode, can detect weaknesses from enemies by studying them through video logs

Malcolm- Unlocked during story mode, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Craig Owens- Unlocked during story mode, can use his love for his baby to destroy enemies.

Martha Jones- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as the Doctor's son.

Zoe Heriot- Unlocked during story mode, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Strax- Unlocked during story mode, has same ability as the Doctor's son and carries a gun.

Madam Vastra- Unlocked during story mode, has a sword.

Jenny- Unlocked during story mode, has a sword.

Susan Foreman- Unlocked during story mode, has a shrieking ability which enables her to destroy enemies with a scream.

Jamie McCrimmon- Unlocked during story mode, no abiliyy.

Polly- Unlocked during story mode, no ability.

Romana 2- Unlocked during story mode, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Frobisher- 450,000 studs, find the pet shop owner's pet parrot, has a shapeshifting ability which can be used to take on the form of the enemy as a trick in order to get past the enemies in question and reach a lever, for example, without being attacked.

Barbara Wright- 450,000 studs, save Barbara from the Dalek, has historical knowledge ability which can be used to operate ancient items in the past.

Vicki- 150,000 studs, destroy 10 horse and carriages in Victorian London, has same healing ability as the Doctor's son.

Steven Taylor- 150,000 studs, find a spaceship in Pompeii, can fly spacecraft.

Katarina- 50,000 studs, find her gravestone in the TARDIS graveyard, has a stealth ability which allows her to sneak up/past enemies.

Sara Kingdom- 50,000 studs, help her destroy the Daleks on a undercover mission on Skaro, has a gun.

Dodo Chaplet- 150,000 studs, use a character with a stealth ability to get past Davros on Skaro, no abilities.

Polly- 100,000 studs, use the Sonic Screwdriver to open the locked door to the Inferno nightclub (unfortunately, you cannot enter the building but you will unlock two characters by doing this), no abilities.

Ben- 100,000 studs, use the Sonic Screwdriver to open the locked door to the Inferno nightclub, no abilities.

Victoria Waterfield- 150,000 studs, help Professor Travers find his Yeti in Victorian London, has same ability as Susan Foreman.

Liz Shaw- 50,000 studs, use a character with psychic abilities to find the Doctor's laboratory , then use the Sonic Screwdriver to cause a chemical to bubble and explode, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Kamelion- 50,000 studs, help a Gallifreyan mechanic repair a TARDIS at the garage on Gallifrey, no abilities.

Melanie Bush- 150,000 studs, help a passer-by on New Earth lose weight, has same shrieking ability as Susan Foreman.

Charley Pollard- 150,000 studs, help a Victorian gentleman find his top hat in Victorian London, no abilities

C'rizz- 150,000 studs, decipher the Face Of Boe's message on New Earth, has chameleon ability which allows him to blend into surroundings.

Lucie Miller- 150,000 studs, help the Time Lords find future dictator Karen, no abilities.

Tasmin Drew- 150,000 studs, find a way to scrub 'Bad Wolf' graffiti off a police box in Present Day London, no abilities.

Molly O'Sullivan- 150,000 studs, defeat Jack The Ripper in Victorian London, has same healing ability as the Doctor's son.

Cass- 150,000 studs, find the warrior potion and bring it back to the Sisterhoods Of Karn on Gallifrey, has same ability as Steven Taylor.

Adam Mitchell- 150,000 studs, help Simmons torture a imprisoned Dalek on Skaro, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

River Song- 150,000 studs, help a caveman find his spear, has a gun.

Mike Yates- 150,000 studs, heal a caveman, has a gun.

Kate Stewart- 50,000 studs, destroy five targets with a gun, no abilities.

Brigadier Winifred Barbara- 150,000 studs, race back to the TARDIS before Harold Saxon steals it in Present Day London, has a gun.

Corporal Bell- 70,000 studs, help Corporal Bell solve a admin problem, no abilities.

Private Carl Harris- 80,000 studs, build a massive life-size Cyber-King in Victorian London, has a gun.

Private Ross Jenkins- 150,000 studs, build a cave in the Caveman Era, has a gun.

Colonel Mace- 150,000 studs, help Colonel Mace stop a Sea Devil invasion in Present Day London, has a gun.

Captain Erisa Megambo- 150,000 studs, help Colonel Mace find his gun in Present Day London, has a gun.

Osgood- 150,000 studs, help bring members of L.I.N.D.A together in Present Day London, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Sally Sparrow- 150,000 studs, investigate a haunted house in Present Day London, no abilities.

Larry Nightingale- 150,000 studs, investigate a haunted house in Victorian London, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Cameca- 150,000 studs, help a roman find the right place to propose to his girlfriend in Pompeii, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Theodore Maxtible- 150,000 studs, return a horse and carriage to the rich victorian in Victorian London, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Professor Travers- 150,000 studs, help the rich victorian find his money, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Whizzkid- 150,000 studs, destroy 12 Psychic Circus posters on New Earth, no abilities.

Lazar- 150,000 studs, defeat the Gel Guards on Gallifrey, has a gun.

Isobel Watkins- 150,000 studs, help Isobel take some photos in the sewers in Present Day London, if a player with the Wii U gamepad plays as Isobel on the Wii U, they can use the gamepad's touchscreen to take photos during freeplay.

Ikona- 150,000 studs, find some transport for the cavemen in the Cavemen Era, no abilities.

Pete- 150,000 studs, destroy 20 hospital beds in New Earth, no abilities.

Moxx Of Balhoon- 150,000 studs, return a Dalek travel machine to it's owner on Skaro, no abilities.

Charles Dickens- 150,000 studs, make it snow in Victorian London, no abilities.

Harriet Jones, 150,000 studs, build the Houses Of Parliament in Present Day London, use a ID card to unlock closed doors/gates.

Linda with a Y- 150,000 studs, audition for a play in the Palace Theatre in Victorian London, no abilities.

Novice Hame- 150,000 studs, cure the diseased zombies in New Earth, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

Queen Victoria- 150,000 studs, build a pizza in Pompeii, no abilities.

Yvonne Hartman (Cyberman)- 150,000 studs, complete the Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday bonus level, can delete like Cybermen and carries Cyber-gun.

Francine Jones- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Support Group' bonus level, no abilities.

Tish- 150,000 studs, help Mr Saxon find his gas mask in Present Day London, no abilities.

Leo Jones- 150,000 studs, help the slaves escape in Pompeii, no abilities.

Clive Jones- 150,000 studs, help deliver Clive's love letter to Francine Jones in Present Day London, no abilities.

William Shakespeare- 150,000 studs, find the actors who are supposed to be performing at the Palace Theatre in Victorian London, has same hacking ability as Oswin Oswald.

John Smith- 150,000 studs, save a Thal from the swamp creature in the swamp on Skaro, no abilities.

Tom Milligan- 150,000 studs, treat the patients in the hospital on the planet New Earth, has same healing abilities as the Doctor's son.

Astrid Peth- 150,000 studs, find the star dust in the TARDIS, can transform into star dust to enter ventilation shafts.

Sylvia Noble- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Support Group' bonus level, no abilities.

Caecilius- 150,000 studs, help Caecilius find his family in Pompeii, no abilities.

Agatha Christie- 150,000 studs, find ten Agatha Christie books hidden in the TARDIS, no abilities.

Jackson Lake- 150,000 studs, use a infostamp on a guard at Buckingham Palace to enter the gardens and defeat a group of Cybershades in Present Day London, carries a screwdriver which, through Jackson Lake's perspective, operates in the same way as the 8th through to 12th Doctors.

Lady Christina De Souza- 150,000 studs, help a thief steal the crown jewels in Present Day London, has same ability as Jenny (the Doctor's daughter).

Adelaide Brooke- 150,000 studs, fight in the Death Zone and reach the tower on Gallifrey, has a gun.

Joshua Naismith- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Money, money, money' bonus level, no abilities.

Jeff- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Get a girlfriend, Jeff!' bonus level, no abilities.

Liz 10- 150,000 studs, build a ladder to the top of Buckingham Palace in Present Day London, has a gun.

Winston Churchill- 150,000 studs, help a MP find his briefcase in Present Day London, no abilities.

Amelia Pond- 150,000 studs, find twelve drinks in Present Day London, no abilities.

Henry Avery- 150,000 studs, find twenty bottles of rum in Victorian London, has a sword.

Toby Avery- 50,000 studs, win a race against Captain Wrack on Gallifrey, no abilities.

Jenny (Paternoster Gang)- Unlocked during story mode, has a sword.

Lorna Bucket- 100,000 studs, enroll at the Time Lord Academy on Gallifrey, has a gun.

Stormaggedon- 50,000 studs, destroy all the metal creatures on Skaro, has same ability as Susan Foreman.

Darla- 70,000 studs, destroy the Dalek statue on Skaro, Wii U gamepad users can use her eyestalk ability to explore areas through the point of view of a Dalek eyestalk, eyestalk ability allows other non-Wii U Gamepad players playing as Darla to scare away enemies. Dara can also shoot enemies with a eggwhiskk which grows out of her hand.

Brian Williams- 150,000 studs, make a cup of tea in the TARDIS, carries a cup of tea with him everywhere.

Professor Grisenko- 150,000 studs, destroy a army of Sontarans in Victorian London, has same ability as Oswin Oswald.

Queen Elisabeth 1st- 150,000 studs, destroy a second army of Sontarans in Victorian London, no abilities.

Robin Hood- 150,000 studs, steal money from twelve rich Victorians and give it to twelve poor ones, has bow and arrow which can be used to both target objects and attack enemies.

Orson Pink- 150,000 studs, unlocked with Danny Pink in story mode, has same ability as Danny Pink.

Courtney Woods- 50,000 studs, help Ian Chesterton find Barbara Wright in Present Day London, no abilities.

Lundvik- 150,000 studs, destroy a invasion of spiders near Big Ben in Present Day London, carries a gun.

Seb- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Miss-chevious Mission' bonus level, no abilities.

Santa Claus- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Christmas Capers' bonus level, can use tangerines as weapons.

Shona Love- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Christmas Capers' bonus level, can use her dancing ability to distract enemies.

Ashley Carter- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Christmas Capers' bonus level, no abilities.

Ian- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Christmas Capers' bonus level, can use presents as weapons.

The Wolf- 150,000 studs, complete the 'Christmas Capers' bonus level, can use presents as weapons.

Henry Jago- 150,000 studs, complete all of Henry Jago and George Litefoot's quests, has same ability as Oswin Oswald.

George Litefoot- 150,000 studs, complete all of Henry Jago and George Litefoot's quests, has same ability as Oswin Oswald.

Dalek- 450,000 studs, defeat all the Daleks on Skaro, has same abilities as Darla alongside a sucker which can be used to kill enemies.

Cyberman- 450,000 studs, use a character with mind control ability to recreate the famous St Paul's Cathedral Cybermen march, can use Cyber blaster attached to arm to delete enemies.

Cyberman (Nightmare In Silver)- 450,000 studs, shoot twelve Cybermen in the sky, can delete enemies with Cyber arm and fly.

Sontaran- 300,000 studs, help a chef find his baked potato in Present Day London, has a gun.

Linx- 350,000 studs, help a chef find another potato in Present Day London, has same abilities as Sontaran.

Field Major Styre- 350,000 studs, help a chef find his frying pan in Present Day London, has same abilities as Sontaran.

Silurian- 300,000 studs, uncover a ancient artefact under Mount Vesuvius and take it to the time travelling architect, has a gun.

Weeping Angel- 450,000 studs, help a ghost hunter defeat the Gelth in Present Day London, can make enemies 'dissapear' (or rather, send them back in time).

Statue Of Liberty Weeping Angel- 600,000 studs, this time help the ghost hunter defeat the 'ghosts' (Cybermen) near the Thames in Present Day London, can make large groups of enemies 'dissapear' at once.

Ice Warrior- 300,000 studs, give a blanket to a caveman, can use arm blaster to shoot at enemies.

Great Intelligence (Doctor Simeon)- 250,000 studs, help a London Underground train driver keep the Yeti away from the underground in Victorian London, has same ability as 7th Doctor.

Great Intelligence (Yeti)- 250,000 studs, defeat the Yeti in the London Underground in Victorian London, has same ability as 7th Doctor.

Zygon- 200,000 studs, build the Loch Ness Monster in Present Day London (causing locals to wonder out loud why it's not in Scotland), has same ability as Frobisher.

Macra- 150,000 studs, get rid of the insects from Rassilon's burial chamber, has limited movement but can use pincers to attack enemies.

Clockwork robots- 200,000 studs, help a Victorian inventor find the right parts to create a steampunk device, has clockwork weapon to attack enemies with.

Silent- 450,000 studs, help the Judoon track a rogue criminal in Present Day London, can make enemies forget his presence.

Vashta Nerada- 200,000 studs, defeat a Werewolf in Victorian London, any enemy who steps in the Vashta Nerada's shadows is eaten straight away to be replaced with raw meat.

The Empty Child- 200,000 studs, help a time agent track down Captain Jack on New Earth, turns any enemy who crosses it's path into a empty child.

Ood- 300,000 studs, help a chef in Victorian London find some spaghetti, can kill any enemy with his translation sphere.

Ood Sigma- 300,000 studs, help a chef in Victorian London find some spaghetti, same abilities as Ood.

Sensorite- 150,000 studs, escape a Ood in the TARDIS, can use telepathic abilities to move objects.

The Voords- 150,000 studs, find a Voord mask on Skaro, has the same abilities as the 7th Doctor.

Yartek- 200,000 studs, find a Voord mask on Skaro, has the same abilities as the 7th Doctor.

Zarbi- 150,000 studs, exterminate bugs with some bug spray in the Caveman Era, has a gun.

Drahvin- 150,000 studs, kill every male Time Lord on Gallifrey, has a gun.

Fish person- 150,000 studs, find some radiation drugs on Skaro, can dive underwater to find secret areas,

Weed creature- 150,000 studs, become president on Gallifrey, has the same abilities as the 7th Doctor.

Quark- 150,000 studs, recruit a 2nd player to join the High Council of Time Lords on Gallifrey, has weaponry which can be used to kill enemies.

Kroton- 150,000 studs, recruit a 3rd player to join the High Council of Time Lords on Gallifrey, can drain enemies' mental power.

Auton- 450,000 studs, recruit a 4th player to join the High Council of Time Lords on Gallifrey, his hand detaches to reveal a gun which can be used to kill enemies.

Axon- 150,000 studs, recruit the 5th player on the Wii U Gamepad to join the High Council of Time Lords on Gallifrey (on other gaming platforms, find another Time Lord on Gallifrey to fill the 5th position), can drain energy from enemies.

Daemon- 150,000 studs, find the last chapter of the book Melody Malone: The Angel's Kiss, can change their size to reach previously unreachable areas.

Alpha Centauri- 150,000 studs, reach a previously unreachable area on the top of a factory building in Victorian London, no abilities.

Sea Devil- 150,000 studs, find a underwater city in Present Day London, has a gun and same abilities as the fish person.

Maggot- 150,000 studs, help Clara Oswald find the bathroom in the TARDIS, vulnerable to bullets.

Spider- 150,000 studs, get rid of the bed bugs in the TARDIS bedrooms, can weave webs around enemies.

The Great One- 250,000 studs, investigate a strange noise in a cave in the Cavemen Era, has same abilities as the 7th Doctor and Spider.

K1 Robot- 300,000 studs, defeat the Statue of Liberty Weeping Angel on Gallifrey, can go through radioactive material and pick up radioactive objects that are in the way.

Wiirn- 150,000 studs, defeat the Robot Spiders on Skaro, can sabotage control panels.

Davros- 600,000 studs, defeat the Thals on Skaro, can shoot electricity from his hand.

Sutekh- 150,000 studs, destroy all living things in all seven hub worlds, has same abilities as the 7th Doctor.

Morbius- 150,000 studs, find a Ood hive brain in the TARDIS, no abilities.

Mr Sin- 150,000 studs, find a ventriloquist's dummy in the TARDIS, carries a laser rifle and has same abilities as Oswin Oswald.

Rutan- 250,000 studs, find ten green goo puddles in Pompeii, has same abilities as Frobisher.

Scaroth- 150,000 studs, jump into the Doctor's timestream in the TARDIS, carries a gun.

Zolfa-Thuran- 150,000 studs, help Romana choose a new body in the TARDIS, has same abilities as Frobisher.

The Mara- 150,000 studs, build a bed for Clara Oswald in the TARDIS, has same abilities as the 7th Doctor.

Terileptil- 150,000 studs, solve a fight between two brothers in Victorian London, has same abilities as the fish person.

Raston Warrior Robot- 150,000 studs, help a divorced couple get back together in Present Day London, can move at increasingly fast speeds and fire arrows from it's hands.

Sharaz Jek- 150,000 studs, find a young teenager's lunch box in Present Day London, no abilities.

Gastropod- 150,000 studs, help a young teenager find his way to school in Present Day London, has same abilities as the 7th Doctor.

Sil- 200,000 studs, help a young teenager find his way back home from school in Present Day London, no abilities.

Vervoid- 200,000 studs, help a teacher stop a pupil from escaping school in Present Day London, can shoot poisonous darts.

Kandyman- 200,000 studs, help the cavemen create fire in the Cavemen Era, can give out deadly sweets to enemies.

God Of Ragnarok- 300,000 studs, complete the 'Gallifrey's Got Talent' bonus level, can fire thunder bolts.

The Destroyer- 150,000 studs, build some caveman drawings in the Cavemen Era, can teleport to different areas.

Haemovore- 200,000 studs, help Rassilon stop the Master from reaching the Citadel on Gallifrey, has same abilities as the fish person.

Cheetah person- 150,000 studs, stop the Time War on Gallifrey, can use his excellent sense of smell to track down hidden switches and areas.

Gelth- 200,000 studs, praise the house gods in Pompeii, can pass through walls to reach otherwise unreachable areas.

Slitheen- 450,000 studs, kill all the romans in Pompeii, has same abilities as Vervoid.

Reaper- 200,000 studs,defeat the Pyrovile in Pompeii, can reach building rooftops and make enemies dissapear.

Sycorax- 150,000 studs, light all the gas lamps in Victorian London, carries a sword.

Werewolf- 250,000 studs, help the police stop a criminal in Victorian London, no abilities.

The Beast- 400,000 studs, open the tower bridge to allow a boat to pass in Present Day London, can breathe fire.

Scribble monster- 150,000 studs, help UNIT track down Autons in Present Day London, no abilities.

Carrionite- 200,000 studs, help Jago and Litefoot investigate a series of murders in Victorian London, has same abilities as the 7th Doctor.

Scarecrow- 150,000 studs, help Madam Vastra investigate the murders of Jack The Ripper in Victorian London, no abilities.

Heavenly Host- 150,000 studs, help Strax defeat a scotsman in Victorian London, can throw their halos at enemies and fly.

Adipose- 40,000 studs, build a exercise bike for a young woman in Present Day London, no abilities.

Pyrovile- 200,000 studs, help Jenny Flint investigate the murders of fellow lesbian couples in Victorian London, has same abilities as the Beast.

Hath- 150,000 studs, help a cyclist find a bike to use in Present Day London, has same abilities as the fish person.

Cybershade- 150,000 studs, help a cyclist find a bottle of water in Present Day London, no abilities.

Prisoner Zero- 150,000 studs, help a cyclist cycle across Present Day London without being run over, can slip through grates to reach previously unreachable areas.

Saturnyne- 150,000 studs, help a sightseer get the photos he wants in Present Day London, has same abilities as the fish person.

Teselecta- 150,000 studs, help a sightseer find the nearest London Underground station in Present Day London, has same abilities as Frobisher.

Peg Doll- 150,000 studs, help a sightseer find his way to the Houses Of Parliament in Present Day London, can turn enemies into Peg Dolls.

Handbot- 150,000 studs, help the Queen find her Corgis in Present Day London, can kill enemies with acts of kindness.

Minotaur- 200,000 studs, take the Queen's Corgis for a walk in Present Day London, no abilities.

Dinosaur- 250,000 studs, help Prince Charles find Camilla in Present Day London, no abilities.

Snowman- 150,000 studs, help Prince William and Kate look after baby George in Present Day London, no abilities.

Spoonhead- 150,000 studs, help Prince George find his bottle of milk in Present Day London, no abilities.

The Teller- 150,000 studs, help Prince Harry raise money for charity in Present Day London, can drain the minds of enemies and detect guilt.

Skovox Blister- 155,000 studs, help a Beefeater fulfil his duties in Present Day London, has weaponry which can be used to kill enemies.

Spider (Kill The Moon)- 200,000 studs, win a race against a teenage driver in Present Day London, has same abilities as the other Spider character.

Mummy- 150,000 studs,save a London Underground tube from derailing in Present Day London, gives enemies only 60 seconds to live.

The Boneless- 200,000 studs, save Trafalgar Square from Weeping Angels in Present Day London, can travel through two dimensional objects.

The Meddling Monk- 300,000 studs, destroy 20 TARDISes in 20 seconds on Gallifrey, can change time to create new ways to reach previously unreachable areas.

Salamander- 350,000 studs, help the 2nd Doctor find his recorder on Gallifrey, no abilities.

Donald Bruce- 150,000 studs, help Salamander create a volcanic eruption in Pompeii, carries a gun.

The Master (Roger Degaldo)- 450,000 studs, help a roman family escape Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupts, carries a Tissue Compression Eliminator.

The Master (The Deadly Assassin)- 450,000 studs, help Charles Dickens rehearse A Christmas Carol in Victorian London, carries a Tissue Compression Eliminator.

The Master (Anthony Ainley)- 450,000 studs, defeat the Carrionites in Victorian London, carries a Tissue Compression Eliminator.

The Master (Eric Roberts)- 450,000 studs, defeat the Gangers in Victorian London, can transform into a snake and has same abilities in snake form as Prisoner Zero.

The Master (Derek Jacobi)- 450,000 studs, find the perfect hiding place in Unit HQ in Present Day London, can electrocute enemies with a loose wire.

The Master (John Simm)- 450,000 studs, tie a UNIT officer to a chair in Present Day London, can shoot blue beams of energy.

The Master (Missy)- 450,000 studs, find Osgood's scarf in Present Day London, carries a Tissue Compression Eliminator.

The Rani- 400,000 studs, experiment on a dinosaur in the Cavemen Era, carries a gun and has same abilities as Oswin Oswald.

Madam Kovarian- 150,000 studs, defeat the Silence in Present Day London, no abilities.

Maria Jackson- Unlocked in the bonus level 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' (no cost), no abilities.

Clyde Langer- Unlocked in the bonus level 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' (no cost), can distract enemies with jokes.

Rani- Unlocked in the bonus level 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' (no cost), no abilities.

Luke Smith- Unlocked in the bonus level 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' (no cost), has same abilities as Oswin Oswald.

Sky- Unlocked in the bonus level 'The Sarah Jane adventures' (no cost), can detonate herself to kill all enemies nearby and destroy silver LEGO objects.

Aunt Lavinia- Unlocked in the bonus level 'K9 and Company' (no cost), no abilities.

Brendan Richards- Unlocked in the bonus level 'K9 and Company' (no cost), has same abilities as Oswin Oswald.

Juno Baker- Unlocked in the bonus level 'K9 and Company' (no cost), no abilities.

Gwen Cooper- Unlocked in the bonus level 'Torchwood' (no cost), carries a gun.

Ianto Jones- Unlocked in the bonus level 'Torchwood' (no cost), carries a gun.

Owen Harper Unlocked in the bonus level 'Torchwood' (no cost), carries a gun.

Rhys Williams- Unlocked in the bonus level 'Torchwood' (no cost), no abilities.

Pigbin Josh- 150,000 studs, unlocked in the bonus level 'The Pigbin Josh Chronicles', has a bicycle which he can use to go up ramps and reach previously unreachable areas.

Man With Chips- 150,000 studs, unlocked in the bonus level 'The Pigbin Josh Chronicles', can eat chips to become a big ball which can squish enemies and remove obstacles.

Car- Available from beginning (no cost)

Plane- Available from beginning (no cost)

Rowing boat- Available from beginning (no cost)

Ferry- Available from beginning (no cost)

Ship- Available from beginning (no cost)

Speedboat- Available from beginning (no cost)

School bus- Available from beginning (no cost)

Van- Available from beginning (no cost)

Police car- Available from beginning (no cost)

Bessie- 150,000 studs, clear the garage at UNIT HQ

Whomobile- 150,000 studs, win a race across the (present day) Thames against the Master

Mickey's Car- 150,000 studs, find a way to open the panel under which the heart of the TARDIS is contained

Rodrigo's truck- 150,000 studs, help Jackie Tyler find her way to the dry cleaner's in Present Day London

UNIT Jeep- 150,000 studs, drive a vehicle across the Cavemen Era

Sarah Jane's car (K9 and Company)- 150,000 studs, find a way to put out fire and rescue a policeman in the 'K9 and Company' bonus level

Sarah Jane's car (The Sarah Jane Adventures)- 150,000 studs, unlock the door and release a trapped secondary school student in the 'Sarah Jane Adventures' bonus level.

The 10th Doctor's motorbike- 150,000 studs, help Rose Tyler find her helmet in the TARDIS

Clara's motorbike- 150,000 studs, help Clara Oswald find her Souffle recipe in the TARDIS

Madam Vastra's Horse and Carriage- 150,000 studs, help the Paternoster Gang solve the mystery of the murder of a rich Victorian gentleman

Royal Navy Hovercraft- 150,000 studs, help the Thals fight the Daleks on Skaro

Dalek spaceship- 150,000 studs, help the Time Lords find a traitor on Gallifrey

Motorway car- 150,000 studs, find a way safely across the motorway without using a flying vehicle

Valiant- 150,000 studs, fly a flying vehicle over Gallifrey

Sontaran Battlecraft Pod- 150,000 studs, race Mickey Smith across Present Day London

Cyber-ship- 150,000 studs, race a Cyberman across Pompeii

Bonus Levels
K9 and Company
Sarah Jane Smith is investigating reports of witchcraft with K9, Aunt Lavina, Brendan Richards and Juno Baker.

Playable: Sarah Jane, K9, Aunt Lavina, Brendan Richards, Juno Baker

Enemies: Witches

Boss: Hecate

The Sarah Jane Adventures
Clyde, Rani and Skye are at school eating lunch when Mrs Wormwood and the Trickster enter, demanding one of the trio say where Luke is or their school friends will die. Clyde phones Sarah Jane.

Luke and Maria are sipping a cup of tea with Sarah Jane. Maria has come from the States for a short visit, whereas Luke has a month off from university. Sarah Jane recieves a call from Clyde telling her the school is in danger and they set off to stop Mrs Wormwood and the Trickster.

Playable: Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde, Maria, Rani, Skye

Enemies: The Graske

Save four students

Boss: Mrs Wormwood, The Trickster

Captain Jack is hanging out in a intergalactic gay bar with his new fiancee Alonso when he recieves a call from Gwen. A army of Cyberwomen are storming London and she needs Captain Jack's help. Captain Jack reunites with Gwen, Ianto, Owen and Rhys Williams and as Torchwood, they take on the Cyberwoman invasion.

Playable: Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Owen, Rhys Williams

Enemies: Cyberwomen

Boss: Lisa Hallett

The 4th Doctor, Romana and K9 visit Professor Chronotis at Cambridge and discover information about the lost planet Shada.

Playable: 4th Doctor, Romana, K9

Enemies: The Krargs

Boss: Skagra

Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday
The 10th Doctor and Rose arrive back in London to find a ghost invasion. The ghosts turn out to be Cybermen and Mickey (who arrives from the parralel universe) accidentally unleashes the Cult Of Skaro from a sphere in Torchwood HQ. The Genesis Ark opens to reveal more Daleks.

Playable: The 10th Doctor, Rose, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith

Enemies: Daleks, Cybermen

Boss: The Cult Of Skaro

The fifth player can use the Wii U Gamepad to kill Daleks floating in the air by tapping on them on the Gamepad.

Night of the Doctor
the 8th Doctor arrives on a crashing ship and offers to help Cass, the ship's pilot, escape. Cass refuses and the ship instead crash lands on Karn.

Playable: The 8th Doctor (Night of the Doctor outfit), Cass

Enemies: The Sisterhood of Karn

Even though Cass is dead after the crash in the minisode the level is based on, here she is a playable character to allow for the classic LEGO multiplayer structure to be used (not all bonus levels feature the new 4/5 player co-op feature).

The 12th Doctor and Clara visit the Orphanage from Danny Pink's orphanage, where they find Young Danny Pink (known here as 'Rupert') hiding from something under his blanket.

Playable: The 12th Doctor, Clara, Young Danny Pink

Boss: Something under the blanket

The Curator's Tales
The Curator tells of a adventure he had in his youth, involving a mysterious artefact capable of bringing down the Land Of Fiction.

Playable: The 4th Doctor, Sarah Jane, Batman, Indiana Jones

Enemies: The Joker, Lord Voldemort, Hydra agents

Boss: The Celestial Toymaker

Gallifrey's Got Talent
A new talent show is being held on the planet Cyso looking for the universe's most talented Gallifreyans. The judges? The Gods of Ragnarok.

Playable: The 12th Doctor, Missy, The Rani, Romana 1, Romana 2

Boss: The Gods of Ragnarok

Support Group
Jackie Tyler, Francine Jones and Sylvia Noble are at a support group for people who claim to have had their daughters 'abducted' by a alien known as 'The Doctor'. Wilfred Mott gatecrashes the group, threatening to prove their opinions on the Doctor wrong.

Playable: Jackie Tyler, Francine Jones, Sylvia Noble

Boss: Wilfred Mott

The Pigbin Josh Chronicles
Pigbin Josh and Man With Chips are fishing together at the seaside when Pigbin Josh catches a large 'fish'. It's a Saturnyne. More Saturnynes emerge out of the water, accompanied by Sontarans and their leader Commander Kaagh.

Playable: Pigbin Josh, Man With Chips

Enemies: Saturnynes, Sontarans

Boss: Commander Kaagh

Money, money, money
Joshua Naismith is working on a new genetic pet birth business with his daugther, allowing people to give birth to the pets they want by providing a embryo to be placed inside a male animal of their choice. Their work is halted, however, when the Rani shows up wanting to steal their genetic experiments.

Playable: Joshua Naismith, Abigail Naismith

Enemies: Tetraps

Boss: The Rani

Get a girlfriend, Jeff!
Jeff joins a online dating site and is immediately contacted by someone calling herself 'River Song'. He arranges to meet her at a cafe the next day.

At the cafe, Jeff and River Song's drink is interrupted by a invasion of Zarbi.

Playable: Jeff, River Song

Enemies: Zarbi

Miss-chevious Mission
Missy and Seb are working on a new super weapon set to take out the human race. They are interrupted, however, by the arrival of the 11th Doctor and his friends.

Playable: Missy, Seb

Enemies: Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Brian Williams, Craig Owen

Boss: The 11th Doctor

Christmas Capers
Shona falls into a deep sleep and dreams about the future.

In the far future, Santa and his elves finds themselves delayed by air traffic on Christmas Eve. Santa gives up and lands his sleigh on the deserted road below, where he and his elves just happen to find Shona Love and Ashley Carter.

Playable: Santa Claus, Ian, the Wolf, Shona Love, Ashley Carter

Enemies: Dream Crabs

Boss: The Dream Lord

Disguise- 150,000 studs

Cleaning lady clothes- 150,000 studs

Brainy specs- 150,000 studs

Eye patch- 150,000 studs

Richard Hurdnall- 150,000 studs

Peter Cushing- 150,000 studs

DWM comics design- 150,000 studs

DWA comics design- 150,000 studs,

IDW comics design- 150,000 studs

Titan comics design- 150,000 studs

Black and white filter- 150,000 studs

3D effects (requires 3D TV)- 150,000 studs

Dodgy practical effects- 150,000 studs

Wobbly sets- 150,000 studs

Regenerate- 150,000 studs

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