
Feb 23, 2003
First of all, I just have to say it feels pretty crazy posting on this board. Just glancing on the front page the only person I recognize is @ZhouTaiRoks (good to see you still posting bro). For those of you that don't know me, this was my "home board" way back in the day over a decade ago where I first started posting. There used to be new posts throughout the day everyday so it's sad to see that this board seems pretty dead now...another casualty of the new board system where the individual video game boards got shafted. But enough of all that and onto my DW-related questions.

I am completely out of the loop! During the PS2 gen Dynasty Warriors was easily my favorite video game franchise, I would buy every part. But then real life happened and video games took a back seat. However, now that I have some free time I thought I'd get back into it only to realize there are a crazy amount of spin-offs now. The last Dynasty Warriors game I bought was 4 and back then the only spinoff was Xtreme Legends. But now I see there is a Dynasty Warriors Empires, Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce, Warriors Orochi, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, etc.

So I was wondering if someone could go through the various spin-offs and explain what they are and how they are different for me.

P.S. Zhou Yu is still the best. [face_cool]

P.P.S. For the love of god KOEI, please make a new Kessen game.
Aug 9, 2012
I've never played the Empires and Strikeforce version, but I am familiar with the others, so please allow me to enlighten you. As you might know, KOEI has another series called Samurai Warriors (featuring Japanese warlords and generals) that basically uses the same, or similar, hit and slash mechanics of Dynasty Warriors. Warriors Orochi is basically a game where an evil Demon Lord called Orochi, twisted the very fabrics of time and merged the world of Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors together. The story is about how the generals and lords of both Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors have to drop their differences and work together to fight back against Orochi after getting their asses kicked. (e.g. you start off with the starting characters then gradually recruit more people for your rebellion). This series have four installments. Warriors Orochi, Warriors Orochi 2, Warriors Orochi 3, and Warriors Orochi Z (combines one and two with tweaked, improved story line and other features.) The Dynasty Warriors Gundam series, on the other hand, is basically Gundams instead of well, historical figures.
Aug 9, 2012
Personally, I enjoyed both the Warriors Orochi and Dynasty Warriors Gundam series. Both series allows KOEI to fully utilize their creativity when it comes to story line since it is original and thus, have no restraints. Also, for Warriors Orochi, it uses a character switching mechanic in game. During the midst of the game, you are allowed to switch between three characters (chosen at the start of the mission) whenever you want. You can even summon them all at once to unleash a devastating 3-combo musou attack.


Feb 23, 2003
I've never played the Empires and Strikeforce version, but I am familiar with the others, so please allow me to enlighten you. As you might know, KOEI has another series called Samurai Warriors (featuring Japanese warlords and generals) that basically uses the same, or similar, hit and slash mechanics of Dynasty Warriors. Warriors Orochi is basically a game where an evil Demon Lord called Orochi, twisted the very fabrics of time and merged the world of Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors together. The story is about how the generals and lords of both Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors have to drop their differences and work together to fight back against Orochi after getting their asses kicked. (e.g. you start off with the starting characters then gradually recruit more people for your rebellion). This series have four installments. Warriors Orochi, Warriors Orochi 2, Warriors Orochi 3, and Warriors Orochi Z (combines one and two with tweaked, improved story line and other features.) The Dynasty Warriors Gundam series, on the other hand, is basically Gundams instead of well, historical figures.

Thanks for that, really cleared some stuff up. I forgot to mention in my original post that I have Samurai Warriors 1 but I never really liked it as much as the Dynasty Warriors series even though the two are incredibly similar (I think I had grown used to all the historical Chinese figures by the time SW was released). Anyways, the concept of the Warriors Orochi game seems really intriguing if its just a combination of Dynasty and Samurai Warriors. I think I may have to pick it up.

I've read up on Empires a little bit and I like the sound of the strategy/tactical element of it, but I want to see if anyone else here can expand more on that spin-off for me.
Aug 9, 2012
Glad to know that you're interested in the Warriors Orochi series. Forgot to mention is that in the Warriors Orochi series, they also put in several characters from both Japanese and Chinese mythology.
Aug 9, 2012
And I think another reason as to why Dynasty Warriors is more interesting is because the concept of faction in it is more straightforward, three factions fighting against in each other, simple, whereas in Samurai Warriors, its more of a lot of people against, well, a lot of people, lol.
Apr 10, 2013
I am completely out of the loop! During the PS2 gen Dynasty Warriors was easily my favorite video game franchise, I would buy every part. But then real life happened and video games took a back seat. However, now that I have some free time I thought I'd get back into it only to realize there are a crazy amount of spin-offs now. The last Dynasty Warriors game I bought was 4 and back then the only spinoff was Xtreme Legends. But now I see there is a Dynasty Warriors Empires, Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce, Warriors Orochi, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, etc.

I'm in the same boat as you. I played hours of the DW series when I was younger, but life got in the way and I assumed this series just fell off the face of the earth. I know DW8 will be more of the same, but I'm excited because it'll be like a time machine to experience some of those epic battles again...as Cao Cao of course.


Feb 23, 2003
I am completely out of the loop! During the PS2 gen Dynasty Warriors was easily my favorite video game franchise, I would buy every part. But then real life happened and video games took a back seat. However, now that I have some free time I thought I'd get back into it only to realize there are a crazy amount of spin-offs now. The last Dynasty Warriors game I bought was 4 and back then the only spinoff was Xtreme Legends. But now I see there is a Dynasty Warriors Empires, Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce, Warriors Orochi, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, etc.

I'm in the same boat as you. I played hours of the DW series when I was younger, but life got in the way and I assumed this series just fell off the face of the earth. I know DW8 will be more of the same, but I'm excited because it'll be like a time machine to experience some of those epic battles again...as Cao Cao of course.

Yeah I read somewhere that DW8 is coming out in July I think. I'm not so sure I want to drop $60 on it since I'm just getting back into gaming so I was considering getting part 7 since it's only $20 now. But then some of these spinoffs caught my eye and I really wasn't sure which one to get. Leaning towards Empires because it seems interesting (though apparently they didn't make a DW7: Empires for North America) and Warriors Orochi.

I'll probably just say screw it and stick with the main series since I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all the options now. [face_tongue]
Jun 24, 2013
There is Dynasty Warriors 7:Empires for North America but you can only get the digital version. Koei decided to only give us that instead of treating us like everyone else by giving us an actual physical copy of the game. They were apparently going to do the samething with Dynasty Warriors 8 but I see that now they decided to release physical copies of that


Feb 23, 2003
There is Dynasty Warriors 7:Empires for North America but you can only get the digital version. Koei decided to only give us that instead of treating us like everyone else by giving us an actual physical copy of the game. They were apparently going to do the samething with Dynasty Warriors 8 but I see that now they decided to release physical copies of that

Oh that's weird. I hate not having a physical copy. Did you buy the digital one? What is Empires like? Everywhere I've read all it ever says is it's more "tactical" than the regular series but I'm not sure what to make of that.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Dude...just stick with dynasty warriors 4...that was the series final fun game you could play anytime you want...mostly drunk though.

The rest just get more and more boring and less appealing.


Feb 23, 2003
Dude...just stick with dynasty warriors 4...that was the series final fun game you could play anytime you want...mostly drunk though.

The rest just get more and more boring and less appealing.

How are they more boring and less appealing though? I feel like it's probably just going to be the exact game anyways but with improved graphics and more characters. Or did they change any of the mechanics, too?
Jul 13, 2013
I saw your thread and decided to create an account just to help defend the empire series. I've had Dynasty Warriors 2, 4, 6, 6 Empires, 7, 7 Empires, Strikeforce, Orochi 3, and various psp installments. I've only played the last two Empires installments (6 & 7) but I personally love them as much as the originals. Empires takes the player out of the standard campaigns and allows you to take history into your own hands. You may play as an officer in a faction, a free roaming officer (mercenary), or become the ruler of a faction. You may choose to play as either a created player or any one of the many historical figures that you've come to love over the franchises history. During the long campaigns it is your goal to reunite China under one banner be it your own or your liege's. Every officer (created or real) has a unique ability and strategy card/policy. Up to four abilities can learned and may turn the tide of battle in an instant. As a ruler, at the beginning of every month you may enact the policies or cards of the officers under your employ to better aid your strategy and conquest of the kingdoms. The campaigns are based off a monthly turn based system. Each month policies may be enacted and officers are paid. Battle in DW 6 Empires follows the peculiar DW 6 fighting style where your weapon lv determines the number of your strong attack combos. DW 7 and 7 Empires reverts back to the classical X-Y, XX-Y, type format. As a Ruler or high ranking officer, you may give orders to other officers on the battlefield in order to fight the enemy in whatever way may seem fit. From escorts, defending bases, attacking an officer or base, etc, your decisions on the battlefield and your ability to adapt to the enemies strategies (more so on the harder difficulties) will decide the fate of the battle. Your officer/ruler may form special bonds with other characters and even get married (created characters). You may play a custom campaign or an empires spin-off of original dynasty warrior campaigns (Yellow turban Rebellion, Battle for The Three Kingdoms, etc). The character creation is much richer and extensive then DW 4's and up to 50 can be made that (if your campaign settings allow) may turn up within your campaign as either officers or rulers themselves. I know i've said a mouthful but you should give it a try. I recommend 6 Emp for the price and availability, but 7 Emp is the obviously better of the two (cant say for 5 Empires).

Hopes this helps.


Feb 23, 2003
I saw your thread and decided to create an account just to help defend the empire series. I've had Dynasty Warriors 2, 4, 6, 6 Empires, 7, 7 Empires, Strikeforce, Orochi 3, and various psp installments. I've only played the last two Empires installments (6 & 7) but I personally love them as much as the originals. Empires takes the player out of the standard campaigns and allows you to take history into your own hands. You may play as an officer in a faction, a free roaming officer (mercenary), or become the ruler of a faction. You may choose to play as either a created player or any one of the many historical figures that you've come to love over the franchises history. During the long campaigns it is your goal to reunite China under one banner be it your own or your liege's. Every officer (created or real) has a unique ability and strategy card/policy. Up to four abilities can learned and may turn the tide of battle in an instant. As a ruler, at the beginning of every month you may enact the policies or cards of the officers under your employ to better aid your strategy and conquest of the kingdoms. The campaigns are based off a monthly turn based system. Each month policies may be enacted and officers are paid. Battle in DW 6 Empires follows the peculiar DW 6 fighting style where your weapon lv determines the number of your strong attack combos. DW 7 and 7 Empires reverts back to the classical X-Y, XX-Y, type format. As a Ruler or high ranking officer, you may give orders to other officers on the battlefield in order to fight the enemy in whatever way may seem fit. From escorts, defending bases, attacking an officer or base, etc, your decisions on the battlefield and your ability to adapt to the enemies strategies (more so on the harder difficulties) will decide the fate of the battle. Your officer/ruler may form special bonds with other characters and even get married (created characters). You may play a custom campaign or an empires spin-off of original dynasty warrior campaigns (Yellow turban Rebellion, Battle for The Three Kingdoms, etc). The character creation is much richer and extensive then DW 4's and up to 50 can be made that (if your campaign settings allow) may turn up within your campaign as either officers or rulers themselves. I know i've said a mouthful but you should give it a try. I recommend 6 Emp for the price and availability, but 7 Emp is the obviously better of the two (cant say for 5 Empires).

Hopes this helps.

First of all, thank you for taking the time to register and type all that out. Also I'd like to welcome you to the boards and REALLY hope you decide to stay and become part of the community, not just of this board but all the IGN boards as well!

Empires was the spinoff I was most interested in and your explanation DEFINITELY helped clear things up for me. It seems a lot more in-depth and more strategy oriented than the regular series which is right up my alley. I hate that I can only get a digital copy of 7 Empires but after your post it seems worth picking up. I think I'll end up getting 7 and 7 Empires even though 8 is coming in a couple days just to get back into the series and test it all out for myself again.
Apr 29, 2013
I know this isn't an answer to your question. I just wanted to say that i would recommend you playing Dynasty Warriors 7. As a game itself it is more of the same as any of the other games. But what i really liked about this one is that the story felt a lot more drawn out and well written. You still go from place to place killing various generals but this game gave a good reason of why we were attaching from place to place. This game also didn't let you choose who you fight as in the campaign mode. This gives you more opportunities to fight as other warriors that you may not be used to fighting with and use other types of weapons first hand.


Feb 23, 2003
I know this isn't an answer to your question. I just wanted to say that i would recommend you playing Dynasty Warriors 7. As a game itself it is more of the same as any of the other games. But what i really liked about this one is that the story felt a lot more drawn out and well written. You still go from place to place killing various generals but this game gave a good reason of why we were attaching from place to place. This game also didn't let you choose who you fight as in the campaign mode. This gives you more opportunities to fight as other warriors that you may not be used to fighting with and use other types of weapons first hand.

I plan on buying DW7 for sure. I'm glad to hear that it gets more in-depth with the story as the historical aspect of the series is part of what has drawn me in. I remember reading the entire encyclopedia section of the older games just to immerse myself in the three kingdoms period better. Glad to see they are finally incorporating it better!


No Longer a Noob
May 1, 2011
New York
Dynasty warrior 7 was good but my favorite part of the series is empires which is a lot more fun ( wish 7 empires was on xbox 360 or at least disc version in the states) Empires has a ton of replay value and I play DW 7 empires all the time... I even play 6 Empires at times as well.

Empires is basically you control a "ruler" or "officer" and you set out to rule the "world" ( the area) . You basically attack an area and you win it if you win the fight and also have to defend.


No Longer a Noob
May 1, 2011
New York
There is Dynasty Warriors 7:Empires for North America but you can only get the digital version. Koei decided to only give us that instead of treating us like everyone else by giving us an actual physical copy of the game. They were apparently going to do the samething with Dynasty Warriors 8 but I see that now they decided to release physical copies of that

Oh that's weird. I hate not having a physical copy. Did you buy the digital one? What is Empires like? Everywhere I've read all it ever says is it's more "tactical" than the regular series but I'm not sure what to make of that.

Well from what I read about for dynasty warrior 7 empire was that for at least for an xbox 360 excluded version was not many people were buying it and to be honest it probably didn't (since the game sells like hotcakes in japan and Xbox doesn't really exist" there) and is sort of a niche market in the states and possibly Europe which is the reason why they made a disc version only in japan I would assume from what I read about no 360 version


No Longer a Noob
May 1, 2011
New York
I know this isn't an answer to your question. I just wanted to say that i would recommend you playing Dynasty Warriors 7. As a game itself it is more of the same as any of the other games. But what i really liked about this one is that the story felt a lot more drawn out and well written. You still go from place to place killing various generals but this game gave a good reason of why we were attaching from place to place. This game also didn't let you choose who you fight as in the campaign mode. This gives you more opportunities to fight as other warriors that you may not be used to fighting with and use other types of weapons first hand.

True but supposedly they added more replay value to 8 then previous titles and they brought back Free play (I don't remember what it was called but you could literally take any player from any faction and play in any story no matter of faction)


Feb 23, 2003
Dynasty warrior 7 was good but my favorite part of the series is empires which is a lot more fun ( wish 7 empires was on xbox 360 or at least disc version in the states) Empires has a ton of replay value and I play DW 7 empires all the time... I even play 6 Empires at times as well.

Empires is basically you control a "ruler" or "officer" and you set out to rule the "world" ( the area) . You basically attack an area and you win it if you win the fight and also have to defend.

Looking forward to playing it. I know I'm going to get this and the regular 7.


No Longer a Noob
May 1, 2011
New York
Dynasty warrior 7 was good but my favorite part of the series is empires which is a lot more fun ( wish 7 empires was on xbox 360 or at least disc version in the states) Empires has a ton of replay value and I play DW 7 empires all the time... I even play 6 Empires at times as well.

Empires is basically you control a "ruler" or "officer" and you set out to rule the "world" ( the area) . You basically attack an area and you win it if you win the fight and also have to defend.

Looking forward to playing it. I know I'm going to get this and the regular 7.

I honestly found 7 fun... but nothing to write home about. the last Main game of Dynasty warriors that I loved was 4.

Dynasty warriors 7 empires is still at $49.99 on PSN so I would suggest getting DW6 empires ( still fun game) at like amazon for a lot cheaper ( unless you don't mind going for the full price then go ahead... you will like it :))

I just pre-ordered my copy at Amazon for $58.48 and can't wait to get it Tuesday :)
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Oct 2, 2001
I saw your thread and decided to create an account just to help defend the empire series. I've had Dynasty Warriors 2, 4, 6, 6 Empires, 7, 7 Empires, Strikeforce, Orochi 3, and various psp installments. I've only played the last two Empires installments (6 & 7) but I personally love them as much as the originals. Empires takes the player out of the standard campaigns and allows you to take history into your own hands. You may play as an officer in a faction, a free roaming officer (mercenary), or become the ruler of a faction. You may choose to play as either a created player or any one of the many historical figures that you've come to love over the franchises history. During the long campaigns it is your goal to reunite China under one banner be it your own or your liege's. Every officer (created or real) has a unique ability and strategy card/policy. Up to four abilities can learned and may turn the tide of battle in an instant. As a ruler, at the beginning of every month you may enact the policies or cards of the officers under your employ to better aid your strategy and conquest of the kingdoms. The campaigns are based off a monthly turn based system. Each month policies may be enacted and officers are paid. Battle in DW 6 Empires follows the peculiar DW 6 fighting style where your weapon lv determines the number of your strong attack combos. DW 7 and 7 Empires reverts back to the classical X-Y, XX-Y, type format. As a Ruler or high ranking officer, you may give orders to other officers on the battlefield in order to fight the enemy in whatever way may seem fit. From escorts, defending bases, attacking an officer or base, etc, your decisions on the battlefield and your ability to adapt to the enemies strategies (more so on the harder difficulties) will decide the fate of the battle. Your officer/ruler may form special bonds with other characters and even get married (created characters). You may play a custom campaign or an empires spin-off of original dynasty warrior campaigns (Yellow turban Rebellion, Battle for The Three Kingdoms, etc). The character creation is much richer and extensive then DW 4's and up to 50 can be made that (if your campaign settings allow) may turn up within your campaign as either officers or rulers themselves. I know i've said a mouthful but you should give it a try. I recommend 6 Emp for the price and availability, but 7 Emp is the obviously better of the two (cant say for 5 Empires).

Hopes this helps.

dw 5 empires was my first empire game and i think probably the easyest to play. 6 was a little hard and 7 was medium i belive in my opinion considering i blew through 5 and 7 multiple times. 7 was digital download only on the ps3 i havent seen digital xbox and considering it's taken a year to get a digital download of dw 6 on xbox xbox may not see a dw7 empires.. samuria warriors 2 on the xbox had a dlc peice that turned it into extreme legends i downloaded it and i really dont see a difference.i think all 3 orichi games are pretty decent orichi 3 how ever brings in characters from doa ,ninja gaiden, and a couple other games you should find the site for that and read up on the characters.i'm wondering about the wii u if orichi 3 has any different characters since their tekken tag 2 has mario and some one else and nintendo themed outfits.. and dw7 extreme legends is the same as 7 only they give 3 more characters and if you have 7 it unlocks the conquest mode of 7.i believe all dlc of 7 works on xtreme legends 7 and xtreme legends 7 is a ps3 only game too.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
First of all, I just have to say it feels pretty crazy posting on this board. Just glancing on the front page the only person I recognize is [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/zhoutairoks.801734/']@ZhouTaiRoks[/URL] (good to see you still posting bro). For those of you that don't know me, this was my "home board" way back in the day over a decade ago where I first started posting. There used to be new posts throughout the day everyday so it's sad to see that this board seems pretty dead now...another casualty of the new board system where the individual video game boards got shafted. But enough of all that and onto my DW-related questions.

I am completely out of the loop! During the PS2 gen Dynasty Warriors was easily my favorite video game franchise, I would buy every part. But then real life happened and video games took a back seat. However, now that I have some free time I thought I'd get back into it only to realize there are a crazy amount of spin-offs now. The last Dynasty Warriors game I bought was 4 and back then the only spinoff was Xtreme Legends. But now I see there is a Dynasty Warriors Empires, Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce, Warriors Orochi, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, etc.

So I was wondering if someone could go through the various spin-offs and explain what they are and how they are different for me.

P.S. Zhou Yu is still the best. [face_cool]

P.P.S. For the love of god KOEI, please make a new Kessen game.
I was hooked on the franchise since Dynasty warriors one,each game added something extra to the mix, after Dynasty warriors 5 they started messing around with the characters and their weapons, 6 and 7 might look nice but the pointless changes they made spoil the whole game for me
Aug 27, 2008
One more day, I'm hyped. I think I might start out with Han Dang this time around. I always seem to go with Xiahou Dun or Zhao Yun first but I was so excited when Han was added I might make a run out of him. I'm really interested to see if the Co-op works well. My bro and I both took a personal day on work just to play with each other.


No Longer a Noob
May 1, 2011
New York
One more day, I'm hyped. I think I might start out with Han Dang this time around. I always seem to go with Xiahou Dun or Zhao Yun first but I was so excited when Han was added I might make a run out of him. I'm really interested to see if the Co-op works well. My bro and I both took a personal day on work just to play with each other.

I have to wait till Wednesday since Amazon screwed up and delivered late (Wednesday) and I have amazon prime ...:(


Oct 26, 2012
I'm still disappointed with the series still not going back to the old story dw3/dw4 formula where they allowed you to play as every single officer's story no one was left out. Series has been disappointing since 5 for me. DW 5 introduced the shortened stories where you can only play through the story mode with only a select few characters everyone else is just left for free mode (for the ones that had it).


No Longer a Noob
May 1, 2011
New York
I'm still disappointed with the series still not going back to the old story dw3/dw4 formula where they allowed you to play as every single officer's story no one was left out. Series has been disappointing since 5 for me. DW 5 introduced the shortened stories where you can only play through the story mode with only a select few characters everyone else is just left for free mode (for the ones that had it).

Meh I like it ... Can tailor the story better with limited choices better in my opinion


Oct 26, 2012
I'm still disappointed with the series still not going back to the old story dw3/dw4 formula where they allowed you to play as every single officer's story no one was left out. Series has been disappointing since 5 for me. DW 5 introduced the shortened stories where you can only play through the story mode with only a select few characters everyone else is just left for free mode (for the ones that had it).

Meh I like it ... Can tailor the story better with limited choices better in my opinion

There was nothing wrong with having the ability to unlock multiple characters through the story mode with each of them it wasn't hard to follow at all and I was 10 when I first played DW3. Also they tailored the story in anyway the wanted even if they did give you the choice of using multiple characters in story mode.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
One more day, I'm hyped. I think I might start out with Han Dang this time around. I always seem to go with Xiahou Dun or Zhao Yun first but I was so excited when Han was added I might make a run out of him. I'm really interested to see if the Co-op works well. My bro and I both took a personal day on work just to play with each other.
I like beefing up one particular weapon (spears are my favourite) and using the under generals (Played from scratch with Zhao Yun yesterday,wiped out Sun Jin and beat Lu Bu twice !)


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
I've never played the Empires and Strikeforce version, but I am familiar with the others, so please allow me to enlighten you. As you might know, KOEI has another series called Samurai Warriors (featuring Japanese warlords and generals) that basically uses the same, or similar, hit and slash mechanics of Dynasty Warriors. Warriors Orochi is basically a game where an evil Demon Lord called Orochi, twisted the very fabrics of time and merged the world of Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors together. The story is about how the generals and lords of both Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors have to drop their differences and work together to fight back against Orochi after getting their asses kicked. (e.g. you start off with the starting characters then gradually recruit more people for your rebellion). This series have four installments. Warriors Orochi, Warriors Orochi 2, Warriors Orochi 3, and Warriors Orochi Z (combines one and two with tweaked, improved story line and other features.) The Dynasty Warriors Gundam series, on the other hand, is basically Gundams instead of well, historical figures.
Mate,do not get strikeforce , if you want to keep your sanity ! I bought it cheap, just to have a look ,ten seconds later I binned it ! My conscience wouldn't let me take it to a charity shop lest someone else have to suffer the game


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
I'm still disappointed with the series still not going back to the old story dw3/dw4 formula where they allowed you to play as every single officer's story no one was left out. Series has been disappointing since 5 for me. DW 5 introduced the shortened stories where you can only play through the story mode with only a select few characters everyone else is just left for free mode (for the ones that had it).
That was another thing ! why did they restrict the story lines ?


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
There is Dynasty Warriors 7:Empires for North America but you can only get the digital version. Koei decided to only give us that instead of treating us like everyone else by giving us an actual physical copy of the game. They were apparently going to do the samething with Dynasty Warriors 8 but I see that now they decided to release physical copies of that

Oh that's weird. I hate not having a physical copy. Did you buy the digital one? What is Empires like? Everywhere I've read all it ever says is it's more "tactical" than the regular series but I'm not sure what to make of that.
The difference wih Empires is with each set of orders, you can consult with your officers ,who will each give you a set of two stratergies ,enforcements or upgrades, or you can choose your own (you unlock more as the game progresses) the actual battles play the same as always


Oct 26, 2012
I'm still disappointed with the series still not going back to the old story dw3/dw4 formula where they allowed you to play as every single officer's story no one was left out. Series has been disappointing since 5 for me. DW 5 introduced the shortened stories where you can only play through the story mode with only a select few characters everyone else is just left for free mode (for the ones that had it).
That was another thing ! why did they restrict the story lines ?

I don't know to me that was the best part about DW getting to see all the story lines was fun.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
That's what I mean Alfiniti, You used to play games to unlock the next cut scene ,I have just gone back to playing DW 5 Empires, and I still like the cut scenes today , lets you know you're progressing through the game