
I move for a bad... court... thingy...
Jan 20, 2003
We never disected anything in my schools. I guess that explains the blood thirst in the US.


Blizzard Mod
Aug 18, 2000
markot said:
We never disected anything in my schools. I guess that explains the blood thirst in the US.
I agree that it's odd for someone that young to be dissecting something... but didn't you take high school biology? Normally it's a matter of $ -- those things are probably over a hundred bucks a piece.
Jan 8, 2012
Hey Vei, if anyone still checks this board and sees this, it's your old pal Paladin03 here (not to be confused with Paladin02, the permabanned user expressly forbidden from returning, so that should clear up any confusion or consideration of banning *this* account). A little birdie told me about this post. Even though you pretended to despise him, I see you are still making threads about your boy Paladin02. Mr. Paladin actually tried to get his perma rescinded recently just to post on the football boards from time to time, as EB astutely implied (I don't know how he knew I checked the football board if I wasn't logged in? IGN is 'watching me like hwak?'), but the draconian IGN brass were having none of it. I don't know how the process works, but apparently they put it up for review and it got shot down -- I don't think any of the current mods knew me...O EB, where art thou? It kind of sucks that you can get banned from a website for X-Box Live caliber trolling **** you said when you were literally 11 or 12 (that's when I registered, 21 now). Not even the U.S. legal system works that way usually, that stuff is water under the bridge at some point -- not on IGN! (Get on that EB, fight the power! But seriously, if you could do anything to help an unban, that'd be grand. I care less about posting than I do righting a "wrong" that I started when I was really young and immature, and thought trolling internet forums was the bee's knees. I'm obviously not a an "e-threat" or whatever else, just tell them that or something lol. I was clean for like 2 years and they still don't unban me? I was off the stuff, mang. What gives! :))

I won't post anywhere else or again unless anybody responds, so there's really no need to jump to ban this account or anything, but I know how it is, if you have to do that, just leave this post or something. This is all posted in good fun. I just thought I'd drop in since this place occupied so many wasted hours of my youth, and there were a lot of cool people, yes even Vei (hehehehehehe). No one would admit this (except me right here, har), but this place definitely has had a huge impact on all of us, larger than we'd like to admit. Imagining a 12 year old on a message board or 4chan now is just ridiculous, and lord knows their little mind would probably necessarily be scarred irreparably by the horrors of the internet. I blame that!

Sorry for this boring tl;dr sentimental crap, you probably expected the Second (or third, fourth, or fifth, as the case may be) Coming of Paladin02 to appear with an ephemeral blaze of trolling/flaming glory, no such luck. I do feel the need to insert the "restore the WC3 board to its once proud state" meme, though. That's still going to happen, book it!

Miscellaneous odds and ends
- Pretty sure I was super religious when I was on this board, atheist now
- Some favorite memories: Thinking I was awesome when I sucked (specifically, talking down TFY when I "almost" beat him), f***** up AIM conversations with xxjir/Vei/luna divum (LOL, dat memory), EB's kindness (CD keys), Fobby_Cube being a good guy/adopting (in retrospect, never should've wasted money on my IGN account, haha. I owe you like $50, man!), Pongmo freaking me out. edit: oooh, almost forgot, called Vei on the phone when I was like 15 and first got drunk at a party to provide the play by play. That was hilarious, but shows me how much of a loser I was (and/or am). Don't tell me you don't remember that.
- Board system looks like dung now, wouldn't really post much less have the energy to troll even if I were un-perma'd
- Brother G_S wasn't actually just me circumventing, for the most part that was really him until he gave me his password

Proof, add me and chat if you like (except for the implied Pongmo clause) since like I said, you all seemed like good guys. Just explain who you are:

[Facebook Link Removed] - Ksquall1

I have some other people added from when I became a super dooper WC3 RT/AT semi-pro:. What's funny is years ago is I tried to add a couple of Himmat C.'s (which is Vei, if I recall corectly), but all of 'em flatly rejected me :( Screw you Vei if that was actually you, and it probably was since who else has that name? One had a pic of Goku, no less. Shame on you. Another funny recollection was Vei thinking he was some kind of bigshot pimp back in the day, and describing his puny workout plans and feeble gains. ;] I joke. also wc3 board freestyle rap battles, must've been really bad looking back at least on my end.

That's all. tl;dr: sup guys ;o

edit2: It's good to see the pig dissection pic still lives in WC3board lore. I'll have you know I actually had a girl from another school AIM me I was cute on the basis of that pic which was uploaded to the school website to showcase upstart, fine young minds like yours truly. No way was she being sarcastic because we're still friends and I would've figured that out. ;) Clearly, I was big pimpin' back then with all the grade school hussies, dissecting pigs and expandin' my knowledge, and you're all just jealous.
edit24: Oops, I just realized it still shows the total edits you did. Very used to reddit. That really sucks. I was just fixing little things and grammatical errors one at a time as I went along, I swear!. It will make me look more OCD than I already am, and it's very late here hence mass mistakes and modifications, so judge not lest ye be judged. Basically penned this post through consecutive edits, starting with a placeholder post to see if I could even post on Google Chrome's Incognito aka porn mode (I could. I still don't know how to work a damn real proxy). D: Cheers!
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Jan 8, 2012

How is this board so dead after only a couple years of WoW? The same thing happened to the WC3 board, and I never really noticed that trend with other likeminded boards. This is clearly a testament to the fact that players of Blizzard games are devoting far too many countless hours, no longer having any free time to even devote to quaint message boards like these...definitely shouldn't be dead by now. Either that or they have to ragequit the game and all associations to stem their addiction (the Paladin02 Way).

Hey Blood_Falcon! I remember you! :D



Nov 15, 2013
i totally forgot about that epic match with tfy until you mentioned it. that was so dope. i'm pretty sure i spectated that. both of us were in our early days at the boards back then...


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 5, 2001
Guess you can't erase things from the internet.

EB, did you get me unbanned by the way? Big thanks if so (just realized i mentioned it above), or if permas were rescinded when the boards switched, that's cool, too.

i totally forgot about that epic match with tfy until you mentioned it. that was so dope. i'm pretty sure i spectated that. both of us were in our early days at the boards back then...
Hahaha can't believe you remember, I went Panda/Pitlord if we're thinking the same one, both reached their ultimates. Probably the most exciting game of WC3 I've ever been a part of looking back.


Blizzard Mod
Aug 18, 2000
I honestly don't remember, m8. It might have happened at some point. Things be hazy these days.

Edit -- A trip through the history books is unclear, but the alt nick "2000LeaguesUpMyAss" is pretty stellar...
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