
My name's not boner
Jun 20, 2010
I chose Darrow's. I don't get how the Suicide one is letting humanity go on its own path though, telling the truth seems pretty un-biased to me [face_tongue]
Jan 24, 2011
I picked the one i choose first, Sarif's, but in reality, I'm not a huge fan of any of them. Honestly it's a hard choice, because, I'm pro enhancment, but, lieing to futuer my personal prefrence is not something i'd DO... So picking what I belive in, forces me to lie, something i never do, and choosing to tell the truth, results in my Adam spouting off a bunch of redorick i don't belive in...

So at this point, i just pick whatever and don't worry to much about it. LOL.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2009
I chose Sarif's pro-augmentation, so that it lines up with the next game. Without nano-augmentation companies J.C. Denton can't exist.


Jun 24, 2011
My moral compass is generally the same as it is in real life, therefore, I chose to tell the truth because we all know that mankind can't make the right decisions.


No Longer a Noob
May 27, 2004
I chose what you called Taggart's (anti-augmentation) but it wasnt that. Its was pro-regulation and tighter restrictions on the technology. Taggart never expressed a desire to completely do away with augmentation technology. Darrow on the other hand did, and was the true anti-augmentation choice.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
MacLur1 said:
I chose what you called Taggart's (anti-augmentation) but it wasnt that. Its was pro-regulation and tighter restrictions on the technology. Taggart never expressed a desire to completely do away with augmentation technology. Darrow on the other hand did, and was the true anti-augmentation choice.

Yeah, Target just wanted augmentation to be controlled through shadowy-above-the-law type agencies. :)


No Longer a Noob
May 27, 2004
I dont know what you're point is here. Darrow's solution was causing the death of millions of people and Sarif's intentions were probably motivated mostly by self interests. "shadowy-above-the-law type agencies" are normal day business in the real world as we know it today, not that I subscribe to the Illuminati conspiracies and NWO and such things, but if such an entity was responsible for restoring a little bit of order back into the world I could over look its sort of shady means of accomplishing such things. Ive said it before, Taggarts solution in the most moderate of the choices and, as I see it, the lessor of of the 3 or 4 evils.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Taggart's ending is the most likely outcome.

I doubt there is mention of the Hyron Project in DX (I doubt they thought that far ahead back then), so a mix of Taggart's ending and Adam's destruction of Hyron would be likely.

Even if Adam opts to destroy everything at Hyron, the Illuminati would find a way to cover it up -- Taggart himself is expendable (as was Zhao).


Previously hardcore_resi_fan
Aug 9, 2010
[blockquote]sng-ign posted:
Taggart's ending is the most likely outcome.

I doubt there is mention of the Hyron Project in DX (I doubt they thought that far ahead back then), so a mix of Taggart's ending and Adam's destruction of Hyron would be likely.

Even if Adam opts to destroy everything at Hyron, the Illuminati would find a way to cover it up -- Taggart himself is expendable (as was Zhao).


Saying that, a combination of all would work too.

Oh and just a note on Sarif being Pro-Augmentation; I would say his option is very much Pro-Corporation. And as mentioned, Taggart himself tells you he (or "they") never planned for a total ban on augmentations; just a restriction.

Ironically, Darrow was the only person to be completely against augmentations, and even then, his logic was flawed.

Destroying Hyron/Pancheaa would get the world no-where. Picus could spin it whatever way they wanted, and given who is behind them, releasing Darrow or Sarif's message is the only way to fight the shadowy council behind the game's events.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 5, 2010
I chose suicide i was not about let any of the people responsible for the mess gain power. None of other options really appealing too me either. I'm not anti-tech and I don't think governments should regulate it I think they are all inherently evil and self serving, but necessary at end of the day. I don't trust scientist to stop and think about what they are doing they just don't care as long as they are first and make name for themselves. Fragment human society is what need people with all different beliefs to keep those who go to far in check and if any part of society does got too far to point of destruction there will be another part to continue existing.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Timothy.Marshall said:
[blockquote]sng-ign posted:
Taggart's ending is the most likely outcome.

I doubt there is mention of the Hyron Project in DX (I doubt they thought that far ahead back then), so a mix of Taggart's ending and Adam's destruction of Hyron would be likely.

Even if Adam opts to destroy everything at Hyron, the Illuminati would find a way to cover it up -- Taggart himself is expendable (as was Zhao).


Saying that, a combination of all would work too.

Oh and just a note on Sarif being Pro-Augmentation; I would say his option is very much Pro-Corporation. And as mentioned, Taggart himself tells you he (or "they") never planned for a total ban on augmentations; just a restriction.

Ironically, Darrow was the only person to be completely against augmentations, and even then, his logic was flawed.

Destroying Hyron/Pancheaa would get the world no-where. Picus could spin it whatever way they wanted, and given who is behind them, releasing Darrow or Sarif's message is the only way to fight the shadowy council behind the game's events.

In DXIW, Dr. Nassif gives some history about Sarif Industries and how it later became the Piezochem company.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 6, 2008
I chose Darrow's ending.
Taggart made it clear that this ending would probably be swept under the rug but I felt it was the right choice to make.

The best ending for me was Sarif's ending though.

People who picked Taggart's ending and believe in that ending scare me.



Jan 28, 2006
I chose the "truth" ending.

Sarif is the more "capitalist" view of self regulation (none, if any) which allows for less control of a proven dangerous thing like augmentation. Having no control over something would (atleast in some cases) lead to possible chaos.

Taggert on the other hand suggests that a select groupnof people should be in charge. It sounds nice, but how do we know these people can be trusted ? If these people are/become corrupt. Then we have corrupt people with a stranglehold on humanity.

E third choice relies on humanity being able to figure things out for itself and for it to lead itself. Which again, sounds good. But as someone who tries to bee involved in kerning peoples opinions and seeing how they react to the world around them and how they receive and adapt information, I can say that this is another option that would eventually fall to corruption

The middle ending atleast gives humanity its best shot. Even if it is a biased stance, it's one that isn't based on greed/self preservation (Sarif) or misguided control/corruption (Taggert)


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I saved before hand and chose them all. [face_blush]
If I had to go with a canon one though then I'd probably take Darrow's approach.
sng-ign said: