
No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2011
(Northern) Ireland
I know that it is not always seen as metal but it is often associated with metal. I have not really listened to much of it, maybe a few Anal **** songs but that's a bout it, so I was wondering if anyone here actually listens to it or think it is good/bad etc.

I listened to Acid Bath's 'When the Kite String Pops' (which I thought was brilliant) and I read that Acid Bath take some elements of grindcore, does a lot of grindcore sound similar to Acid Baht?


Feb 27, 2002
I would definitely not consider Acid Bath a grindcore band.

I have mixed feelings about grindcore. There are a couple bands in the genre that I absolutely love, like Repulsion or Bathtub Shitter. I also really love Anaal Nathrakh, though they're more a fusion of black metal and grindcore rather than straight-up grindcore. Generally though, it's just a genre that I think is alright. Bands like early Napalm Death and early Carcass I think are neat for what they are, but I generally don't go out of my way to hear them. I think it's the mix of a more bassy sound, and the fact a lot of their songs are rather samey-sounding, that keeps me from really getting into them. Whereas a band like Repulsion, even though a lot of their songs follow the same formula, they generally stand out from each other in my eyes, and I also like the harsher, shriller sound that Repulsion has.


The owls are not what they seem
Jun 27, 2001
I enjoy it on occasion. Acid Bath is not grindcore at all.

Pig Destroyer - probably should look into them.


Oct 2, 2005
I would just parrot Xpert's opinion. Not all of it is metal but some is. A lot of bands are pretty bland but their are some gems. I'd second early Carcass and I really dig Nails and Full of Hell.


The owls are not what they seem
Jun 27, 2001
I enjoy it on occasion. Acid Bath is not grindcore at all.

Pig Destroyer - probably should look into them.
I just checked out Pig Destroyer this weekend. Listened to Phantom Limb (mainly because I'm a Baizley art fanboy lol) and I really liked that album.

Any other recs?

From Pig Destroyer or other bands? [face_tongue]

For other bands I'd say:

Cephalic Carnage
Napalm Death
Rotten Sound
Anaal Nathrakh (as [URL='']@X-pert74[/URL] said)
Brutal Truth

Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Not really super recommended because they are kind of maybe too grindcore for their own good [face_tongue]

Anyway probably a cliched list but like I said I'm not huge into the genre. [face_tongue]


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2011
(Northern) Ireland
I would definitely not consider Acid Bath a grindcore band.

I have mixed feelings about grindcore. There are a couple bands in the genre that I absolutely love, like Repulsion or Bathtub Shitter. I also really love Anaal Nathrakh, though they're more a fusion of black metal and grindcore rather than straight-up grindcore. Generally though, it's just a genre that I think is alright. Bands like early Napalm Death and early Carcass I think are neat for what they are, but I generally don't go out of my way to hear them. I think it's the mix of a more bassy sound, and the fact a lot of their songs are rather samey-sounding, that keeps me from really getting into them. Whereas a band like Repulsion, even though a lot of their songs follow the same formula, they generally stand out from each other in my eyes, and I also like the harsher, shriller sound that Repulsion has.
Maybe they don't have major grindcore elements? Or else, the more obvious answer, Wikipedia lied to me. It doesn't surprise me too much that Acid Bath aren't grindcore at all, they don't sound like anything I've heard.

I get the feeling that grindcore would sound pretty similar to me, but maybe that's just me being ignrant. Still thanks for the suggestions. I'll try to listen to some of the bands everyone here has suggested.

Thank me later.

That's probably the best grindcore I've heard so far. I know most grindcore songs are short but are albums normally that short as well?


No Longer a Noob
Apr 19, 2011
Not big on grindcore but I think most of the time they are in the 15-20min range. Nails is short but oh so good and punishing.
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Feb 27, 2002
Maybe they don't have major grindcore elements? Or else, the more obvious answer, Wikipedia lied to me. It doesn't surprise me too much that Acid Bath aren't grindcore at all, they don't sound like anything I've heard.

I get the feeling that grindcore would sound pretty similar to me, but maybe that's just me being ignrant. Still thanks for the suggestions. I'll try to listen to some of the bands everyone here has suggested.

Acid Bath has some songs which have blast beats and screaming and whatnot, which are common features seen in grindcore... but they're hardly exclusive to that genre, so their presence doesn't in any way necessarily make Acid Bath more of a grindcore band, or a grindcore-influenced band.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2011
(Northern) Ireland
[URL='']@X-pert74[/URL] I listened to Repulsion's 'Horrified'. It was god but not a huge amount of it was memorable so I may have to re-listen a few times to really pick out my favorite tracks. The last few tracks were really good though. Black Breath actually sounded really familiar (a part from the vocals - which I generally still can't understand haha), maybe a Slayer track but I can't remember the name. I was just surprised to hear something that sounded familiar on a grindcore album.

The next bands I'll try will probably be Anaal Nathrakh and Pig Destroyer


Feb 27, 2002
[URL=''][URL='']@X-pert74[/URL][/URL] I listened to Repulsion's 'Horrified'. It was god but not a huge amount of it was memorable so I may have to re-listen a few times to really pick out my favorite tracks. The last few tracks were really good though. Black Breath actually sounded really familiar (a part from the vocals - which I generally still can't understand haha), maybe a Slayer track but I can't remember the name. I was just surprised to hear something that sounded familiar on a grindcore album.

The next bands I'll try will probably be Anaal Nathrakh and Pig Destroyer

That's cool :) Repulsion's songs do tend to follow a strict formula, with the exception of Black Breath, but their formula/overall sound happens to really appeal to me. It's one album I like to put on when I just want something really all-out intense and aggressive to hear.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Anaal Nathrakh and Pig Destroyer! Especially the latter, since I'm not too familiar with them.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2011
(Northern) Ireland
I've been quite busy lately but I've finally listened to Anaal Nathrakh's 'Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here' and Pig Destroyer's 'Prowler in the Yard'.

I loved Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here, I listened to it a few times and I am definitely going to listen to more of their stuff. There was a lot of Black Metal present throughout, and although I haven't listened to a huge amount of Black Metal I think the fusion was a big reason for why I liked it. My favourite track was probably Virus Bomb, it is probably the most melodic song on the album but it stood out the most to me.

I'll need to listen to Prowler in the Yard again. I liked listening to it at the time but nothing was particularly memorable for me, except for the opening 'Jennifer' and the second half of 'Delusional Supremacy', they're very different to what I've heard before and were actually quite disturbing haha. I guess I'm just not a fan of the shorter song structures, I'll just need to try and get used to them.

I'm going to give early Carcass a try, probably 'Symphonies of Sickness', the song lengths don't look too short. Hopefully listening to more Pig Destroyer will help me get used to the shorter tracks.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2011
(Northern) Ireland
Sorry for the really long break, I became very busy and didn't want to post until I'd listened to the album a few times.

Probably my favorite Carcass song.
From what I've heard I'd agree with you, that's my favourite as well. I thought 'Symphonies of Sickness' was a good album, I preferred it to 'Prowler in the Yard' anyway. I also listened to the songs 'Heartwork' and 'Buried Dreams' since they were also on the popular section on spotify. I'd say I'll be giving Carcass more listens in the future.

I'm going to give grindcore a break for a while, there are some other albums by other bands I listen t that I want to hear - but I'll start back up again with 'Full of Hell' after this short hiatus.
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The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Quite often I can't tell the difference between Grindcore and Death Metal. I mean, stuff like AC is pretty obviously different to CC, but then I hear stuff like Carcass and can't entirely tell the difference.

But whatever it is, I fucking adore a lot of it. Aborted, Abysmal Torment, Gigan, Rotten Sound, Napalm Death, The Berzerker, XXXManiac (actually funny to listen too), Dirk Vernberums band, etc are all really good and stuff I still listen to often. Funny enough, I actually love covers of Grindcore songs the most, even more than the originals (most by other metal bands)

As for Pig Destroyer....I'd like them a lot more once they become a full band.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2011
(Northern) Ireland
I'll give some of those bands a listen sometime then, thank you!

I also really liked that Napalm Death cover - will give both Rotten Sound and Napalm Death a listen.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 8, 2007
I dig some grindcore.

Phobia would probably have to be one of my favorites. The new Gridlink albums was pretty cool too. Cephalic Carnage had a few good grindy albums. Wormrot aren't bad either. Oh yeah and early Carcass is a must.

Horrified from Repulsion and World Downfall from Terrorizer are fucking classics that shouldn't be missed.

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No Longer a Noob
Aug 8, 2007

Probably my favorite Carcass song.

Not grindcore bro. That's not even deathgrind, they were playing straight up DM on Necroticism. But I fucking LOVE that album though. Their best!
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