Aug 21, 2017
What would u liked added and what do u want left alone?

Personally for me I like to leave fixed camera since it is a remake also new rooms obviously as well as crimsion heads


Aug 20, 2000
I basically want them to take the same approach that they did with the remake of RE1. Same story and setting, but with improved graphics, new areas, new story elements and maybe a new enemy or two.

RE2 was a pretty short game, so the game would certainly benefit from having a lot of new areas to explore.


No longer a mod, and unable to edit your textz
May 23, 2003
The longer we go without seeing a trailer or any news the less confidence I have in it. I was pretty bummed when it came out they won't be using the original voice actors. I'd prefer it done Remake style.


Original poster
The way they're not showing it now, I'm starting to think this is a wind up. It's obvious what fans want: just remake RE2! Like REmake. It's so obvious. But as already pointed out the longer it's not shown more likely it is to be crap. I'm willing to be blown away whenever it is unveiled but I think we're going for a MML3 style ride on Capcom's train of bullshit.


Aug 20, 2000
I think Capcom's just waiting to be completely done with RE7 before switching over to RE2 remake. Why, I don't know because odds are if you liked the original RE2 and are wanting the remake you also liked RE7 as the latter shares many fundamental similarities with the classic games so its not like they would be in competition with one another (with the RE7 Gold Edition coming out in December as well as the premium Zoe DLC and free Not a Hero DLC).

Deleted member 119

Original poster
At a bare minimum, it needs to be a shot-for-shot remake of RE2 w/ modern graphics.

I'm definitely concerned they are really going to modernize the entire game, instead of going the REmake 1 route. If they do that, I hope there will at least be an "old school option" that will let me play with fixed camera angles, typewriters, etc. If it's straight up first-person or RE4-style "re-imagining" with checkpoints and dumbed down design, that will be lame.


Treads the Jeweled Thrones of Earth Under His Feet
Nov 10, 2000
New York City
Complete graphical overhaul? More dynamic, totally fluid environments and maps? Modern controls?

Those are all things I expect and I'm quite sure we're getting.

But what I *want* is to basically have the story not fucked with, except to clear up certain holes or inconsistencies. But if they could just keep the majority of the story intact, then that's going to be aces in my book.

But why do I think the game will bomb? It's very simple really: voices.

Without the original voice actors, I really don't give a damn about this game. I know REmake changed the voice actors, but come on ... the original RE1 VAs sounded like poorly paid porn actors!

RE2's voice actors made that game! Without them, I don't know that we even have an RE2 anymore.

Okay, okay ... I'm laying it on too thick, I know. [face_tongue] It probably won't be all that bad. Still, it *will* be unsettling. And let's not even get started on the music score, which is pretty damn iconic to the game.

There are plenty of ways this game can go terribly wrong, and I expect it to happen. If I had to guess, I would say the story will suffer the most changes. Just a gut feeling I have. Grrrrrrrr! [face_angry]


Aug 20, 2000
I can agree that if the music is completely different, it will be personally harder for me to accept the game as RE2's music is so integral to the entire experience. Voice actor's come and go, but the music was the soul of the game. That is something you don't fuck with.


Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
It's already got negative points against it because of the changed VA. Changing the music and giving it a present day overhaul would completely kill it.
I don'ttrust Capcom because they've disappointed more than they've pleasantly surprised.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 30, 2008
I'm really hoping its similar to REmake. Same basic premise, but with a plethora of new content and enemies. I also hope at the very least its in 3rd person. As much as I enjoyed RE7, Id still prefer they leave this one in 3rd Person. Whether it will be a pre-rendered/modern camera look is another story however.


Don't F*** with the Original!
Nov 1, 2002
I already heard it was the over the shoulder view. I haven't heard 1 positive thing about this game so far. Interest is nil.
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