
No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2015
Hiking or mountain climbing.

I picked hiking you know, to try out the feel of the game. That is very important to me. :)


Nothing will ever top REmake.
Very first time I played it, definitely chose hiking. Didn't know what to expect seeing that I've never played any RE game before. REmake on the Cube was my very first Resident Evil title I bought.

After having beaten it a couple of times, I chose Mountain Climbing every time I decide to play it again.


mr. manager
Aug 24, 2001
Hiking. I'm not so good at games that i can pick up a new game and be great at it right away, so i usually pick medium/normal for games that have 3 difficulty options, and easy for games that have only two. I'm into gaming more for exploration and atmosphere anyway, plus, i get frustrated easily, especially in those first few hours where i'm learning all the controls and systems. It's only when i really get into a game where i'll go for a second play through and ramp up the difficulty and start to master (if you'd call it that haha) the game. But that first time through, i just want a nice, enjoyable experience.