Nov 11, 2010
I would like to see a Fable that takes place in the distant future of Albion sort of a fantasy/Si-Fi mix or one that shows how the Hero's guild was created. I'd also like the ability to create a guild like a mercenary guild that helps people or a theft’s guild that rob's people and you can design the flag and what they wear and what the outpost looks like. Also the ability to customize your weapons like choose blades and handles on your sword and barrels and socks and firing mechanisms on your guns. What are your ideas for Fable 4?


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
I like the idea of helping create the Guild. A "future" game would be alright, but I think, since the series seems to rely more on eldish/steampunk tech, I dunno about a full on Sci-Fi adventure.


Oct 3, 2005

A Sci-Fi Fable game, please tell me you were joking, this isn't Mass Effect you know!

I would like to see a throw back to the original Fable. More focus on the heroes guild and the time of heroes.
Something I loved about Fable 3 was how the mechanic changed when you became king and decisions had to be made by yourself.

I'd like to see another new mechanic in the form of being the head of the heroes guild, having a mode where I can expand or modify the building, buy and develop new outposts around the world, and then also be able to search for new heroes, and also child prodigies, take an active approach in their learning and things like that.

I'd love, for example, to enter the Guild and then go to a map screen, buy some property and then choose to develop an extension to the guild, providing better training. Then, seeing over time the build take place and seeing the difference it makes. I'd then like to have an action mission in which I have to search for a possible hero, a teacher for students or something, and play like that.
Dec 27, 2010
When you say ideas for fable 4 does that include ideas for the plot too? Because after the whole twist with the crawler and walter, i really don't know what to expect.
Dec 21, 2007
Peter I get what you are trying to do with the family and the kids in the fable games and its great for a side part that is I know you are really close to that idea but to be honest with you and i am sure 99.9 percent of the fable fans will agree we just we don't care to much for it I mean it is nice and all but if you want us to really care about it then evolve it it has been the same I mean they have no real role in the game and we all just end up forgetting about them or we just don't care if you want more fans to care then like I said give them a real role in the game let us find new hero's in the game let us try to rebuild the guild and expand through out the world fighting all kinds of new monsters and real evil like jack of blades he is our favorite we loved how awesome he was you are making the game more into the future more like real life to be honest you are killing your own game we play games to escape reality mostly cus reality sucks you don't seem to understand how much the true fans love being a hero we love the idea of being back in the time of hero's and killing the bad hero's and the amazing bad guys like jack of blades add some awesome dragons for us to kill unless you did not notice killing dragons is what we love most any game with dragons to kill we have to buy xD I see you are trying to turn the next fable into a kinect game or what ever its called that is the worst idea you have ever had the graphics have to be turned down so much for a kinect game its stupid it will look like a piece of shit to be honest compared to the fable games on xbox 360 unless you plan to make 2 copies of the game one for xbox 360 and one for kinect your new fable game said the time of hero's is over wtf is that about that is fable its all about the hero fighting evil turn away from that and you have killed your fable game you are trying to bring to much of reality into your game and you are loosing more and more fans keep taking away everything we love about the fantasy of fable and know your new game says the time for hero's is over I am sorry but dont get mad at me when your game dies faster then albions hero's turn away from the hero's the fantasy its suicide their is no profit to be made in taking your game so far into the future it is a great idea that has done ok so far but with every step you take us farther into the future the less amazing your game is we no longer have the same rush like we did in fable the lost chapters you need to expand on the hero expand on his family let us create our own guilds run albion our way raise train and fight along side our son's not son our son's let us raise a real army command it and wage war against all new monster and evil like jack of blades defend our home against dragons fight along side hero's we have found and bad hero's we have fought against let us rule albion give us real life changing options for the better or worse for albion you really do need to improve the character's let us decide what he or she looks like with in depth detail you need a real player creator with face templates hair styles ect ect let us have real fantasy pets instead of just a dog give us griffons or lil dragons or wolfs or hobs or balvarines come on peter be creative the ideas the things you could do they are all endless you can make fable a really great game an epic game even if you just try I know making games is no easy task but come on give the hero a real role in the game as well stop killing our fking sister and our dog xD lol let us have real power to do with as we see fit good or bad let us fight in more arena's not just one let us fight other hero's to decide who is the best to decide who will run the hero's guild and bring our favorite bad guy back jack of blades so we can kill him again xD!! and yes he will have the sword of aeons with him and an army at his command for us to kill enough is enough peter the whole family thing is ok but stop trying to make it the only thing about fable its time to be epic time to give us a real reason to play I dont buy a game to marry and women have a kid with her and thats it thats all they have no other role give them roles or take them out i dont care dont make them the only reason to play we dont care we want to kill shit not hear the wife bitch hell i dont need to play a game to hear a wife bitch and take my money thats real life your turning fable into a lil bitch sims game wtf peter wake up your killing fable i dont think you will care about any thing i have posted but when your new fable game fails your welcome to come back and take this post a lil more serious some ideas are good some are bad one thing is for sure fable is dying more and more with every step you take it in the future and its not the future so much that is killing it its the fact you are using our future as its own future make your own original future for fable dont use industry like in real life it is stupid but most of all it is boring and dull advance it in a way that keeps the hero's alive gasp like as king being smart enough to rebuild the hero's guild since there is so much evil in the world but i guess the hero king was stupid and did not care since the time of hero's is as you said is over watch the game die it is sad but you are to blame not me turn away from the hero's is what you have been doing in every new game less and less just stupid hero's that dident even look kool the joy has been taking away from the fantasy of fable cus now its to much like real life and we hate real life it sucks its boring thats why fantasy video games were made and make money to soon to judge we will see what you have in store for us with the new fable game and see how things go from there
Oct 1, 2011
Peter I get what you are trying to do with the family and the kids in the fable games and its great for a side part that is I know you are really close to that idea but to be honest with you and i am sure 99.9 percent of the fable fans will agree we just we don't care to much for it I mean it is nice and all but if you want us to really care about it then evolve it it has been the same I mean they have no real role in the game and we all just end up forgetting about them or we just don't care if you want more fans to care then like I said give them a real role in the game let us find new hero's in the game let us try to rebuild the guild and expand through out the world fighting all kinds of new monsters and real evil like jack of blades he is our favorite we loved how awesome he was you are making the game more into the future more like real life to be honest you are killing your own game we play games to escape reality mostly cus reality sucks you don't seem to understand how much the true fans love being a hero we love the idea of being back in the time of hero's and killing the bad hero's and the amazing bad guys like jack of blades add some awesome dragons for us to kill unless you did not notice killing dragons is what we love most any game with dragons to kill we have to buy xD I see you are trying to turn the next fable into a kinect game or what ever its called that is the worst idea you have ever had the graphics have to be turned down so much for a kinect game its stupid it will look like a piece of shit to be honest compared to the fable games on xbox 360 unless you plan to make 2 copies of the game one for xbox 360 and one for kinect your new fable game said the time of hero's is over wtf is that about that is fable its all about the hero fighting evil turn away from that and you have killed your fable game you are trying to bring to much of reality into your game and you are loosing more and more fans keep taking away everything we love about the fantasy of fable and know your new game says the time for hero's is over I am sorry but dont get mad at me when your game dies faster then albions hero's turn away from the hero's the fantasy its suicide their is no profit to be made in taking your game so far into the future it is a great idea that has done ok so far but with every step you take us farther into the future the less amazing your game is we no longer have the same rush like we did in fable the lost chapters you need to expand on the hero expand on his family let us create our own guilds run albion our way raise train and fight along side our son's not son our son's let us raise a real army command it and wage war against all new monster and evil like jack of blades defend our home against dragons fight along side hero's we have found and bad hero's we have fought against let us rule albion give us real life changing options for the better or worse for albion you really do need to improve the character's let us decide what he or she looks like with in depth detail you need a real player creator with face templates hair styles ect ect let us have real fantasy pets instead of just a dog give us griffons or lil dragons or wolfs or hobs or balvarines come on peter be creative the ideas the things you could do they are all endless you can make fable a really great game an epic game even if you just try I know making games is no easy task but come on give the hero a real role in the game as well stop killing our fking sister and our dog xD lol let us have real power to do with as we see fit good or bad let us fight in more arena's not just one let us fight other hero's to decide who is the best to decide who will run the hero's guild and bring our favorite bad guy back jack of blades so we can kill him again xD!! and yes he will have the sword of aeons with him and an army at his command for us to kill enough is enough peter the whole family thing is ok but stop trying to make it the only thing about fable its time to be epic time to give us a real reason to play I dont buy a game to marry and women have a kid with her and thats it thats all they have no other role give them roles or take them out i dont care dont make them the only reason to play we dont care we want to kill shit not hear the wife bitch hell i dont need to play a game to hear a wife bitch and take my money thats real life your turning fable into a lil bitch sims game wtf peter wake up your killing fable i dont think you will care about any thing i have posted but when your new fable game fails your welcome to come back and take this post a lil more serious some ideas are good some are bad one thing is for sure fable is dying more and more with every step you take it in the future and its not the future so much that is killing it its the fact you are using our future as its own future make your own original future for fable dont use industry like in real life it is stupid but most of all it is boring and dull advance it in a way that keeps the hero's alive gasp like as king being smart enough to rebuild the hero's guild since there is so much evil in the world but i guess the hero king was stupid and did not care since the time of hero's is as you said is over watch the game die it is sad but you are to blame not me turn away from the hero's is what you have been doing in every new game less and less just stupid hero's that dident even look kool the joy has been taking away from the fantasy of fable cus now its to much like real life and we hate real life it sucks its boring thats why fantasy video games were made and make money to soon to judge we will see what you have in store for us with the new fable game and see how things go from there
Oh sh- tl;dr
Oct 10, 2011
Well, to me the series seems to be progressing toward a variant of the late 19th or early 20th Century, I can envision something along the lines of what we saw in Sherlock Holmes, albeit with Fable-styled cars and motorbikes and whatnot.

As for the plot, some inspiration was taken from the Traitor's Keep DLC in that the monarchy has given way to a sort of Democratic Parliamentary Monarchy. Under this new rule, Albion has abandoned its isolationist ways and has become more and more involved in world affairs. This puts them at odds with the nation of Strathayne, which doesn't take too kindly to this newcomer taking such a prominent role.

Now, many years prior to this, Strathayne unearthed a great relic. While not of Old Kingdom origin, it's just as old and just as powerful. After many years of research and trials, Strathayne was able to control this Monolith. Now that they had an enemy to use it on, they set out to wage war with Albion.

Long story short, Strathayne attacked Bowerstone, using the Monolith to destroy it Independence Day style.

... That's as far as I've gotten, but yeah.


Nov 21, 2011
My idea is that the old fable kicked the new ones @$$es bad because the new fables focused on random SH** that made no sense from the middle on, but the first was easy to follow the story. The re playability of the old fable was more fun to play than for instance fable 3 because there were so many upgrades in different areas and tons of options in those upgrades for instances strength you had three different options in just that one category. but the crown jewel in the upgrade tree was magic. the magic was amazing with the different options that allowed you to choose from, and the way you could make them better. and last but not least was the stealth and skill tree that like the strength had three options to choose from. the stealth or guile and the accuracy and the speed allowed you to personalize the character to your liking from what kind of armor you wear that did certain things to the weapon you choose the customization options were to say the least very extensive to the point of what your armor rating was. it was a big disappointment that on the later ones they took the amour out of the game. but my point is with some games the games slowly get worse because of them taking out the good stuff and adding in what they (the game developers) think is good and slowly changing what makes the game good.


Jun 9, 2011
Here I go, I am going to tackle all of my issue in separate and accessible paragraphs.

Combat - I think the melee combat is excellent and nothing should really be changed other than adding new finishing moves cause those are great. Ranged is also excellent although I would like to see a return to the targeting of separate body parts, who doesn't love a good nutshot :). Personally I like the magic system in fable III but I would like to see more charge levels and alot more spells similar to the spells in TLC. Although i understand a lot of people don't like the charge system and it wouldn't bother me a whole lot if they went back to a mana system.

Weapons - I love the idea of the morphing weapons however the execution of them was horrendous, first of all morphing should not be initiated by a opening a damn chest, (I'll get to the road to rule later) they should be gradual changes example I am killing hollowmen a lot so I start to see bones appearing on the sword. But it would be alright if when it changed instantaneously in that big shock wave thing that knocks enemies back, admittedly that was pretty sweet. Now I think that every weapon is legendary weapon thing is stupid there was nothing more fun than hunting down legendary weapons in TLC and Fable 2. They should make a return to finding legendary weapons in strange places with puzzles or trials involved with obtaining them. As for normal weapons just keep weapons in shops normal you know iron swords and steel swords and such but then when you use them they morph so if you end up with a weapon you don't like you can try again. As well a setting that lets you turn of morphing if you don't like it.

Followers - If they somehow find a way to put this in for christ sake let us of different followers to choose from. I f I am an evil son of a bitch I want to find the baddest most evil merc in town and either join him or kill him and take his mercs with me. It makes no sense for my murderous demon to team up with a revolutionary who is against child labour. Basically allow there to be different kinds of followers to choose from not having to team up with everyone. I know this would ruin the promises thing but hey they probably won't do that again anyways.

Good, Bad and in Between - "Good" or "Evil" that was actually a choice name in Fable III, yes there should be an angelic choice and a demonic choice but there should also be a kinda good choice and a kinda evil choice as well as a totally in the middle choice. As for alignments Fable 2 nailed this one right one having both a good evil scale and a pure corrupt scale. It allowed more leeway in what kind of character you made. More choice is always better in a choice based game.

Other - I thought the appearance content was really lacking I mean there wasn't many choices of clothing and even less haircuts and tattoos. As well I think the wings were really cool but I mean you only got them at the end as well you should only get them if you are pure evil or good. Finally the idea of having a story after the revolution was awesome like to games in one they said. But then I finish the revolution and think this is awesome but then at 121 days left in the year I go hey I got time, nope with no warning they yank the rug out from under me. To be honest I don't think this was an artistic choice I think it was shoddy, rushed and all in a all a really douchebag thing to do on Lionhead part. Now this is not hating because I love the Fable series and I love Lionhead but it was really disappointing and I want them to do nothing but awesome stuff so Lionhead take as much time as you need I just want a fulfilling and rich experience. Finally I don;t really care what time frame they put fable in but I would suggest they go the safe route and keep in the near future (relative to Fable III) and focus on what needs to be fixed and/or improved to make a generally better Fable experience.

P.S. Good luck Fable and Peter stop talking things up so much.



Aug 18, 2012
read benbalvirineslayers post it one of the best ive seen i regestered but got banned for spam and i don't even know what that is im 12


Aug 18, 2012
i even contributed to it and i mean i did pages and pages i hope the ban is not permanent
Last edited:


Aug 18, 2012
How about exploring more of a MMORPG. I like the thought of making guilds or factions, that your friends can be a part of, and all of you can get together and battle other guilds or factions, or just run around Albion wreaking havoc on the citizens (if you're into that)
Aug 28, 2012
This is going to be good, because I have SOOOOO MUCH to say about Fable 4 and ideas for it that SHOULD be looked at.

First off, STOP BRINGING UP FABLE 1! Yes, Fable 1 is a great game because it established Fable's fantasy genre and was Lionhead's rise to the Fable series. No, I am not saying Fable 1 is a bad game because everwhere Iook for Fable 4 ideas, they always bring up Fable 1 and how it should be like it. Fable is a game that constantly evolves with fantasy/steampunk theme so everyone who says Fable 4 should be like 1 don't get your panties in a twist.

Okay, sorry if I offended anyone, I love the Fable series to death...

1.) The morphing system from Fable 3 was a great idea, but it was poorly executed along with the removal of several other items such as katanas and axes. With this idea, Fable 4 will have an option to create custom weapons that become stronger the more you use it. Here's how it works: Whenever you go to a blacksmith shop, he sells two types of things. One thing is iron weapons which are used as a template for custom weapons as well as weapons like in Fable 3 (there are also plenty of legendary weapons to find in the world). The second thing the blacksmith would sell is items called "attachments" that can be used to make the custom weapon. Every weapon requires two attachments.

2.) Fable 3's major flaw was the use of the Sanctuary and completely got rid of the inventory menu. Mind you, I don't mind lists of items and was somewhat removed from the game whenever I went to the Sancutary. So, why not have both? Have a basic inventory menu that shows your Hero on a small plinth or something like that, showing the Hero with previews of clothes you got and see the clothes in different colors from the dyes you bought from the tailors.

3.) The combat is good, it would be good to show some more unique finisher moves based on the way you play through the game. The enemies should have some AI being a nice mix of easy and difficult. Fable is a game worthy of having boss battles in it, whether it be a demonic entity that haunts people's dreams or a Steampunk version of Jack of Blades (just saying).

4.) The NPCs should be more unique and looks various from the rest of them. There certainly MUST be the return of the emote wheel and the ability to switch from just holding someone's hand to having them follow behind you as you lead them.

5.) The story should be a lengthy and interesting story with a wonderful mix between the regal age of exploration and fantasy and magical sub-plots. As much as I love the Fable series, the fantasy element is slowly slipping from the original formula, the fantasy element MUST return if Lionhead wants to keep much of its orignal fanbase glomping and loving Fable 1 for its massive fantasy feel.

6.) I enjoyed the honor to be a ruler of Albion, but I felt Fable 3 rushed this and made it way too short. The best idea for Fable 4 is that when you're Hero becomes ruler, they can have a weekly decisions that they must make that constantly changes the Albion around them, and going around the world and helping important characters in the town for the better of that town or all of Albion.

7.) Co-op in Fable 4 should most likely split-screen so that both players can go seperate ways to do jobs, fight creatures, do side-quests, or maybe for the simple awe of how your Albion is similar and different from their alternate Albion.

That is all I have to say (for now), Read my points and I hope you agree with me. Fable is a great series, and maybe with enough ideas (and Lionhead's email) we can all have our voices heard and have a Fable that molds to our liking!


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 6, 2008
This is going to be good, because I have SOOOOO MUCH to say about Fable 4 and ideas for it that SHOULD be looked at.

First off, STOP BRINGING UP FABLE 1! Yes, Fable 1 is a great game because it established Fable's fantasy genre and was Lionhead's rise to the Fable series. No, I am not saying Fable 1 is a bad game because everwhere Iook for Fable 4 ideas, they always bring up Fable 1 and how it should be like it. Fable is a game that constantly evolves with fantasy/steampunk theme so everyone who says Fable 4 should be like 1 don't get your panties in a twist.

Okay, sorry if I offended anyone, I love the Fable series to death...

1.) The morphing system from Fable 3 was a great idea, but it was poorly executed along with the removal of several other items such as katanas and axes. With this idea, Fable 4 will have an option to create custom weapons that become stronger the more you use it. Here's how it works: Whenever you go to a blacksmith shop, he sells two types of things. One thing is iron weapons which are used as a template for custom weapons as well as weapons like in Fable 3 (there are also plenty of legendary weapons to find in the world). The second thing the blacksmith would sell is items called "attachments" that can be used to make the custom weapon. Every weapon requires two attachments.

2.) Fable 3's major flaw was the use of the Sanctuary and completely got rid of the inventory menu. Mind you, I don't mind lists of items and was somewhat removed from the game whenever I went to the Sancutary. So, why not have both? Have a basic inventory menu that shows your Hero on a small plinth or something like that, showing the Hero with previews of clothes you got and see the clothes in different colors from the dyes you bought from the tailors.

3.) The combat is good, it would be good to show some more unique finisher moves based on the way you play through the game. The enemies should have some AI being a nice mix of easy and difficult. Fable is a game worthy of having boss battles in it, whether it be a demonic entity that haunts people's dreams or a Steampunk version of Jack of Blades (just saying).

4.) The NPCs should be more unique and looks various from the rest of them. There certainly MUST be the return of the emote wheel and the ability to switch from just holding someone's hand to having them follow behind you as you lead them.

5.) The story should be a lengthy and interesting story with a wonderful mix between the regal age of exploration and fantasy and magical sub-plots. As much as I love the Fable series, the fantasy element is slowly slipping from the original formula, the fantasy element MUST return if Lionhead wants to keep much of its orignal fanbase glomping and loving Fable 1 for its massive fantasy feel.

6.) I enjoyed the honor to be a ruler of Albion, but I felt Fable 3 rushed this and made it way too short. The best idea for Fable 4 is that when you're Hero becomes ruler, they can have a weekly decisions that they must make that constantly changes the Albion around them, and going around the world and helping important characters in the town for the better of that town or all of Albion.

7.) Co-op in Fable 4 should most likely split-screen so that both players can go seperate ways to do jobs, fight creatures, do side-quests, or maybe for the simple awe of how your Albion is similar and different from their alternate Albion.

That is all I have to say (for now), Read my points and I hope you agree with me. Fable is a great series, and maybe with enough ideas (and Lionhead's email) we can all have our voices heard and have a Fable that molds to our liking!

Very good ideas, Id like that.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 2, 2003
Story wise, I hope that the Journey ends with the spire destroying most of Albion as it rids the world of the Corruption. This way, Fable III's Industrial revolution is set back to a more dark age or post-apocalyptic setting. Really poor living standards for the vast majority. No government. Groups of people will have formed small settlements in different areas, but they got their own problems with bandits and other people raiding them. It's just chaos. Theresa feels responsible, and believes you're the hero destined to bring Albion out of the dark ages. The majority of the game would revolve around making decisions that shape Albion in one way or another, drastically changing the world.

For example, let's say you find some people held up in the area that was Westcliff. Surprisingly they haven't had any trouble with bandits, but they're starving. The wooded area makes it difficult for trade routes, and more and more of their hunters aren't returning. If you don't help them, they will die. You go out into the woods trying to find the source of the problem. You discover the hunters are being killed by Balverines and you're tasked with clearing the Balverines out.

Just when you think you're doing a good thing, one of the Balverines begs you to stop. The Balverines are struggling too. They've tried to remain isolated, feeding on the occassional wanderer or bandit to survive, but they've never threatened the Westcliff encampment until their hunters started specifically targeting them for the meat and hides. After listening to their sob story, you now have a decision to make that will forever change how Westcliff develops.

Choice A: Continue helping the people of Westcliff by wiping out the Balverines, earning the respect of the people. Westcliff will continue to develop, and new quests will become available to further improve the settlement.

Choice B: Earn the support of the Balverines by removing the current Westcliff inhabitants, letting the Balverines move in, transforming the arena ruins into their new den, and opening up a different set of quests.

Loads of stuff like that.


May 20, 2012
I would like to see Fable 4 go back to a time before Fable 1. Maybe to the time of the original Archons or see Jack of blades before he became evil. I really feel like the story needs to come full circle back to before the begining to how everything gets started and tie up how the bloodline of the 3 games started. Also I like the ideas that others have already put forth about building your own weapons but I think it should also include building your own armor too.


Nov 13, 2011
My computer chair
1. More choices throughout the story. (choices that actually affect the story, like we can choose to help one group or the other but not both. Depending on our choice, we will have one group as allies and the other as enemies the rest of the story. That's just a small example)

2. More character customization (more choices in our character's appearance, voice, etc.)

3. More armor and armor customization (MANY more armor sets and allow us to dye multiple areas of each armor piece, and offer us better dyes)

4. More weapon and magic choices

5. Keep the sanctuary but expand it

6. Make the map more user friendly

Please excuse any spelling errors.


Jun 9, 2011
Dear Lionhead,

- Hype your game less.
- Don't listen to SKATERRYAN16
- If you make it in the future, make it a fable style future not an earth future.
- More than just good or evil choices but not mass effect choices.
- Keep up with the dog! maybe even add a few other animals.
- Go back to fable 2 morality with purity.
- When your absolutely on end of the scale make us feel like it.
- Don't tell us we have 212 days that it go to 1.
- Finally don't take criticism too hard, its only cause we love your games :)


Feb 19, 2012
-Same art style, but much better graphics and resolution
-Keep Hero/Evil thing going, but get more indepth regarding personalities, abilities, quests, and overall character growth.
-More in the future. Since F3 was around Industrial Revolution, make F4 more modern, but keep the Fable image, no Mass Effect sci fi future shit
-Have it open world. Keep fast travel, but introduce vehicles so players can travel along the roads for long jouneys. Vehicles will be similar to real life, you pay monthly bills on it and have to keep in it good condition, otherwise the vehicle is either taken away (behind on bills) or it falls apart (bad condition)
-Introduce more creatures and bad guys, increase AI
-Family customization and growth. You get married and your wife/husband stays home raising the kids. If you dont visit your kids much, they will resent you. Kids grow into adults as time passes. You can choose what the family does, what they wear, and to choose if you want to take you kid on the journey with you.
-Local and Online Multplayer. Help with quests or fight your friends, choose your own character from your own save file.
-More advanced storyline. No more king/ruling stuff. Also have a good track of time. Dont have it saying 200 days then out of nowhere its 5 days.
-Kinect not required
-Weapon and Armor advancement and creativity
-Magic redefined
-When your character is ready to retire and if they have a grown up child, that child can take the parents role and adventure into the wilderness and continue the quests. Maybe it can be story related, like optional. Once you beat the current story and your missions, your character is older, showing their age, and also show limitations in battle/quests. If they have a child, then they can retire and stay at home while their kid, who is very green (fresh) can go do their own journey, giving you the ability to design and play the kid how you want to, evil or good, and that can have consequences on the family and current events in the game.
Feb 19, 2013
Fable is such a unique franchise in that whenever you hear what people want in a Fable 4 it almost sounds like Fable is more than one game. I know that I have a tendency to say more than people care to hear so I'll break up my post into sections for people to peruse as they feel like.

My bias: I just want to put my bias right out there for people to see. I never played the first Fable. I started playing the franchise from Fable 3 and then worked my way backwards. When I got to the first Fable I couldn't get past the graphics to get past the first few missions. So I can't understand why people hate Fable 3 so much because that's the game that got me into the franchise. And I have no idea what people are talking about when they say what they miss from the first Fable because I never played it. But from what I've read in people's posts, it sounds like the first Fable was more like World of Warcraft or Diablo so it makes sense that people would hate Fable 3 because it wasn't like those games at all. Especially if the developer is promising those things and then never delivers.

What makes Fable Fable: It sounds like Fable has changed so much over the three releases that the differences between each game are almost the same as differences between some franchises. It seems that the Fable has a series that is questing and customization, then it has a series that is about making choices and having the game react to those choices and then there is a series that is almost like the Sims. The part of Fable that is questing and customization, I feel, isn't that unique in gaming. I respect what people say about Fable 4 needing more of that because I love those kinds of games too. But I also don't think that Fable is ever going to reach the quality of questing and customization that other games have. If I want that style of game, I know I'm far better off with The Elder Scrolls or World of Warcraft or Diablo. I don't understand the desire to turn Fable into one of those games when those games already exist. What got me into the series was Fable's economy where I went on quests and got loot from my quests but I could spend that loot not only on better weapons and armor. But I could also spend that loot to build a town (Driftwood), invest in a house that provides you with some advantages in the form of gifts of potions or food or the opportunity to sleep and change night to day without having to pay to stay at an inn, to unlock areas with quest objectives (silver keys or gnomes), or to determine the population of the game (when you become king and spend money to save as many people as you can).

What I want to see in a new Fable: So what I'd like to see in a new Fable is more of this economy that I feel is pretty unique in this genre at least. I sympathize with the people that want more questing and customization because I think those things feed into Fable's economy. I don't understand the desire to send Fable further into the future. I don't know how you go on quests and get loot in a sci fi Fable, but maybe it would work out in some way that I can't imagine. My number one complaint is the cartoonish style graphics of Fable. I would put all of my other complaints on hold to get some better graphics and get rid of the cartoon feeling aspect or at least tone it down. But if I could have two wishes, I would say I lean more on the side of seeing more of what Lionhead implemented in Fable 3 instead of less. I want to see what else I can spend my money on and in what other ways I can see the game world change based on what I spend money on, including both structural changes and changes in interactions with NPCs. I think getting rid of what was implemented in Fable 3 and reverting back to the original Fable would just create another Elder Scrolls/WoW/Diablo and I don't want another copy of those games. If I want to play those games I will just play those games.

Please keep this topic alive: But whether you agree or disagree with me, I hope people just keep this topic alive. I can't wait for as long as it will take for the next Fable to come out. I need to hear other people's ideas of what a new Fable will bring to tide me over until the next installment actually comes out. And if someone who disagrees with me can explain to me why the original Fable was so great I would actually appreciate it because I never played the game.


Oct 15, 2012
Well, to me the series seems to be progressing toward a variant of the late 19th or early 20th Century, I can envision something along the lines of what we saw in Sherlock Holmes, albeit with Fable-styled cars and motorbikes and whatnot.

As for the plot, some inspiration was taken from the Traitor's Keep DLC in that the monarchy has given way to a sort of Democratic Parliamentary Monarchy. Under this new rule, Albion has abandoned its isolationist ways and has become more and more involved in world affairs. This puts them at odds with the nation of Strathayne, which doesn't take too kindly to this newcomer taking such a prominent role.

Now, many years prior to this, Strathayne unearthed a great relic. While not of Old Kingdom origin, it's just as old and just as powerful. After many years of research and trials, Strathayne was able to control this Monolith. Now that they had an enemy to use it on, they set out to wage war with Albion.

Long story short, Strathayne attacked Bowerstone, using the Monolith to destroy it Independence Day style.

... That's as far as I've gotten, but yeah.
Good story line, I want to hear more!
Jun 26, 2013
idea 1: i know not a lot of people agree with me on this one, but i think magic should just be shot from your hand, not from gauntlets
that channal magic. it just gets in the way of some of the clothing options for certain outfits and takes the feeling out of being a hero
that can use magic regularly. go back to crazy glowing tattoos on your body as your magic gets better, but dont make them permanate like
in fable II. ake it optional whenever a player wants tattoos on his/her body like in three, but just take gauntlets out. the key is players
having freedom when creating their hero.

idea 2: in fable III i was really disapointed that there where only two types of melee weapons, a sword and a hammer. and only two ranged
weapons, a pistol and a rifle (with the exceptional scatter shot effect of some ranged weapons). whereas in fable II they had all types of
different weapons like an axe, blunnderbuss, claymore (i think), cutless, Etc. I dont know why they took most of those out, but they need to
back, along with legendary virsions of said weapons. they also should add new weapons types like maybe a crossbow or a spear, not only would they
look sick when fighting with them, but also look even more sick when upgraded.

idea 3: speaking of upgrading. this would be a completely new idea, but i'll throw it down anyway. you remember the cool looking hilts, blades, barrels
and such on the weapons? you remember how they would sometimes change depending on what you accomplished in the game? what if you could custimize it all?
just picture being able to buy different parts of, lets say, a sword and changing the one you already have to not only change the look of it to your liking,
but also alture the effecting of the weapon. for instance, a surtain hilt could increase knockback on enemies when you hit them and a blade that does fire
damage, turning your boring plain sword with normal effects into a badass weapon with encreased effects. maybe you could also be able to make the parts any color you want.

these are just a few of the many ideas i have, so let me know what you think and feel free to add stuff as well.