
Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2023
Saturnine Wastelands
I haven't really kept up with the world of wrestling since about 2002, but from the mid 1990s until that time I did have a strong interest in it (not just watching it and playing some of the videogames, but also occasionally participating in a little bit of "home wrestling" with some relatives, heh). There was a bunch of radical wrestling finishing maneuvers that I liked, one of them being the "Falcon Arrow" (I always chose it as my special front grapple move whenever I created a customized wrestler that was meant to represent myself). The "Steiner Screwdriver" is similar in its execution, so I like that move as well. Other favorite finishers are "Razor's/The Outsider's Edge" (or "Crucifix Powerbomb") and "Kudome Valentine", which is probably best known as the "Vertebreaker".

Falcon Arrow (Hayabusa)

Razor's/The Outsider's Edge (Scott Hall)

Kudome Valentine (Megumi Kudo)

As for aerial and submission maneuvers, I'm fond of the "Shooting Star Press", "Firebird/450 Splash", "Moonsault", "Crippler Crossface", "Sasori Gatame" and "Walls Of Jericho".


Feb 26, 2014
Piledrivers ... I miss piledrivers!

I also love a good lariat! Always loved when Bradshaw would hit the Clothesline From Hell!

A good spear! (Not the running hugs like Edge, Charlotte and Lashley hit) ... A proper full speed spear!

Cutters ... Most variations of cutters!


Super Star
Feb 13, 2012
Here. On a board. With you.
Pretty much any Running finishers are my favorites. Spears, Lariats, Knees like Bryan's, kick's like the Claymore, etc... They often end up looking so impactful, and have the benefit of being very easy to hit from many situations.
I am a fan of a well executed strike. So heavy overlap with these. Bryan's knee, KENTA's, the claymore. Buzzsaw kick is an all timer.