Jan 6, 2012
I chose not to amputate my arm, said to Omid and Christa to take care of Clem, FUCKING CRIED when Ben and Kenny died, CRIED EVEN MORE when I told Clem to shoot me. FUCKING MANLY TEARS.
Feb 10, 2008
I left my arm on, told Kenny to look after Clem which sucked because he most likely got tore apart. Then I let Omid and Christa go ahead while I jumped in the street for some zombie hand to hand killing time. Found Clem and the stranger which Clem took out for me. Then I shot dead zombie Ben as I left. Before Clem made it out the door I told her to put me down before I turn. Then lit a cigarette and fought back my man tears. What a great game though!!
Jun 5, 2010
I had Krista cut off my arm. asked Omid and Krista to look after Clem. Let Omid and Krista go ahead and I dropped below and swung for the fences with the cleaver. Once I found Clem and tussled with the stranger, she shot him. Shot zombie while leaving the room. roamed the streets until Clem looks to a male and female zombie with great horror/sadness look on her face. I tell her not to go over there and I blacked out, and by some miracle/horrible decision, Clem dragged my body into a jewelry store, and locked the door with no way to get out. I slowly propel myself forward, using the counter as a crutch to get me ever closer to the zombie in the back room, which has a key on his hip, and is trapped inside a jewelry case. once I no longer have the counter to keep myself upright, I fall to the floor and land against a wall. As Clem to open the door, it is locked. She tries to break the glass on the door with her hand, I tell her to go get the bat under the jeweler's counter. She breaks the glass with the bat. I then tell her to pull the stool over to the door, so she can reach in and unlock the door. Once the door is open, I spot the handcuffs on the floor, have her handcuff me to the immovable object next to me, for her protection. Now with me handcuffed, and the zombie guard stuck in the jewelry case, I tell her to get the keys and the gun, the zombie frees himself, knocks her to the ground, and I am unable to help her. Next to the door is a pedestal with a heavy glass statue on it, her trying to get away from the zombie, hits the pedestal and rocks the glass object right onto my head, I quickly come to, to see the bat she used roll near me, I kick it to her, where she bludgens the zombie 4 or 5 times in the head with it. I then tell her to take the gun, and shoot me, before she does it, and before I die from blood loss I tell her I will miss her and to find Omid and Krista at the train. She shoots and the game tells me what decisions I made. Roll credits, then short epilogue of Clem walking through some hilly terrain, stopping at a tree, sitting down on a fallen branch, and seeing some shotgun shells on the ground in front of her. Off in the distance you see 2 figures walking atop a hill and eventually coming to a stop, and clearly looking in her direction. The End.

It is never made clear who the 2 people were, it could have been Omid and Krista, but the locale seemed all wrong, considereing they were all told to go back to the train, which was just on the outskirts of town. I think it might be setting up a season 2 I hope.

Anyone else get a different epilogue?


Aug 6, 2010
I had Krista cut off my arm. asked Omid and Krista to look after Clem. Let Omid and Krista go ahead and I dropped below and swung for the fences with the cleaver. Once I found Clem and tussled with the stranger, she shot him. Shot zombie while leaving the room. roamed the streets until Clem looks to a male and female zombie with great horror/sadness look on her face. I tell her not to go over there and I blacked out, and by some miracle/horrible decision, Clem dragged my body into a jewelry store, and locked the door with no way to get out. I slowly propel myself forward, using the counter as a crutch to get me ever closer to the zombie in the back room, which has a key on his hip, and is trapped inside a jewelry case. once I no longer have the counter to keep myself upright, I fall to the floor and land against a wall. As Clem to open the door, it is locked. She tries to break the glass on the door with her hand, I tell her to go get the bat under the jeweler's counter. She breaks the glass with the bat. I then tell her to pull the stool over to the door, so she can reach in and unlock the door. Once the door is open, I spot the handcuffs on the floor, have her handcuff me to the immovable object next to me, for her protection. Now with me handcuffed, and the zombie guard stuck in the jewelry case, I tell her to get the keys and the gun, the zombie frees himself, knocks her to the ground, and I am unable to help her. Next to the door is a pedestal with a heavy glass statue on it, her trying to get away from the zombie, hits the pedestal and rocks the glass object right onto my head, I quickly come to, to see the bat she used roll near me, I kick it to her, where she bludgens the zombie 4 or 5 times in the head with it. I then tell her to take the gun, and shoot me, before she does it, and before I die from blood loss I tell her I will miss her and to find Omid and Krista at the train. She shoots and the game tells me what decisions I made. Roll credits, then short epilogue of Clem walking through some hilly terrain, stopping at a tree, sitting down on a fallen branch, and seeing some shotgun shells on the ground in front of her. Off in the distance you see 2 figures walking atop a hill and eventually coming to a stop, and clearly looking in her direction. The End.

It is never made clear who the 2 people were, it could have been Omid and Krista, but the locale seemed all wrong, considereing they were all told to go back to the train, which was just on the outskirts of town. I think it might be setting up a season 2 I hope.

Anyone else get a different epilogue?
i got the same epilogue too. I dont think they change.
Jul 17, 2012
this episode had my heart feeling so heavy, i hope its krista and omid, telltale has signed on for a second season of the game so i can not wait. this is the most unbelievable game i have ever played, honestly. Great Work.
Happy/Sad Fan
Dec 12, 2011
I had to choke back the emotion like Dr.Evil towards the end there.

- Chose not to cut off my arm. Walked back to the surgical supplies twice. But couldn't do it.
- Kept the group arguing to a minimum, never took a drink. Surprised Christa did though. Thought Kenny was going to do me in like Larry.
- Last request for Omid & Christa to look after Clementine.
- Agreed with Christa, countryside was the best course of action for now.
- Left Kenny and Ben and climbed back to the rooftops. (Stood there till the time-bar was almost out before deciding.)
- After the town sign collapsed, chose to charge through the street crawling with walkers. There were so many!
- Lied to Clemintine's captor about having weapons at first, but set them down afterwards. (Recognized the car in front of the building. Aw sh**!)

- Struggled with him but didn't kill him, Clementine took the shot.
- Told Clementine to get the bat to break the glass.
- Unlock the door, get the handcuffs first. Lee was barely holding on. Then the gun and keys.
- When the walker came at her, was only able to kick the bat in her direction and swing batta batta batta, swing batta!
- Told her to just walk away. Too much having to shoot Lee and considering the noise of the gun in an enclosed area. Told her to find Christa & Omid.
- Lee passes, it was...fun...
- The countryside setting matched with the decision I made with Christa. Hard to tell in the distance though whether they were friend or foe.

Can only hope.


Prime Member
Sep 19, 2010
* Did not cut off my arm. Once you're blacking out due to an infection, it's much, much too late - it's already systemic. I honestly do not think it would be possibly to survive in that condition with a non-surgical amputation, and there is no freaking way Lee could keep fighting through stuff with that kind of blood loss.

* Kept calm with all the arguments. I didn't see much point in getting in a fight with Kenny. Or holding grudges. I just wanted to rescue Clem and save as many of the others as possible. Had a drink, why the heck not at that point?

* Requested Omid & Christa look after Clem. Ben was too scattered to survive and Kenny was too angry to survive.
* Agreed on countryside with Christa - the boat quest was a giant #$%&ing bust.
* Kenny shoved me and locked me in while he chose to stay with Ben. Over my loud objections. It was stupid and pointless. Climbed back up without them once the game stopped letting me try to break open the door.
* Sent Omid and Christa across sign first because I thought it was safest for them. Climbed down to the street and fought through the zombies.

* Kept my weapons. Bastard was clearly going to kill me, damned if I was going to make it easy.

* Clem killed the captor. Damned if I didn't try... but... may I please request that "pound button as fast as you can" not be a key play element in the next game?

* Didn't let Lee turn. Look, this is my rule #1 of zombie apocalypse. You don't leave people to become the walking dead. I hated making Clem shoot Lee, but personally I think that's easier to deal with than having to think about a loved one wandering around for ages trying to find people to eat.

I'm pretty sure the epilogue shows Clem seeing the two unknown people in the distance, regardless of how you get there.

For a fun time, play Episode 5 of this and then watch Grave of the Fireflies. Just in case you aren't already on antidepressants.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
-removed arm
-lost temper with Kenny
-Kept weapons
-Didnt kill stranger
-Had Clem shoot Lee


I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.
Jan 2, 2012
Cut off arm
Lost temper with Kenny
Surrendered weapons
Killed Clem's captor
Had Clem shoot Lee
Sep 28, 2011
So just out of curiousity...what was the point in making choices since the end result ends the same way regardless?

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the game, and have played multiple times anyway with difference decisions to see what happens...but each time, no matter who you pick to save, or keep...they either die or leave anyway. It seems more like a fabrication of choice rather than actually being able to choose our own story like mentioned. I guess it's just to tailor the story towards our own preferences, but keep the actual story the same? Anyway, hope everyone else enjoyed it, I know I did...that was just my one "gripe" I suppose.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
good point, I mean a lot of what we said to Clem at the end mentions "she remembers that". Perhaps she will be in season 2 and how we treated her and what we said about her will effect her. Basically my Lee told her, to go out on her own and she cant trust anyone. so maybe she will be a loner in season 2
Nov 8, 2012
*Did not cop off my arm*
I already had a feeling lee would die so chopping his arm would only makes things harder.
*I argue clamly with Kenny*
I didn't get angry at kenny because I knew he was right that eventually I would die from the bite and I would only put the group in danger.
*Surrendered weapons*
For some reason he didn't strike me as "evil" and I wanted to know her side of the story. I thought he could have been a relative or something.
*Killed Clem's captor*
After seeing what he planned to do and now knowing he was not related to Clementine I didn't haste to kill him.
*Had Clem shoot Lee*
I knew this would be hard for Clementine but I thought about "what happens if someone else she cares for is infected to?" she needed to be able to take care of the problem just like I did for duck.
Yes, its hard but not being able to put your love ones "out of their misery" if you know they are going to get die from the infection seem kinda selfish. Sometimes the harder road may be impossible but this will make her stronger.

*thoughts on ending*

Even though I love the story I disagree with the ending. There was no closure after Lee had died, what becomes of Clementine? You don't know if she made it back to Omid and Krista. Also you want to know if Omid and Krista are ok as well.
I hated how Ben and Kenny both ended up dying no matter what I did. * re-winded 5 more times with different choices and still didn't change the outcome*
Aside from saving Clementine I felt like I didn't do much else since everyone else ended up dead and no choice I made could change it which defeated the replay value for me.
I give the game a 8 out of 10. Took 2 points off for the cliffhanger ending not something you should do for a sad endings since we can not change it. Now there is almost nothing left to look forward to and it annoyed me that I did not get any closure about Clementine being safe or not at the very least.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
Explanation for my choices:

*Chopped arm off- I thought what the heck.
*Argued with Kenny- My Lee never agrees with him
*Kept weapons: Thought they might come in handy...which they didnt of course
*Didnt kill Clem's captor- I didnt know it was even a choice, I guess I failed at choking him. I assumed either way Lee fails and Clem kills him
*Had Clem kill Lee- I dont know why

*Told Clem to go on her own,and dont trust anyone
*Ben was killed in ep 4
*Was alone at the start of the episode
*I died maybe 4 times. Never more then once. Died once while crawling on the ladder (didnt realize I had to jump at the last second), second time while going postal on a horde of zombies with a meat cleaver (didnt aim quick enough), third time was after Clem hit the captor from behind, I didnt know what to do right away so I was killed. 4th time was when that zombie was attacking Clem, I didnt see the bat right away so she was eaten.
*Told Clem to grab the lamp (first time was the bottle but died)

Thoughts on the ending. Thought it was decent, but odd. I wish the choices would affect it. Maybe if Lee told Clem to find Omid and whats her name. She runs to them, if you told her to not trust anyone, she doesnt. But I like it kind of hints of season 2. Maybe following the 3 survivors...well technically 5 (Glenn and Lilly are still alive) will be featured in the confirmed season 2.
Oct 21, 2012
I didn't chop my arm off!
If I left my arm,I would have a better chance of rescuing Clem,plus zombie virus was all over my body already.
Lost temper with Kenny
I was always on his side but seeing him going on me like if I was Larry made me angry.
I cried a little bit after seeing Kenny die after Ben.
That part was sad.
I kept my weapon with me
That bastard was going to shoot me in the head!
I suffocated him to death
No doubt on this one.
Did let Lee turn
I saw how many zombies attacked Ben and Kenny.Like Clem can handle that,gunshot will bring sh!t lot of walkers.
-Told Clem to go with Christa and Omid.
-Chose the lamp
-I chose to steal from the car in Ep.2
-I saved Ben in Ep.4
-I brought everyone with me.(Kind of glad when I saw the boat stolen because I thought if we left someone,they would've killed him or her.
Finnally,after I finished I was shocked.Were those two guys Omid and Christa or Glenn and Lilly.On my second playthrought,I left Ben to die but Ken still dies.I was really wondering if Kenny could've got out grabbing Christa's leg and being pulled up by Lee and Omid.I think on season 2,if I let Clem shoot me,she had grown some balls.If I didn't,she is still soft.And if I told her don't trust anyone,she would be more like Lilly.


Oct 14, 2011
Did anyone play through who didn't steal from the wagon? Just want to know what the guys motives were if you didn't


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
Did anyone play through who didn't steal from the wagon? Just want to know what the guys motives were if you didn't

if you choose not to steal, the others in the group will regardless. so the stranger's motives are the same. he knows you refused to steal but he knows of your other dark stuff. he knew I killed both brothers in ep 2
Oct 21, 2012
Did anyone play through who didn't steal from the wagon? Just want to know what the guys motives were if you didn't

if you choose not to steal, the others in the group will regardless. so the stranger's motives are the same. he knows you refused to steal but he knows of your other dark stuff. he knew I killed both brothers in ep 2
Is there anyone way to shut that f#cker up by doing good stuff all the time


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2006
I chose not to amputate my arm, said to Omid and Christa to take care of Clem, FUCKING CRIED when Ben and Kenny died, CRIED EVEN MORE when I told Clem to shoot me. FUCKING MANLY TEARS.
I amputated, same, effing same, and I couldn't have Clem do it. Seriously, though, that scene in the store had both me and my roommates (they wouldn't let me play a second of the entire game without them in the room) crying like babies.
Jun 30, 2008
I didn't amputate my arm
I lost temper with Kenny
I surrendered nothing
I killed the stranger
I had Clem leave Lee


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
My Lee was a complete jerk in every episode but when I do a second playthrough he will be nice
Oct 21, 2012
Did anyone play through who didn't steal from the wagon? Just want to know what the guys motives were if you didn't
He says that Clem told him that you didn't agree on stealing from the car but want to kill you because of your bad care for Clementine.He knowns if you:Taught her swear,let her eat human meat,Killed Larry in front of her...
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
I wonder what a perfect be good result would be. I mean I made some good and some bad choices in my first playthrough, and the second will be the oppisitte
Oct 21, 2012
My second playthrough:
-Amputated my arm
-Was calm with Kenny
I didn't save Ben in this playthrough
-Surrendered nothing
-Didn't kill him
-Clem shot Lee


Jun 3, 2011
kept my arm,didn't see the point in cutting it off by now.
kept my temper with Kenny
wanted Clem to go with Kenny but Kenny jumped down to save Christa and then left,didnt see how i could save Kenny at that point
crossed over 1st and then told Christa and Omid to go on and find a boat and watch over Clem.
I surrendered all items.
Had Clem cut the guy and then she shot him
had Clem handcuff me and kicked the bat over to her,told her she was strong and not to be afraid and had her shot me(not goin to be a walker,damn it!)
think everyone got the same ending with Clem sitting on a log,but i heard sounds of the sea in the background.
love the game,best game i have played in a long time.
Played my Lee as a good guy,who was honest and sided with Kenny in almost everything and did everything for Clem. She was a main focus with my Lee...everyone i liked Died :(


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 22, 2007
I didn't amputate my arm
I kept calm with Kenny
I kept my weapons
I killed the stranger
I had Clem kill Lee
Oct 21, 2012
I tried being a good samaratin for the rest of the game in my 3rd playthrough but stranger said that I brought Clementine to Crawford.I rewinded it and didn't bring her but the stranger said that I left her with an almost dead guy.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
If we did everything good, what reason would the stranger would have? The Crawford choice was a lose lose situation
Dec 3, 2012
When I realised that if I didn't strangle the stranger to death Clem had to kill him I played through again and strangled him to death so Clem didn't have to shoot him. Is that odd? If one of us has to kill him for it all to be over then I'd rather it was me than Clem, why should she have to do it just because I questioned my morals for a second when she ends up jeopardising hers to save my life? Also, I didn't get her to shoot me at the end.. that's just.. way to heartbreaking. It's better if she just sees me die naturally as my eyes closed. Hopefully she runs off quickly after that. I've always wondered how long it really takes for you to turn. A few mins?
Dec 7, 2012
First off, I saved Ben in ep. 4 and stole the stuff in the station wagon in ep. 2.

1. I didn't get my arm cut off.
2. I lost my temper with Kenny.
3. I surrendered my weapons.
4. Clementine killed the stranger.
5. I made Clem shoot Lee.


Oct 14, 2011
Did anyone play through who didn't steal from the wagon? Just want to know what the guys motives were if you didn't
He says that Clem told him that you didn't agree on stealing from the car but want to kill you because of your bad care for Clementine.He knowns if you:Taught her swear,let her eat human meat,Killed Larry in front of her...
But I didn't do any of those things either, might have to play through it again and see what he says


May 14, 2012
Just finished the game, (a little late, i know, but i couldn't afford the last two chapters until now.) I felt the fourth was a little slow but five made up for it big time. Very intense and emotional story...
I have a question though, if anyone knows...
I made the decision to chop off my arm, but is there any difference if i had left it on? Does it affect Lee at all? Or is it pretty much the same slow change into a zombie that happened?
Oct 21, 2012
Just finished the game, (a little late, i know, but i couldn't afford the last two chapters until now.) I felt the fourth was a little slow but five made up for it big time. Very intense and emotional story...
I have a question though, if anyone knows...
I made the decision to chop off my arm, but is there any difference if i had left it on? Does it affect Lee at all? Or is it pretty much the same slow change into a zombie that happened?
Yes,there is a big difference.If you leave your arm alone it'll cause you to black out on few scenes[face_shock]n the ladder up to the hospital room,in the attic.Also when you charge thru thousand walkers to get Clem,you have a glass shard holding in your bitten arm and cleaver on the ok one.


Feb 2, 2013
I hate it when i do something, like kill someone, and at the end of the episodeI find out there was an alternative to what happened, and
I'm like HOW!!?!?!?!?!
That happened to me when Clem's captor was killed and i cut of the teachers leg in episode 2


Feb 2, 2013
First off, Ep. 4 - Let Ben die, wanted to go alone, but everyone insisted on going, and i did not have the option to turn them down (prop cuz i showed the bite)

Chopped off arm
Sided with Kenny on argument
Lost temper (I did not know i had the option not to)
Told Christ and Omid to take care of Clem
Drank the whiskey
Ken got lost in the herd of zombies getting the talkie
I went across sign first
Gave up radio but not cleaver
Clem killed the mo fo captor (I stole from the Station Wagon in Ep. 2)
Looked in the bag
Had her handcuff zombie and told her to find Christa and Omid and to stay away from cities, had her shoot me (I was not handcuffed)

Ending was amazing. Last clip was one hell of a cliff hanger, I meant after all the game and to get that ending! The two figures could not have been Glenn and Lily. Both of them moved on to the comic book, and Glenn was killed in like to 100th edition, Lily is with some random group of people who killed the main character's wife and baby. By the way, at the very beginning of the game, the officer is talking about some murderer he had in the car, with "big soft eyes behind a pair of smart folk glasses" That was the guy in the comic book in the prison who killed two of Hershel's daughters.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Lee kept his arm
Lost temper with Kenny
Told Omid and Christa to take care of Clem
Went across the sign first
Gave up everything and talked to the stranger
Killed the stranger
Had Clem handcuff me to the rail, told her to stay away from the cities and find Christa and Omid
Told her to shoot Lee in the head.
Oct 21, 2012
I left my arm on, told Kenny to look after Clem which sucked because he most likely got tore apart. Then I let Omid and Christa go ahead while I jumped in the street for some zombie hand to hand killing time. Found Clem and the stranger which Clem took out for me. Then I shot dead zombie Ben as I left. Before Clem made it out the door I told her to put me down before I turn. Then lit a cigarette and fought back my man tears. What a great game though!!
That's not zombie Ben,man