
Jul 25, 2001
I see on this site... http://www.gran-turismo.com/us/products/gt6/ that several components of the game are missing. Community, Quick Match, B-Spec, Course Maker, Data Logger, GPS Visualizer are all future updates!

I remember getting GT5 on launch and it was missing online and some key tuning features. It was even messed up enough to run into a launch game problem of not syncing up my trophies. I ended up with a bad PS3 and no game to play. I did finally get a new PS3 last June and the latest version of GT5 and played thru beautifully. I hammered it for 2 months.

I hope GT6 doesn't take the same route with me. I hope none of these missing elements cause the game to get out of sync or screw up another PS3. I don't want to wait another 2 years to play GT properly. Just got the game, but haven't had time to start even the licenses, yet. Will start playing tomorrow and hope it doesn't crash after a week of playing. Have the anniversary issue, and loaded the free cars, racing gear, etc, as well as the free vision GT Mercedes. Also did the 1.02 patch. So hopefully all plays well.
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No Longer a Noob
Jan 20, 2009
Behind you...
Well, I personally like that format of adding things as you go along. I like that it's ever evolving, as they support the game with lots of free stuff and fixes/balances for issues. And it beats waiting 3 more years for the game.

Side note, GT5 didn't screw up your PS3, it had a problem to begin with. You might have just had to reformat it or gotten a new HDD.


Jul 25, 2001
No such luck, reformatted and anything else you could do. GT5 would not sync trophies and would lock up system. I dumped everything and started over and a week later GT5 did it again. that time it wouldn't fix.


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
GT5 wasn't set to sync trophies on it's own.

That was a fault with your system or your connection to the internet.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 20, 2009
Behind you...
Yeah, I know the problem, and it's another existing Sony problem. Same thing happened to my brother, and GT5 wasn't even out yet. There are a few games that have been known to brick systems (early copies of Final Fantasy XIII being one of them), and GT5 wasn't one of them. I feel for ya, but it was just bad timing; a coincidence. Likely it was an issue with the HDD.


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
I think Polyphony decided not to continue the Top Gear license when they pursued the Senna license. BBC being the way they are, couldn't afford to do exclusive licenses as more money is a good thing for them.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 20, 2009
Behind you...
I don't think that's it. Knowing Microsoft and their obsession with exclusivity on 3rd party properties, I'm betting they forced Turn 10's hand, making a deal with the BBC to make the Top Gear liscense exclusive as soon as Polyphony's expired. They knew that -being a launch title- Forza 5 would probably be lacking in content, so whey wanted to take that chance to show Turn 10's involvement in the car world, by reinforcing that they have a strong partnership with Top Gear. It's their way of evening things out since PD has a lot more pull with car manufacturers. That in itself isn't bad; it's business. But I personally have never and will never support 3rd party exclusive licenses, because it breeds complacency instead of healthy innovation. I'm sure PD does the same thing, and EA does it too, and I don't support it any which way it goes.


Jul 25, 2001
It wasn't the track. it was the stupid rules that you couldn't touch the other cars or cones that made it no fun. They made it like it was a license test instead of a race. That and the stupid cars they choose. Really? VW buses and the thing? I'd have a great run on the AI and set up a line off the racing line and they'd dive in front of me as I go to pass, or as I am passing they'd nudge me into cones. When I found out you could use the figure 8 glitch, I said to hell with this and used the cheat.


Jul 25, 2001
Speaking of missing content, when are we going to get any? Been playing just 2 weeks and am already at 88%. Just 3 races left in the S license level and I have to do the cart races. (hate the damn things, too twitchy)

Wondering if we'll get endurance races or the missing B-spec?


No Longer a Noob
Jan 20, 2009
Behind you...
It wasn't the track. it was the stupid rules that you couldn't touch the other cars or cones that made it no fun. They made it like it was a license test instead of a race. That and the stupid cars they choose. Really? VW buses and the thing? I'd have a great run on the AI and set up a line off the racing line and they'd dive in front of me as I go to pass, or as I am passing they'd nudge me into cones. When I found out you could use the figure 8 glitch, I said to hell with this and used the cheat.

Well, that was only three events, so...

The track itself was a good addition, being the only figure-8. It provided a unique challenge and a unique racing environment. As for the possibility of missing Enurance races, someone might want to finish the S class first. Usually they have to be unlocked, and judging by this games setup, you probably have to complete the final S Class event. I don't see the point in freaking out about missing components. They'll be there eventually. And again, it's better than waiting 3 more years to see the game.


The Irresponsible Captain Typo
Apr 23, 2007
Black Lizard Planet
They did promise the Bathurst 1000 event will be in so Endurance races are in.

Speaking of missing content, Ferrari Formula 1 cars that were rarely used[face_tongue]
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Jul 25, 2001
I finished the S level races, no endurance events opened. I also didn't see any formula style races. I see they have the PD formula cars, but no Ferrari F1 cars. I am at 90%, but still have some coffee breaks to complete, a few mission races, and the dreaded cart races in 3 levels to do.