Apr 4, 2011
Lehigh Valley, PA
I believe this is the Ultimate "Warriors" Title. I believe any die hard fan like myself will absolutely enjoy this game. The character roster is HUGE, and I just love the fact I can pretty much play with any character from any Warriors Game. Truly amazing, an might be my favorite warriors title right next to Dynasty Warriors 3 <3



Oct 18, 2010
It only has one big issue. It does not have a englich dub. It is all voiced in japanese. I'm not happy with this.


Jul 3, 2011
Last dynasty warriors i picked up was DW5
Last SW i picked up was SW2
and i also had WO2
So this was a fresh pick up for me, the jap subs dont really bother me, it seems a little bit more dramatic and authentic actually
Oct 2, 2001
yeah the no voice over isnt a big deal i been playing record of ageos war 1 and 2 and it's all japanise voice so this wont be a problem


No Longer a Noob
Jan 20, 2001
Been around since Play Station I been a fan since the very first game which was a fighting game like Virtu Fighter. I have all of the American, and Japanese versions of the games. I love it,
and this one has so many people not as much strategy as Empires but still a lot of submissions to do during battle. Nice very Nice.
Sep 23, 2004
I absolutely love Warriors Orochi 3 and consider it to be the among the best of the Warriors titles. They've essentially refined DW7 to fit the Warriors Orochi style game play. Switch Attacks are now Switch Combos which is just awesome and leads to huge combos. True Triple Attack is so much better than the Triple Attack in WO2. There are tons of new characters, some of which are guest appearances from other titles. Overall, it's just awesome.

Despite being one of the best games, I wish it had done some things better. Most notably online. I feel like the Camp area should have been your hub for on-line play similar to how Strikeforce was. It would have made transitioning from level to level much more convenient. It also kind of sucks that you can't play through the story on-line via co-op for the first time. You have to actually beat the level to play with another player.

Musou battlefields was also a bit of a letdown. You only have "50pts" available to customize stages you've unlocked from the storyline. Examples of things you can customize would be changing sound effects to earlier Warrior titles, changing out officers for others, or completely changing allied/enemy/third party troop types to archers. It sounds great, but then you realize things like changing officers take up 10 of your 50 customization points. I guess it's a good start but, it'd be nice to see a Warriors title where you can fully create your own skirmishes. Not to mention, this feature appears to be broken on the Xbox. You can't share maps with the general public, only those on your friends list.

Also, not really the biggest deal, but the lack of English VA does kind of bite. I know some people find this weird, but it's really no weirder than listening to a bunch of Chinese people speaking Japanese, lol. I just happened to appreciate the overall terrible VAs from previous games. Oh well, like I said, not the biggest deal.

If anyone wants to play on XBL, add me. GT is PRIM3R and I have all the stages unlocked. Trying to complete it on Chaos now. :)


Mar 1, 2011
wow lol, nice move koei. without english voiceovers, you'll probably lose 1/10 of your fans. and one of them is me. If there's another game they release in japanese, i'll never buy their products ever again. Seriously, jap voices bugs the s**t out of me!


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
damn dude i agree that i would want english version but dont be so hateful to use the term jap. gtfo.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Last dynasty warriors i picked up was DW5
Last SW i picked up was SW2
and i also had WO2
So this was a fresh pick up for me, the jap subs dont really bother me, it seems a little bit more dramatic and authentic actually
I havejust ordered orochi 3 ,as I have only played Dynasty from 1st title and samurai 2 ,it looks a good game ,the English voice overs for Dynasty were cringe worthy so ,the Japanese would save me the teidium, though it might not be clear what's going on


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Got and played it yesterday ,I like that you have loads of people on the screen at any time during the game ,cameras not too clever but what's new ? still crappy enemy AI though


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Complete garbage for a next gen dynasty warriors game, I dont expect any different for the latest next gen dynasty either. The only dynasty warriors games i play anymore are dynasty warriors 3 and 4 on my ps2. Thats it, and only when really drunk.