
Aug 27, 2007
Make sure you give Farin the "Taunt" ability under "War Cry" or else you're pretty much doomed.

Chapter 7, Part 3 (Siege of Nordinbad): You have to stop two armored trolls from smashing the gate, which takes about twenty seconds of damage once one of the trolls gets there. This means that besides just killing the trolls, you also have to distract them for an extended period of time. For everyone who's just been hanging back and shooting the trolls in the face with arrows this whole time to get by, this is a huge difficulty spike since you have to actually go up and hit them to keep them from running to the gate (while being assaulted by dual-swordsmen no less). There are forums all over the web in which people complain that they simply cannot complete this level because of the sudden increase in difficulty - it's what I call a "difficulty wall" in video games because the game lets you get to a certain point while using a playing style that can't possibly allow you to progress past that point, thereby forcing you to quit, start over, or learn a completely new playing style that may or may not be too difficult for you.

Farin's "taunt" will immediately draw the trolls to him, successfully distracting them from the gate and buying you precious time. But if you haven't been developing the dwarf and don't have Taunt, you could very well be doomed. The only way I got past this level was by pumping Farin up with sophisticated armor and health potions, arming him with a huge two-handed sword, learning how to dodge attacks for the first time (not really a needed skill up to this point), equipping "Taunt," and then trying about 15 times (which is nothing compared to those forum posters).

So if you are a casual gamer and you think you might hit the difficulty wall, be warned.

P.S. The very next battle after that is just as hard, because you face a single boss and his two swordsmen who can kill you in 2-3 seconds on Normal difficulty. My advice for him is to run laps around the arena using Andriel and the sprint button. If you run in a few circles around the arena you should get enough distance behind you to quickly revive one of your companions and then turn around and shoot the boss for the 4-5 seconds your companion lasts before the boss kills him and you start running again. It's a complicated process but it's the only way I found to defeat him without learning how to dodge all of his attacks and those of his two invincible lackeys. It also works with the Agandaur boss battle (singleplayer for all of this).



Jan 16, 2012
KWasserman said:
Make sure you give Farin the "Taunt" ability under "War Cry" or else you're pretty much doomed.

Chapter 7, Part 3 (Siege of Nordinbad): You have to stop two armored trolls from smashing the gate, which takes about twenty seconds of damage once one of the trolls gets there. This means that besides just killing the trolls, you also have to distract them for an extended period of time. For everyone who's just been hanging back and shooting the trolls in the face with arrows this whole time to get by, this is a huge difficulty spike since you have to actually go up and hit them to keep them from running to the gate (while being assaulted by dual-swordsmen no less).

I managed this playing as Andriel (solo, normal). At first, I tried staying back by the doors, but that was a big mistake - her healing sanctuary seems to have no affect on the doors, which fall extremely quickly as noted by KWasserman. In the end, I made a stand on the area below the dual staircase. I stoked up on useable items (Viktor's brew, potions of warding and strength, restoring cake) as soon as the stage loaded. For the fight, I alternated between blocking and dodge-rolling the orc attacks, firing off ranged attacks at the trolls, and popping health and power potions. Swiping at a troll then rolling out of range is useful, as the troll's attack will often take out any orcs attacking you. Andriel's healing sanctuary shield is great, as is calling for defensive support (down on the D-Pad). Note, though, that if you retreat too far up the stairs towards the doors, your companions will never make it through all the enemies to help you.

Whenever the trolls started heading up the stairs, a powered-up ranged shot followed by several bursts - or running up and launching a strong attack from behind - was successful in getting their attention and bringing them back down. Try and stay in the area below the stairs for as long as possible, as this provides the most room to dodge orc and troll attacks in. You definitely don't want to get pinned between trolls and orcs on the stairs - very bad! Using this strategy, I was able to kill off one troll while the hordes of orcs got thinned out, then take out the second just at the top of the stairs. Success!



Jun 11, 2013
if you are a higher level playing this game it is very easy i found to find a good crossbow for Farin and upgrade it so it has the explosive nolt, when you have enough points upgrade the explosive bolt all the way my max damage for this weapon is somewhere in the range of 182,000-200,000. So as you can see it is very powerful and kills trolls in one shot or two. this is also very helpful against agandour when he is flying around in the boss fight. something i recommend is having someone be eradan because the goblin sappers take down the door even easier than the troll the sappers are the hardest on the legendary difficulty.
Mar 14, 2014
yes farin's detonatig bolts are extremely useful attack one troll as soon as u see it chances are that he will immediately die run up stairs so ur skill can cooldown . by the time second troll reach upstairs attack him with bolt and he will die and the doors will be unharmed.