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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Want a 7th Season of Supernatural?[/link]
by Matt Fowler

At the TCA Press Tour, CW president Dawn Ostroff had some very encouraging words for fans of Sam and Dean Winchester. Ostroff said that she'd be very... [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jul 22, 2010
IGN: Want a 7th Season of Supernatural?

ME: No, thank you, ive already have seen so much crap over the last 6 years in that TV Show that i believe the only thing it deserves is a quick death.


Jan 9, 2005
@ Viktor - If you've been watching it for the full 6 years, then obviously the good has outweighed the crap for you. [face_peace]

@ Bertuzzi - I would disagree with that. Quality hasn't been dropping, it's just been mimicking previous seasons' quality. Season 6 is a LOT like Season 2 (they take a long time to get to the season's objective, but have a number of solid episodes strewn throughout). Season 5 is a LOT like Season 3 (tons of great episodes, but the season's objective, while set up early on, isn't really further addressed until the very end; however, because Season 3 was so much shorter than Season 5, it wasn't as noticeable in the former).

Still, Season 5 would have been a great place to end the series, but I'm glad they decided to continue with the series. However, Season 6 doesn't feel like a good ending place considering the story's standing right now. The writers could use another season (or however many) to bring the show to a better closing point.

Oh, and we can't have the show being canceled before it ever gets its own musical episode! [face_tongue] That's like the only gimmick they haven't tried out yet, and I'd love to see how Supernatural would tackle that idea.


Jul 22, 2010
@Volvagia_slayer Look, here is the problem. The first 3 seasons were awsome, the guys, hunting down all kinds of monsters, was fun and smartly written, i used to love it. Then season 4 came, and the writing quality started to slowly drop week after week, season 5 was a total disappointment, the "apocalypse" didn't do as much damage as i thought it would do. But i had muy hopes intact for season 6, and again the disappointment came along as the season progressed, the writing has been mostly poor, the characters are totally unreal and the acting sucks. The stupid jokes, always disrupting the show's "dark" atmosphere, the crappy storyline... is time to get this over with,like Bertuzzi44fan said, its euthenasia time.


One and Only
Jan 9, 2002
Viktor511 said:
@Volvagia_slayer Look, here is the problem. The first 3 seasons were awsome, the guys, hunting down all kinds of monsters, was fun and smartly written, i used to love it. Then season 4 came, and the writing quality started to slowly drop week after week, season 5 was a total disappointment, the "apocalypse" didn't do as much damage as i thought it would do. But i had muy hopes intact for season 6, and again the disappointment came along as the season progressed, the writing has been mostly poor, the characters are totally unreal and the acting sucks. The stupid jokes, always disrupting the show's "dark" atmosphere, the crappy storyline... is time to get this over with,like Bertuzzi44fan said, its euthenasia time.
Season 4 was probably the best seasons of all the seasons. Are you kidding me? Season 5 I could understand your disappointment but keep in mind that they couldn't really go ALL OUT because of budget cuts but they did the best they could do with it.


May 7, 2009
I've never, and will never, understood people who want a show canceled. If you don't like it, don't watch it, but why do you need it to end and hurt the people who still love it? It makes no sense. What difference does it make to a non watcher if a show goes on or not?
Sep 8, 2009
Anyone who says that the quality of this show has dropped from year to year is a F(ampersand)cking idiot. The show has improved from year to year, what they managed to do in season 5, with their budget, was nothing short of brilliant. From the writing to the cinematography everything works and has worked well and continues to do so; save for a bumpy start to season 6 this show has been rock solid.

I guess I said all that simply to say this, if you don't like it anymore then G.F.Y.


Jul 22, 2010
@superhitler616 You know man... you don't have to insult everyone who doesn't agree with you, every single one of us have the right and the freedom to say whatever we want, but i guess you can't agree with me in that, i mean, after all your name is "Super Hitler" That really shows how smart and capable you are when it comes to accept other people's ideas...
Nov 5, 2010
This show is soooo awesome. I would love to see a 7th season but I just don't think it will happen. I mean after Sam jump into the cage it should have ended there. An now he lost his soul. I mean, I'm not saying I don't love the show. I think they are just dragging it on.
Jan 25, 2004
As long as they have more mythology and mysteries, (looking at you John Winchester), I hope it stays on. Even when its bad, its good.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
Meh, as long as they do a proper ending I won't be disappointed either way. Supernatural has been a good series and although I enjoyed the earlier seasons the most, the quality has been high enough comparatively that I'll probably watch as long as they continue to show.
Oct 1, 2010
If there is going to be a seventh season, I think they should focus more on the civil war in heaven and the power vacuum in hell (assuming in the meantime another demon doesn't take control)

The power vacuum in hell would be something of a subplot. New and old demon characters would be fighting for power and taking sides based on what Raphael would promise them, seeing as how he would take this civil war in hell as a chance to gain allies and possibly overwhelm Castiel's forces.

Dean and Sam would be working to gather allies of there own, some of which may not be demonic (meaning more of the Death character), while the brothers continue to keep humanity safe, as well as deal with the mental wall in Sam beginning to break, and by the end of the season, perhaps ultimately fall apart.

Either way, I just want more Castiel. There's hardly been a bad episode where he was involved, and he's by far one of the most interesting characters ever written imo.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2008
I sure do, if only so we don't lose Supernatural and Smallville at the same time. That'll be a heavy blow
Jan 10, 2011
i think if they continue they need to at least permanently kill one of them so that the next season isnt stale... nt that this one is but it could end up that way in the future because this was supposed to be the last season


Jun 13, 2008
If they don't continue it, it would be frustrating. Last season was the perfect place for a conclusion. Bringing it back for one more season after a perfect conclusion is just a waste.

And plus, this was supposed to go back to the roots, and it really hasn't at all. I like this season just fine, but the goal was to bring back the witty banter and brother chemistry and what not. Hasn't happened so far.

At least one more season needs to come in.


Jan 9, 2005
^Well it couldn't happen because of Sam's soulless-ness. Now that he has his soul back, we should be seeing more of that promised return to the roots.


Jul 21, 2008
more than anything, i'm interested to know if jared and jenson are okay with playing in another season, because there contract is over after the 6th


Jan 9, 2005
^From what I hear, they just signed a new contract for 2 more years (though that doesn't confirm that the show is going to be brought back for both a Season 7 and 8).


May 9, 2008
I was pretty set in the thought that season 6 was a horrible idea's been pretty interesting this far. Besides, we need more shows to combat the tired and boring sitcom comedies out there. 2 and a half men and how I met your mother...I'm looking at you.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 27, 2007
I would welcome it. Maybe a couple moments where it's been iffy this season, but overall still very solid. And while Eric Kripke isn't the showrunner any longer, he's still involved, and I trust the writing team he left behind as much as any on television. Then you factor in Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki being superb in their roles (they both still enjoy doing the show too), all the lore that they've already set up and can work with/build upon, and them being able to do so much with not that big of a budget? The cast and crew balance drama and comedy in the show wonderfully, and I have the utmost faith in them keeping up the quality of the show, so yes, I would very much welcome a 7th season.


Leader of the Heroes Universe
Aug 25, 2002
Doing better on Friday nights than Thursday?? Think you can thank Smallville for that one Dawn.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Supernatural is one of my fave shows of all time. So hells yeah I want it back for season 7.

Hopefully a few more seasons after that. As many seasons as they can keep the show good.. I want it to keep goin.

I think everybody has a right to their own opinion. Different strokes for different folks.

That bein said.. if you don't like the show and want the show to be canceled.. then YOU can cancel it, for yourself.. just stop watching it.

I just don't understand people who complain about it.. but then keep watchin. You know you don't have to, right??
Jun 16, 2008
Season 6 has been pretty good, so as long as the quality stays high, keep it going! Besides, I can't lose Smallville AND Supernatural at the same time...
Feb 23, 2008
not sure, the last half of season 5 (minus the last 30 min of the finale) and this season (minus two episodes) have been just awful and even worse when compared to the first 4 seasons. If were in for worthless/filler episodes 90% of the time than no thank you. Please do not run this show into the ground and let it become another smallville.


May 8, 2004
I really liked the first 3 seasons and thought the show was unique and interesting to watch, then when season 4 came it started to get a little redundant(seeing a lot of the same monsters/demons) but still good. Then season 5 came and really **** the bed I thought (brutal plot, brutal filler episodes, no original monsters, angels being bad guys is...) I was worried the show was turning into smallville where id watch because ive been watching from the beginning but the episodes are mediocre at very best (like smallville is now, and has been for last 3 years) However season 6 proved to actually be interesting and get me back into the show, for the first several episodes at least, now its kind of starting to get mundane but hopefully Sam getting his personality back will change things.

I do hope they have a 7th season either way but I really hope they introduce some NEW monsters/ mythological creatures and have a fresh plot, I agree with the other comment that said to kill off one of them, I would of liked to have seen Sam stuck in hell and this season be about Dean being a bad ass and hunting things without remorse and occasionally teaming up with new partners, and bobby of course!

Sam stop doing your stupid brooding face and frowning your eye brows, you mole face.
Dean stop talking while your chewing you impolite sob
Castiel stop being this season
Bobby keep on rockin in the free world
Black tits makin love tonight

Fully censor profanity, and you know you're not allowed to use the words I deleted from your post.


Jan 9, 2005
jian3 said:
then when season 4 came it started to get a little redundant(seeing a lot of the same monsters/demons) but still good. Then season 5 came and really **** the bed I thought (brutal plot, brutal filler episodes, no original monsters, angels being bad guys is...)
Season 4 did introduce new monsters.

Season 4's "monsters" and episode counts (bolded are monsters new to the season):
-Demons: 8
-Angels: 4
-Ghosts: 4
-Witches: 2
-Humans: 2
-Rugaru: 1
-Shapeshifter: 1
-Buru Buru: 1
-Zombies: 1
-Curse: 1
-Siren: 1
-Prophet: 1
-Ghoul: 1

That's 6 new monster types out of the 13 monster types presented throughout the season. Here's what Season 5 looked like:

-Angels: 9
-Demons: 4
-Croats: 2
-Horseman of Death: 2
-Horseman of War: 1
-Leshii: 1
-Cambion: 1

-Witches: 1
-Ghosts: 1
-Hellhound: 1
-Wraith: 1
-Satanists: 1

-Poltergeist: 1
-Horseman of Famine: 1
-Zombies: 1
-Pagan gods: 1
-Horseman of Pestilence: 1

That's 9 new monsters. Season 5 gave us more new monsters than Season 4 did, and even Season 4 gave us a good handful. So you obviously don't know what you're talking about. On top of that, the season gave us some great, fun filler episodes. Yes, they did stretch out the plot lines too thin and then stuffed everything left over that they had to do into the very end, but apart from the pacing it was a great season. Also, none of the angels were "bad" unless you count the angels that think they're better than humans as being bad. It's understandable why they would think that, and they were doing what was in their best interests.


Feb 5, 2011
@jian3, wow, it is a good thing you are not a writer, and i only hope that no writer listens to your terrible ideas. supernatural and smallville are two of few shows that have continually gotten better as they progress. how you could possibly think that the first three seasons of either of those shows were their best is beyond my comprehension. in fact the last three seasons of both shows have been their best. and to kill off one of the winchester's is ridiculous you might as well cancel the show. the whole dynamic of the show is about the relationship between two brothers. they have continually found new ways to keep the show interesting. i'll admit i felt that this season started out somewhat slow, but they managed to piq my interest with the whole purgatory angle, i can not wait to see where this goes. and brutal plot, it was the best and most engaging plot that this show has had so far, at some point they were going to have to tackle the apocolypse subject. cause the whole yellow eyes, sell my soul, save my soul, was getting really old and i am glad that they have moved on and has become somewhat more intellectually engaging with their plots. i hope it pulls a 10 season run just like smallville, (which has been nothing but great ever since they got rid of lana,that went on way too long, the only thing bad about smallville now is no michael rosenbaum) i am sad to see it go, i would like to see it continue as metropolis or as superman tho. i am getting off subject though so i'm going to finish this rant up. if you have so many problems with the show i would recomend not watching it anymore, to keep watching a show you think is bad just because you have been watching is well kinda stupid, because then it has no incentive to change for the better its going to continue to be crap to you because they think that you want to see the crap they keep writing, i would of hoped we all learned that lesson from lost and heroes.


Jan 9, 2005
jewpunx said:
because they think that you want to see the crap they keep writing, i would of hoped we all learned that lesson from lost and heroes.

Very bad examples. Yeah, Heroes writing went down the tubes for Season 3 (and wasn't all that great for Season 2), but Season 4 was just as good as Season 1 for the most part. So obviously since their writing improved so much from Season 3 to 4, you can't say they got continually worse.

As for LOST, even though its earlier seasons were definitely better than the latter seasons, it didn't have a single bad season. Yeah, Seasons 2 and 5 leaned too hard on the science and Season 6 leaned too hard on the faith, and Season 5 didn't really feel like LOST for the most part, but the writing of that show never really waned. It was only the pacing and themes that differed from season to season making it appear to have different quality as they went. Still a great show from beginning to end.


Feb 5, 2011
well i completely disagree with you on heroes and lost, but i'm not going to discuss it as it is off topic on this board and i don't want to be a hypocrite, i hate when boards get off topic.


Jan 9, 2005
^Then head over to the LOST Board to voice your thoughts there, or send me a Private Message when you have enough posts to use them. I'd be happy to discuss the series with you.
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