Dec 22, 2011
So I preordered from because of the Iron Patriot Minifig preorder bonus in the US. I did this back in August when there was a "release date delivery guarantee." My ass. The website said it would be here today, on release day, and when I checked the order, it said it shipped, but it's in Kentucky. I called FedEx to ask them what's up with that, and the guy tells me Walmart said it so it had to be at my house by FRIDAY. Now I'm not impatient and normally I'd be ticked, but fine with that. But Batman: Arkham Origins comes out on Friday, and since I'm going to the midnight release, I won't have time to play my new game at ALL!

I really hate Walmart. When I called the staff and asked them if they knew what "guarantee" means, the guy hung up on me.

Moral of the story is, don't trust Walmart, don't give them your money. They lie.