
No Longer a Noob
Oct 13, 2003
Does anyone else think an open world game like walking dead in the same style as gta/red dead would be massive? Walking through a city with daryl (or whoever in the group) 3rd person taking out walkers with his crossbow doing different missions would be so god damn fun!! I really wish they eventually make one.. Survival instinct looks way to linear, and to be honest looks like garbage.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 7, 2004
Don't mean to derail the thread off the Walking Dead subject, but until such a game does come about... you might want to take a gander at State of Decay, coming very soon from Undead Labs - https://www.facebook.com/UndeadLabs or http://undeadlabs.com/about-state-of-decay/ - for PC and XBL. And hey, it's NOT gonna be an EA game. ;)

It looks -very- promising as a filler... and with the potential of turning into a multiplayer game further down the road. :D
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No Longer a Noob
Oct 13, 2003
I've been keeping up with State of decay and I agree it does look cool and definitely a game that I'm interested in... I'm probably going to get it depending on the final product.

But, alas, I guess I'll have to keep hoping they'll make the game that seemingly everyone wants to see set in the walking dead universe. I wish Rockstar would take on a game like this, I know it's obviously not their thing to take on a giant product like the walking dead that isn't something that they created, but it would be cool to have a rockstar type WD open world game.
Oct 21, 2012
That would just ruin the whole Zombie-World exprience.If it's something like GTA or Far Cry,what if you get bitten by a zombie,yet is the biggest problemo.You can't just keep cutting off everywhere you get bitten and you can't just be a guy with 1 HP.There is no antidote(cure) in The Walking Dead.That's what it makes The Walking Dead so action-packed.
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Mar 27, 2013
Why not a game where... when you die, you actually die and have to restart :)

At first, the game would be more about surviving and finding a permanent shelter and ressources (gas, weapons, food,etc) then your objective would be to kill zombies... That game would be better if multiplayer, because there would a competion... but I feel like if it would be online, everything would get messy. So maybe you create a private server with a group of friends.. it would be cool. :D
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No Longer a Noob
May 6, 2009
Why not a game where... when you die, you actually die and have to restart :)

At first, the game would be more about surviving and finding a permanent shelter and ressources (gas, weapons, food,etc) then your objective would be to kill zombies... That game would be better if multiplayer, because there would a competion... but I feel like if it would be online, everything would get messy. So maybe you create a private server with a group of friends.. it would be cool. :D

Sounds like both State of Decay and Day Z