
Nov 16, 2011

I want you to vote Uncharted 3 [face_cool]
Aug 27, 2009
My friend, nothing would make me happier than to vote for Drake's Deception for game of the year. I wish I could've voted for it to be best game of this generation. But the fact is, this game is not up to the standards that a GOTY should be. Among Thieves however, well that's a different story. Uncharted 3 felt so rushed and unpolished that it literally made me sad when I first started it. A subsequent run-through was far more enjoyable though, because (as I've stated in other posts) I was playing and enjoying it for what it is rather than what I wanted it be. This game needed at least another six to twelve months of development and polish. ND also needed to bring in an outside writer to fix the plot holes and to bring attention to the many cases of "Hey, we didn't explore and flesh-out this idea thoroughly enough."

I'm not trying to undermine your efforts, I'm just stating my thoughts. I've heard it said that Sony may have been the culprit behind ND rushing Drake's Deception out the door. If this is true, then I say...Stupid ass holiday deadlines, Cost us another GOTY! By the way, after careful consideration, I'm afraid I'm going to have to lean towards Arkham City for GOTY. That game truly deserves it. I really wanted Drake's Deception to win, but for whatever reason, ND dropped the ball.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
mephrotitus said:
My friend, nothing would make me happier than to vote for Drake's Deception for game of the year. I wish I could've voted for it to be best game of this generation. But the fact is, this game is not up to the standards that a GOTY should be. Among Thieves however, well that's a different story. Uncharted 3 felt so rushed and unpolished that it literally made me sad when I first started it. A subsequent run-through was far more enjoyable though, because (as I've stated in other posts) I was playing and enjoying it for what it is rather than what I wanted it be. This game needed at least another six to twelve months of development and polish. ND also needed to bring in an outside writer to fix the plot holes and to bring attention to the many cases of "Hey, we didn't explore and flesh-out this idea thoroughly enough."

I'm not trying to undermine your efforts, I'm just stating my thoughts. I've heard it said that Sony may have been the culprit behind ND rushing Drake's Deception out the door. If this is true, then I say...Stupid ass holiday deadlines, Cost us another GOTY! By the way, after careful consideration, I'm afraid I'm going to have to lean towards Arkham City for GOTY. That game truly deserves it. I really wanted Drake's Deception to win, but for whatever reason, ND dropped the ball.
Agree with pretty much everything here. Arkham City is easily a better candidate than UC3.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 1, 2011
Chicago, Illinois, USA
mephrotitus said:
My friend, nothing would make me happier than to vote for Drake's Deception for game of the year. I wish I could've voted for it to be best game of this generation. But the fact is, this game is not up to the standards that a GOTY should be. Among Thieves however, well that's a different story. Uncharted 3 felt so rushed and unpolished that it literally made me sad when I first started it. A subsequent run-through was far more enjoyable though, because (as I've stated in other posts) I was playing and enjoying it for what it is rather than what I wanted it be. This game needed at least another six to twelve months of development and polish. ND also needed to bring in an outside writer to fix the plot holes and to bring attention to the many cases of "Hey, we didn't explore and flesh-out this idea thoroughly enough."

I'm not trying to undermine your efforts, I'm just stating my thoughts. I've heard it said that Sony may have been the culprit behind ND rushing Drake's Deception out the door. If this is true, then I say...Stupid ass holiday deadlines, Cost us another GOTY! By the way, after careful consideration, I'm afraid I'm going to have to lean towards Arkham City for GOTY. That game truly deserves it. I really wanted Drake's Deception to win, but for whatever reason, ND dropped the ball.

this times a billion.


Apr 4, 2011
Sorry mate but I won't allow the fanboy in me to vote for Uncharted 3 as game of the year, because that would imply that it's indeed the best game released this year, which is simply not true. You have Skyrim and Batman up in there and even though those two games are not perfect either and are completely different than Uncharted they are superior, Uncharted 3's story leaves a lot to be desired and some characters don't have any development at all, not to mention some glitches and the fact that multiplayer as issues.

With that said I'm sure Uncharted 3 will most likely win so you don't need to be worried, but it won't get my vote that's for sure.


Sep 17, 2009
It's GOTY for me. Sure, it has plenty of issues. The last 2 chapters are rushed, there are a bunch of bugs, no real bosses, the melee isn't as natural, Chloe's butt's gone.Uncharted 2 had it's problems too. It's not a perfect game, but it provides a deeper story, and brings back the characters I've grown to love so much. And well deserved background on Drake's character and his relationship with Sully. The set pieces were awesome, it switched things up for the first time in the franchise, and I was completely invested throughout the game. Naughty Dog is still providing a unique game experience in my opinion, and I think it's better than the other games this year. I can still see why people would rather choose other games than Uncharted 3.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
Agree with pretty much everything here. Arkham City is easily a better candidate than UC3.

Wow. Congrats on proving to the world that you're a f*cking trifling, vulgar idiot. You need your testicles clipped and stuffed down your throat, do the world a favor.

My friend, nothing would make me happier than to vote for Drake's Deception for game of the year. I wish I could've voted for it to be best game of this generation. But the fact is, this game is not up to the standards that a GOTY should be. Among Thieves however, well that's a different story. Uncharted 3 felt so rushed and unpolished that it literally made me sad when I first started it. A subsequent run-through was far more enjoyable though, because (as I've stated in other posts) I was playing and enjoying it for what it is rather than what I wanted it be. This game needed at least another six to twelve months of development and polish. ND also needed to bring in an outside writer to fix the plot holes and to bring attention to the many cases of "Hey, we didn't explore and flesh-out this idea thoroughly enough."

I'm not trying to undermine your efforts, I'm just stating my thoughts. I've heard it said that Sony may have been the culprit behind ND rushing Drake's Deception out the door. If this is true, then I say...Stupid ass holiday deadlines, Cost us another GOTY! By the way, after careful consideration, I'm afraid I'm going to have to lean towards Arkham City for GOTY. That game truly deserves it. I really wanted Drake's Deception to win, but for whatever reason, ND dropped the ball.

You too. Preferring Arkham City over Uncharted 3 is like preferring to eat dogsh*t over prime rib.
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Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
Any Uncharted fan who claims that Uncharted 3 doesn't have the most complex plot in the series is simply oblivious to its intricacies.



Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
Agree with pretty much everything here. Arkham City is easily a better candidate than UC3.

Wow. Congrats on proving to the world that you're a f*cking trifling, vulgar idiot. You need your testicles clipped and stuffed down your throat, do the world a favor.

Yeah, man, I dunno what got into me. Uncharted 3, offering 6 hours of total gameplay, repetitive boss fights, enormous unexplained plot holes, and a rehash of Uncharted 2's ending, was easily Game of the Year. As a matter of fact, we should all travel back to 2011, to a time when somebody would actually give a sh*t, and make sure that Uncharted 3's glory was never dampened by that disgraceful Batman garbage. I mean, Arkham City is objectively, mathematically the worst game of all time. And it had such promise; a great story, addicting fight mechanics, an open world, four playable characters, and a host of collectibles, but then the developers had to go and ruin it by making Batman's cape appear slightly blue in the right lighting. How dare you, Rocksteady? How DARE YOU!?!?


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
Agree with pretty much everything here. Arkham City is easily a better candidate than UC3.

Wow. Congrats on proving to the world that you're a f*cking trifling, vulgar idiot. You need your testicles clipped and stuffed down your throat, do the world a favor.

Yeah, man, I dunno what got into me. Uncharted 3, offering 6 hours of total gameplay, repetitive boss fights, enormous unexplained plot holes, and a rehash of Uncharted 2's ending, was easily Game of the Year. As a matter of fact, we should all travel back to 2011, to a time when somebody would actually give a sh*t, and make sure that Uncharted 3's glory was never dampened by that disgraceful Batman garbage. I mean, Arkham City is objectively, mathematically the worst game of all time. And it had such promise; a great story, addicting fight mechanics, an open world, four playable characters, and a host of collectibles, but then the developers had to go and ruin it by making Batman's cape appear slightly blue in the right lighting. How dare you, Rocksteady? How DARE YOU!?!?

Do you just try to contradict reality just for laughs? Or are you just that much of a f*cking idiot? You're going to criticize Uncharted 3 in certain areas and praise Arkham City in those same facets? Wow, my prior statement is now firmly cemented.

Arkham City's campaign was 5 hours, 5 HOURS. I initially played through Uncharted 3 in 8 1/2 hours, Uncharted 2 too me just under 10 hours, and UDF was under 7.

Arkham City's story falls apart at the seams, a f*cking 5 year old could completely tear apart the plot lines! Arkham City had real potential, but Dini didn't deliver. It doesn't get any dumber or more uninspired than Arkham City, and it's endless supply of plot holes and senseless events. Arkham City's world just blurs together, with the exception of the industrial district, it completely fails to capture the atmosphere of the concept art. There aren't any real plot holes in Uncharted 3. Seriously, there's such minute, nitpicky sh*t but guess what? Uncharted 2 has more minor questionable aspects to it's story than UDF and U3 combined. These don't hamper the experience, they actually embrace cool action movie cliches. Criticize Uncharted 3 in any way, and it will almost always directly apply to the entire franchise, especially Uncharted 2.

I swear, you must be oblivious to Uncharted 3's real story.

Oh, and one more thing:

Blue cape default

Black cape PC mod

The raw texture maps of the Arkham City Batman character model:
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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
Arkham City's campaign was 5 hours, 5 HOURS. I initially played through Uncharted 3 in 8 1/2 hours, Uncharted 2 too me just under 10 hours, and UDF was under 7.
I beat U3 in 5 hours, and AC in nine. I dunno if you were doing a lot of treasure hunting or just died a lot, but I can't imagine how U3 could be stretched into over 8 hours, even on Crushing.

Arkham City's story falls apart at the seams, a f*cking 5 year old could completely tear apart the plot lines! Arkham City had real potential, but Dini didn't deliver. It doesn't get any dumber or more uninspired than Arkham City, and it's endless supply of plot holes and senseless events.
So try to tear apart the plot lines. Give me some discussion rather than just raging. You have to have a great deal of background knowledge of the characters to fully understand some of the plot elements, since it's intended to basically be a sequel to decades of comics.

There aren't any real plot holes in Uncharted 3. Seriously, there's such minute, nitpicky sh*t but guess what? Uncharted 2 has more minor questionable aspects to it's story than UDF and U3 combined. These don't hamper the experience, they actually embrace cool action movie cliches. Criticize Uncharted 3 in any way, and it will almost always directly apply to the entire franchise, especially Uncharted 2.

I swear, you must be oblivious to Uncharted 3's real story.
There weren't really any "plot holes" in the strictest sense of the phrase, but there were a TON of unexplained plot details and missed opportunities. For example, how did Talbot miraculously survive getting shot, and manage to disappear into thin air in Syria? I know the developers later said it was a bulletproof vest and an escape wire, but it was never explained in the game. We were just left to assume... which is lazy storytelling. In a series known for its supernatural elements, it's kind of logical to assume that your audience might expect some supernatural powers when presented with a character with impossible abilities, but they never said anything to the contrary. I thought up until the end of the game that we were going to see some kind of revelation about Talbot, but it turns out he was just some British douchebag who died like a punk.

Also, I hated that they brought up Drake's past, but NEVER elaborated on it. Marlowe mentions his past and reveals he's not related to Francis Drake, which is a HUGE plot twist for the series, but it was ultimately meaningless. All it did was make Nate frown for a minute, then ten seconds later he's back to being a cocky braggadocio and it's never brought up again. Marlowe sort of indirectly touches on it when she's sinking in the quicksand (the "prove your greatness" scene) but even that was a missed opportunity. Drake basically just says, "Yeah, I'm a better man than this, let me make a halfhearted attempt to save her... Whoops, I failed, let's get going."

But overall... The ONE thing I despised the most about U3 was that it completely, utterly, and blatantly ripped off Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. While yes, you could argue that the whole franchise was based on a cross between Indy and Lara Croft, I couldn't BELIEVE how similar U3 and The Last Crusade were. Even the set-pieces were pretty much the exact same. A flashback to the hero's childhood, involving an artifact that proves important to the story many years later. An airplane crash. A battle with the bad guys in an English knight's tomb. A sinking ship in a rainstorm. A lost Arabian city that sinks into the ground. And, my personal favorite, a horseback chase through the desert with the hero's Middle Eastern friend, in pursuit of an armed convoy whose leader has captured the hero's father figure en route to a lost city hiding a biblical secret. I mean... come on. You have to see the parallels. If you've never seen The Last Crusade, rent it this weekend and see how many similarities you spot. It's pretty ridiculous.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
Arkham City's campaign was 5 hours, 5 HOURS. I initially played through Uncharted 3 in 8 1/2 hours, Uncharted 2 too me just under 10 hours, and UDF was under 7.
I beat U3 in 5 hours, and AC in nine. I dunno if you were doing a lot of treasure hunting or just died a lot, but I can't imagine how U3 could be stretched into over 8 hours, even on Crushing.

Arkham City's story falls apart at the seams, a f*cking 5 year old could completely tear apart the plot lines! Arkham City had real potential, but Dini didn't deliver. It doesn't get any dumber or more uninspired than Arkham City, and it's endless supply of plot holes and senseless events.
So try to tear apart the plot lines. Give me some discussion rather than just raging. You have to have a great deal of background knowledge of the characters to fully understand some of the plot elements, since it's intended to basically be a sequel to decades of comics.

There aren't any real plot holes in Uncharted 3. Seriously, there's such minute, nitpicky sh*t but guess what? Uncharted 2 has more minor questionable aspects to it's story than UDF and U3 combined. These don't hamper the experience, they actually embrace cool action movie cliches. Criticize Uncharted 3 in any way, and it will almost always directly apply to the entire franchise, especially Uncharted 2.

I swear, you must be oblivious to Uncharted 3's real story.
There weren't really any "plot holes" in the strictest sense of the phrase, but there were a TON of unexplained plot details and missed opportunities. For example, how did Talbot miraculously survive getting shot, and manage to disappear into thin air in Syria? I know the developers later said it was a bulletproof vest and an escape wire, but it was never explained in the game. We were just left to assume... which is lazy storytelling. In a series known for its supernatural elements, it's kind of logical to assume that your audience might expect some supernatural powers when presented with a character with impossible abilities, but they never said anything to the contrary. I thought up until the end of the game that we were going to see some kind of revelation about Talbot, but it turns out he was just some British douchebag who died like a punk.

Also, I hated that they brought up Drake's past, but NEVER elaborated on it. Marlowe mentions his past and reveals he's not related to Francis Drake, which is a HUGE plot twist for the series, but it was ultimately meaningless. All it did was make Nate frown for a minute, then ten seconds later he's back to being a cocky braggadocio and it's never brought up again. Marlowe sort of indirectly touches on it when she's sinking in the quicksand (the "prove your greatness" scene) but even that was a missed opportunity. Drake basically just says, "Yeah, I'm a better man than this, let me make a halfhearted attempt to save her... Whoops, I failed, let's get going."

But overall... The ONE thing I despised the most about U3 was that it completely, utterly, and blatantly ripped off Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. While yes, you could argue that the whole franchise was based on a cross between Indy and Lara Croft, I couldn't BELIEVE how similar U3 and The Last Crusade were. Even the set-pieces were pretty much the exact same. A flashback to the hero's childhood, involving an artifact that proves important to the story many years later. An airplane crash. A battle with the bad guys in an English knight's tomb. A sinking ship in a rainstorm. A lost Arabian city that sinks into the ground. And, my personal favorite, a horseback chase through the desert with the hero's Middle Eastern friend, in pursuit of an armed convoy whose leader has captured the hero's father figure en route to a lost city hiding a biblical secret. I mean... come on. You have to see the parallels. If you've never seen The Last Crusade, rent it this weekend and see how many similarities you spot. It's pretty ridiculous.

Arkham City's main story missions have been completed by multiple people from Youtube you posted speed runs and beat the game in less than 2 hours. I bet a hundred bucks I could play through Arkham City in under 3 hours on hard difficulty, no problem. The 5 hour-long-campaign claim is a precisely accurate reality, many have said this.

All of the plot lines in Uncharted 3 were concluded very satisfyingly to those fans insightful enough to thoroughly appreciate each(Yeah, I'm indirectly calling you out as an shallow, oblivious idiot)

I've watched all of the Indiana Jones films. And just because Uncharted 3 coincidentally bears some similarities to The Last Crusade, should that matter? At least it somewhat replicates a great film. Hell, Uncharted 2 blatantly copied a bad movie, the Mummy 3.

Are you really going to b*tch about the quality of the only game that maxed out the 50 GB capacity of the blu ray?

I actually have to spell out Arkham City's plethora of plot holes and things that contradict the established characters? Really?

Batman waited until a genocide was initiated to go after Strange? What was stopping him before? Because Strange knew his identity at the beginning of the game? Going after ol' Hugo near the end seemed so redundant. Why do you procrastinate, Mr. Wayne?

Batman goes by Catwoman's claim "rumor has it" that Joker's somehow involved with Strange. She knows that how? And when Joker tries to blow Selina's head out of her cat ears, Batman makes a lucky guess by firmly stating it was Joker? So he knew because Joker's laser projection sight of the sniper rifle was green? Who knew the world's greatest detective relied so heavily on speculation.

The actual Joker is "deceased" when Batman scans his for his current condition, yet shortly after Batman's gassed by Clayface, but Joker almost immediately starts moving and watching in his chair even before Harley first hits Batman with a bat. This is fully revealed only during the cutscene in the Monarch theatre.

In Penguin's museum, there's no underwater tunnel or any passage to the area in the story where you fight one of the one armed Russian twins and free Mr. Freeze. So how did anyone get over there?

Penguin wants to find out Batman's identity and have his body stuffed in a trophy case as "the jewel of his collection", but if his shark nabbed Batman what would Penguin put on display? Sharkshit?

What's stopping the inmates from building makeshift rafts and attempting to escape? What if it wasn't middle of winter? They could just safely swim away to Gotham.

Ra's Al Ghul prodded Batman to kill him, thereby replacing him as the Master of the League of Assassin's on the eve of protocol 10? So then Batman would be Strange's boss? LOL
And that brings up another point. Ra's and Strange planned to build similar super prisons in other DC universe cities? First off, obviously Batman wouldn't condone that if he was the head of this massive convict purging operation. And second, wouldn't the consistent slaying of "rioting" inmates for each prison raise suspicions?

Gotham's hospitals have Joker's infected blood stocked and in use, therefore many patients are at risk of death.... Yet no cure remains... Huh... Sucks to be them.

Ra's Al Ghul is a truly supernatural being? Batman was imagining Ra's being in the Demon Trials hallucination? And he didn't bring about Batman's second acid trip when the imaginary sand poured into the Lazarus Pit room and the boss fight ensued? It seemed like Ra's had spiritual and mental super powers with the help of the blood of the demon. Remember, Ra's voice was heard in the room with the blood of the demon even before Batman's drank from the "chalice". And he's dead yet undead? WTF?

Mr. Feeze's body is 9 feet tall when he's in the suit. Damn, gives new meaning to an outfit being 'slimming'.

A Joker thug is stabbed by an assassin, and she leaves her sword in the guy? How does anyone else other than Batman travel through the tunnel of Wonder City entrance when it required that the doors only part via the REC gadget?

Penguin uses a detonator to destroy the floor in the Iceberg Lounge, so why is there a floor there whenever Batman comes back? When you uppercut penguin and he falls to the floor. Batman goes from being on a balcony to standing on an iceberg which penguin blows up. Furthermore the balcony Batman was standing on had had two hostages that just disappear, we don't know if the die or what. Furthermore, no parts of the iceberg (or the hostages) are visible at the bottom of the lounge where we face Grundy.

Is Grundy basically a giant zombie version of Cole Mcgrath? He absorbs electricity and he rejuvenates his health? Why does Grundy need to that room and its electricity to have power? After all, you destroy the mechanisms in the room to weaken Grundy.

I just don't understand like if Robin, and Azrael broke into Arkham City how can not some of the smarter inmates do the same and escape like they did? Hell Hush escaped! Robin and Hush going in and out completely cheapens Bruce getting captured in the beginning. Bruce partially wanted to get captured so he could have some face time with Strange but given how easy it was to get in and out it almost seems unnecessary. Couldn't he have just invaded AC and conducted an investigation? What if Strange simply kept Bruce in holding instead of releasing him? Seems like too risky a plan just to see Hugo in the flesh.

Strange never revealed Bruce's idenitity, yet threatened him with it the entire game? But at the climatic conclussion nothing was mentioned of it.

And need we forget the final nail in the coffin? The utter blunder that occurred an hour in the game that completely, unintentionally spoiled Clayface impersonating Joker. I was playing on a SD TV during my first playthrough, why didn't you notice? Again, this cements how oblivious you are.
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