Jul 25, 2019
Hey everyone, let's share our animal croasing codes between people that still plays new leaf, to make trades, share decoration ideas or just be friends!. Add me and tell me to add you back!
Friend code: 3325 8327 8254
Name: Mel
Town: Nebula
Fruits: Cherries, oranges, peaches and apples
I am online everyday so you can oftenly come over ^^
PD: Also I am looking for perfect cherries, I would pay twice the price of one in retail, but if you are not interested in this, I am also looking just for friends so no problem we can go to each other town.
Love ya! Share your codes below!!
Sep 13, 2019
Hey everyone, let's share our animal croasing codes between people that still plays new leaf, to make trades, share decoration ideas or just be friends!. Add me and tell me to add you back!
Friend code: 3325 8327 8254
Name: Mel
Town: Nebula
Fruits: Cherries, oranges, peaches and apples
I am online everyday so you can oftenly come over ^^
PD: Also I am looking for perfect cherries, I would pay twice the price of one in retail, but if you are not interested in this, I am also looking just for friends so no problem we can go to each other town.
Love ya! Share your codes below!!

Added you!
Friend code: 0619-9752-8724
Town- Flick, Mayor- Shrooma, native fruit- pears. It's my friend's ds so it might say Jay. Very new to this xP
Sep 13, 2019
Hey everyone, let's share our animal croasing codes between people that still plays new leaf, to make trades, share decoration ideas or just be friends!. Add me and tell me to add you back!
Friend code: 3325 8327 8254
Name: Mel
Town: Nebula
Fruits: Cherries, oranges, peaches and apples
I am online everyday so you can oftenly come over ^^
PD: Also I am looking for perfect cherries, I would pay twice the price of one in retail, but if you are not interested in this, I am also looking just for friends so no problem we can go to each other town.
Love ya! Share your codes below!!

Friend code: 0619-9752-8724
Town- Flick, Mayor- Shrooma, native fruit- pears. Very new to this xP


Apr 21, 2020
Hey everyone, let's share our animal croasing codes between people that still plays new leaf, to make trades, share decoration ideas or just be friends!. Add me and tell me to add you back!
Friend code: 3325 8327 8254
Name: Mel
Town: Nebula
Fruits: Cherries, oranges, peaches and apples
I am online everyday so you can oftenly come over ^^
PD: Also I am looking for perfect cherries, I would pay twice the price of one in retail, but if you are not interested in this, I am also looking just for friends so no problem we can go to each other town.
Love ya! Share your codes below!!
added you!, my friend code is 4700 1970 4551, name is Marlie, native fruit is oranges, on mostly everyday, also looking for a froggy chair! :)