
Feb 25, 2007
I was looking at the list of side ops in MGSV. I was curious of the mission variety in it. Then I was curious of it's comparison to Peace Walker's and decided to throw in some others.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Phantom Pain Side Ops~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

67 Extraction missions: 20 Prisoner Ops,16 Highly Skilled Soldier Ops,10 Wandering Motherbase Soldier Ops,5 Unlucky Dogs Ops,5 Escaped Children Ops,4 Interpreters Ops,3 Gunsmith Ops,4 Other Ops (Crate,Sheep,Intel Agent, AI Pod).
58 Elimination Missions: 16 Heavy Infantry Ops,14 Armored Vehicle Units Ops,14 Tank Units Ops
10 Mine Clearings Ops
7 Target Practice Ops
8 Secure Ops:
6 Secure the Blueprint,2 Other Secure (Volgin's Body, and Quiet)
3 Capturing Legendary Animals,
3 Mother Base Ops
(Meet up with Huey,Visit Quiet,Eli's Challenge)

*Though if you're building your base/going nonlethal, those eliminate missions might as well be extract missions too.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Peace Walker Extra Ops~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

32 Vehicle Battle Units: 13 Armored Vehicle Battles,15 Tank Battles,14 Chopper Battles.
9 Metal Gear Boss Battles: 2 Pupa Battles,2 Chrysalis Battles,2 Cocoon Battles,2 Peace Walker Battles,1 Zeke Mock Battle.
9 Target Missions: 4 Target Practices,5 Marksmanship Challenges.
8 Fulton Recovery
8 Monster Hunter Battles:
2 Rathalos Battles,2 Tigrex Battles,4 Gear Rex Battles.
7 Defense Missions: 4 Base Defense,1 POW Defense,2 Defend Key Supplies.
6 Eliminate Enemy Soldier
6 Perfect Stealth
5 Demolition Missions:
3 Target Demolitions,1 Cargo Truck Demolition,1 Obstacle Demolition.
3 Classified Document Retrieval
3 Hold Ups
3 Photography Missions:
2 Paparazzi,1 Ghost Photography
3 Dead Man's Treasure
2 Item Captures
2 Claymore Disarmament
2 Dates:
1 Date With Paz,1 Date With Kaz
1 Eliminate the Kidnappers
1 Clearing Escape
1 Snake Gear Retrieval
1 US Soldier Rescue
1 One Shot
1 Missile Intercept

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ground Zeros Side Missions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 Eliminate Renegade Threat
1 Intel Operative Rescue
1 Intel Aquisition
1 Destroy Anti-Air Emplacements
2 Bonus Missions
(X1/PS4 Exclusive Extras)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Portable Ops Side Missions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

15 Search For/Find: 10 Weapons,1 Prisoner,1 Government Official,1 Pentazamine,1 Rations,1 Map,1 Medikit
3 Save/Rescue: 2 Prisoners,1 Soldier
1 Disarm Claymores
1 Destroy the Armory
1 Recruit New Comrades

But I also decided to look at the Main Ops, of PP, and separated them into ones that were integral to the story, and ones that could've been side ops.

---------------------------------------------Phantom Pain Main Ops Variety------------------------------------------

Chapter 1:

Escape the Hospital.
Recover Honeybee
(Skull Encounter)
4 Story Extractions: Extract Kaz. Extract Emmerich. Extract Code Talker. Extract Cargo(Skull Encounter)
4 Bosses: Fight Quiet. "Fight" the Man on Fire. Fight Eli. Fight the Skulls. Fight ST-84.
Retake the Platform
Get into OKB Zero and Meet Skull Face

Could've Been Side Ops:
8 Eliminate: Eliminate Spetsnaz. Eliminate Soviet Commanders. Eliminate Colonel. Eliminate Fighting Vehicles. Eliminate Walker Gears. Tail and Eliminate the Major. Eliminate CFA Official. Eliminate Human Trafficker.
8 Extractions or Rescues: Extract Prisoner. Extract Engineer. Extract Child Soldiers. Tail Afrikaans & Rescue Prisoner. Rescue Intel Agents. Save the Kids. Rescue Engineers. Rescue Intel Member.
2 Destroys: Destroy the Oil Facility.Destroy Soviet Comms.

13 Important Missions
18 Unimportant Missions

Chapter 2:
*Chapter 2 is mostly the exact same missions from Chapter 1 but with added difficulty.

Kill the Infected MB Soldiers
Extract Quiet
Escape Hospital Again

Repeats/Could Be Side Ops:
5 Extractions: Extract Soviet Mole. Extract Code Talker. Extract Containers.Extract Cargo.Extract Engineer.
5 Eliminations: Eliminate Fighting Vehicles. Eliminate Walker Gears.Eliminate CFA,Eliminate CFA Official. Eliminate Colonel.
3 Bosses: Fight Quiet,Fight Skulls, Fight ST-84
2 Destroys: Destroy Comms,Destroy Oil
1 Other: Secure Film Canister,

3 Important Missions
16 Unimportant Missions


16 Important Missions
34 Unimportant Missions
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
MGSV was bit of a missed opportunity when it comes to side missions. The map is huge, so there could've been masses of interesting and fun side missions in there, but no...

For example, imagine side mission where you are competing with Shalashaska as to who bags most bad guys in the area or somesuch. Or what about a date with Quiet in some secluded location? Or at mother base, some sort of treasure hunt on Easter. Yeah, MGSV does not have as much fun as most of the side missions are just either repetitive rescue ops or destroy ops.