
Mar 13, 2012

The USBA has been a top sim basketball online league for roughly 2-3 years now. Some of our guys have been together since 2k9. However, we are going to set up the first ever USBA, United Sim Baseball Association, on MLB 2K12. We will have at least 10 guys in the USBA community who will be apart of our MLB league. We are looking for the most active and mature users who play the game as realistic as possible. We will not have a deep rulebook, just enough to make the league run smoothly and successful.
To be apart of USBA you will have to be active on XBL. From there adm's will inform you on everything you need to do to become a USBA member. We want mostly 21 and older users, but will accept younger ages depending on your maturity. Don't miss out on this opportunity.
***To get accurate site use, you will need to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firebox on our site.

Users: 20+
Difficulty: All-Star
Rosters: Undecided on regular teams or Fantasy(Will take a league vote)
Playoff Teams: 8
Season Length: 52 games, Best of 7 series
Flex Schedule
9 Innings
AL Hosted only for DH
Trading Allowed
Balls and Strikes
8-10 games required each week(possible change to 6-8)
Rulebook is located on our website

Adm Gamertags:
Dmac City

message admins on xbl for information