
Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Reviving an old favorite of the board.

This thread is simple: post something that you feel about wrestling, a wrestler, a promotion, etc. that you personally feel that you feel or know is unpopular.

While most will use this thread to voice unpopular opinions among the community here, feel free to share opinions you think are unpopular among the fanbase in general.

Let's try to keep it civil. Let's not go attacking people for their opinions...that's what the rest of the PWB is for.


We all go a little mod sometimes.
Feb 9, 2011
Bringing these two over from the CT:

I think the Miz is underrated in most every respect. He's solid in the ring, and he's a fantastic all around heel.

Lesnar has been mostly dull since his squashing of Cena - which was fun for a couple of minutes at most. And at this point I can't muster any excitement for his probable Summerslam return.

And I'll add one more:

CM Punk was as much at fault for most of what be bitched about as anyone else. And he was at his most compelling with the Straight Edge Society.


Aug 23, 2010
Shawn Michaels is one of the most overrated wrestlers of all time and you've all been subtly conditioned by WWE (like dogs) to call him one of the GOATs.

Kurt Angle has been actively bad for more than a decade.

Matt Hardy > Jeff Hardy.

Okada is fucking terrible.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Here's some of my own:

-Ambrose is a top worker in the company right now. Despite his rebound clotheslines and expressions, he still delivers in the ring

-On top of that, Ambrose should have been the breakout star of The Shield, and the fact he's the only member who hasn't won the WWE title is a damn shame

-I hate people who complain about cage matches saying "They didn't use the cage enough." 9 times out of 10 "using the cage" entails throwing your opponent into it or grinding their face against it, and that stuff is boring as hell.

-Natalya isn't special. She was better than the average divas a few years back but is still below most that have been called up from Paige on.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 19, 2010
lol I'm pretty sure Staple and I are Natalya's only fans on this board Definitely not an unpopular opinion. I fully disagree with it, of course, but you're kidding yourself if you think you're outnumbered around here.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Fans see a wrestler as complete shit and then refuse to acknowledge when they improve. Ryback had a string of really good matches when he came back as a face in 2014, Miz is another example where in reality he's one of the most consistent workers in the company, and so on. If Wrestler A debuts tomorrow and he's no good, then even if he's putting on match of the week candidates week in and week out by 2018 people will still say they suck.

NXT needs to cool it with being an indy just a little bit and try to put just a little bit more focus on developing homegrown talent.


Super Star
Feb 13, 2012
Here. On a board. With you.
In general? Maybe. Here, I don't think so.

All right, hold on. Let me look through my bag of controversy and see if I can drudge up something moderate...

Sheamus is a only mid-level talent, at best. Especially in light of the people they have brought to the roster recently.
Last edited:


Reign Supreme™
Aug 9, 2007
Shawn Michaels is one of the most overrated wrestlers of all time and you've all been subtly conditioned by WWE (like dogs) to call him one of the GOATs.

Kurt Angle has been actively bad for more than a decade.

Matt Hardy > Jeff Hardy.

Okada is fucking terrible.

Oh my lord I actively disagree with all of this (even the Kurt Angle bit. Bad for a while, yes, but over a decade, no)


Warrior King
Aug 24, 2006
All right, hold on. Let me look through my bag of controversy and see if I can drudge up something moderate...

Sheamus is a only mid-level talent, at best. Especially in light of the people they have brought to the roster recently.
I'd be shocked if there's anyone here that would disagree with that.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 19, 2010
I like Sheamus, but his main event runs bored me to tears. He's better off in a supporting role where he can have good to great matches with a variety of different kinds of wrestlers without ever being "the" guy.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
Zack Ryder is good.

The Miz is somehow over and underrated at the same time? It's complicated, he is not the be all end all heel, and at the same time he is not the worst thing to ever happen to wrestling.

Dolph Ziggler is still as good as he used to be, he just has lost caring about it, give him a good enough program and people will be liking him again. Del Rio same exact thing.

Jeff Hardy got forgiven way too easily.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
Stevie Richards and Al Snow were both vastly underutilized by WWE. I'm not saying either should have been champion but both should have been much bigger than they were.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
I think everyone here already knows I agree with that. And I'll add Raven to the list as well.
I think the only difference for Raven was the almost everyone agrees that he was an underutilized talent at some point(whether that was in WCW or when WWE got him).


No Longer a Noob
May 14, 2008
Everywhere but anywhere...
Cesaro is much, much better as a heel than a babyface.

Dean Ambrose needed to win at Mania.

Curious, why do you think so? I feel the exact opposite
1. I miss the intellectualism that was part of his character as a heel, being a WWE babyface requires you to be rock-stupid at all times.

2. Monster gatekeeper Cesaro from the Sami Zayn feud was the best. He's too dominant an athlete to be selling all the time in order to 'build sympathy'. It's the same deal with Brock, when they started to turn him babyface against Rollins all of a sudden he has to get beat up by Kane and J&J Security so he can fit the ubiquitous underdog role.

I guess it's more accurate to say I prefer him as a WWE Heel as opposed to a WWE Babyface.


We all go a little mod sometimes.
Feb 9, 2011
I'm not sure if this would be considered unpopular or just straight-up wrong - but it's something that I've never really discussed:

Perry Saturn was, at his best, on-par with Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and Dean Malenko (included mostly because of the Radicalz connection). Unfortunately, due to injuries and some questionable gimmicks he never really received the sort of singles push that he needed to showcase his tremendous in-ring talent. Well, that, and rumors that he wasn't the safest wrestler to work with, and the gunshot wound that he suffered saving a woman from sexual assault.


Legend status, fuck a Noob
Jun 17, 2003
-Will Ospreay's offense is laughably bad.

-Adam Cole and Dolph Ziggler are some of the most generic overrated wrestlers I've ever seen. The amount of steez they bite to try and appear "charismatic" is almost offensive to me.

-Tetsuya Naito is one of the worst IWGP Heavyweight champions of all time.

-Seth Rollins is one of the worst WWE Heavyweight champions of all time.

-Balor/Devitt hasn't been anything to write home about since like pre-Bullet Club. His in ring skills have been stagnant for years now.

-I can't take any of the Four Horsewomen serious in the ring.

-Dean Ambrose should return to CZW or go to any other promotion that isn't in my reach.

-The Miz should return to MTV or sign a deal with Adam Sandler's Happy Madison Productions where his crappiness would be appreciated so he can stay off WWE tv.

-The New Day has destroyed Big E's main event credibility. I don't ever wanna see dude hold the top title now.

I just got home from work though, I'll post more later.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I marked for Zack Ryder's WM win and like the dude in general.
Cameron was not as bad as some made her out to be.
Vanilla Ice Cream is actually the best flavour.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
I'm not sure if this would be considered unpopular or just straight-up wrong - but it's something that I've never really discussed:

Perry Saturn was, at his best, on-par with Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and Dean Malenko (included mostly because of the Radicalz connection). Unfortunately, due to injuries and some questionable gimmicks he never really received the sort of singles push that he needed to showcase his tremendous in-ring talent. Well, that, and rumors that he wasn't the safest wrestler to work with, and the gunshot wound that he suffered saving a woman from sexual assault.
As an overall competitor, I'd agree. I loved Saturn and I can't remember a time that he was involved in a serious angle that I didn't like. Dude even took the, "You lose and have to wear a dress" gimmick and made it work in an awesome way.


Do you even praise the sun?
Apr 23, 2012
Alberto Del Rio is the most boring wrestler ever. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I never found anything interesting about him. Not even LU made me like him. I cringe every time he has a mic. And that finisher. Oh my fucking god, that finisher is the stupidest thing in wrestling right now.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Personally I'm with you on ADR being SO FUCKING BORING (which is why I argued with joos about how Ambrode > him but I already stated my opinions of Ambrose in this thread)

That last sentence though...I dunno aRny, I'd say that's a pretty popular opinion


The Wildcard
Jul 18, 2008
Here's some opinions I have:
-Rockstar Spud is good. He'll never win anything more than the X title and maybe the tag titles, but he's a good wrestler and an even better character.
-3MB should have held the tag titles at least once
-The Miz' current IC title run is good and should end the second he returns from filming his movie for it to be perfect.
-I still like Zack Ryder.
-Broken Matt is a fantastic gimmick.
-Dean Ambrose should be WWE Champion by the end of the year.

-Tetsuya Naito is one of the worst IWGP Heavyweight champions of all time.
It's your opinion and all, but at least wait until he loses the damn thing to pass judgement on how well he was as champion.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
-Sexy star is terrible. She has such a timid presence in the ring, her execution is off more often than not, and she comes off as an annoying distraction whenever she goes against a top LU talent rather than actual competition