Sep 8, 2015
fanboys and is one of the most milked fighting franchise of all-time(even more so than Mortal Kombat). Agree or Disagree?

Don't get me wrong, I loved Street Fighter when I was playing Street Fighter II and Super Street Fighter II on the SNES and arcade but I honestly thought the newer Street Fighter games(SFIV) were overrated. They haven't added anything hugely new to the gameplay in SFIV other than enhanced graphics, cinematic cutscenes, focus attacks and ultra moves. On top of that, they keep re-hashing the same exact damn Street Fighter game by adding "Super" and "Ultra" to the title(the only thing new about the games are new added characters, that's about it).

I mean I know that Capcom has always been doing that with Street Fighter(making "Super" and "Ultra" versions) since the 2nd game but come on, those new fighters could have at least been DLC fighters for the original SFIV game and this was at the time when there was much more access to the internet for DLCs for all consoles while the old SNES games existed when there was no internet prevelent at home, therefore, making it excusable for Capcom to make Super and Ultra Street fighter games on those generation of consoles. The least Capcom could have done with Street Fighter IV was added a few more completely new features to the SFIV game like another game mode or possibly using the stage(for example: throwing your opponent onto a car and have them land on it) as an new attack move.

The newer Mortal Kombat games(from Deadly Alliance to X) were far from perfect but at least Ed Boon(creator of MK) is willing to add some huge changes and more new added features to his MK games, unlike Capcom with Street Fighter. Hopefully, Capcom finally adds some hugely new features to Street Fighter V once they release it for the PC and PS4.

Like I said earlier, I loved the older Street Fighter games and everything but I'm just speaking my own mind on it. If you guys are gonna rip me a new asshole for criticizing Street Fighter as an overall tournament fighting game franchise, then go ahead.
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Legend status, fuck a Noob
Jun 17, 2003
The SFIV series was overrated, that I agree with completely. EX was mediocre too.

SFII-III and the Alpha series are legendary though.
Sep 8, 2015
The SFIV series was overrated, that I agree with completely. EX was mediocre too.

SFII-III and the Alpha series are legendary though.
I hate how Capcom downgraded SFIV when previous games before IV like Alpha and 3rd Strike all had the much more faster-paced gameplay and more new characters than Street Fighter IV.


Oct 1, 2015
agreed,they don't even bother adding new specials to the game
i mean look at ryu and ken,they had 3 specials in sf2,in sf4 it is still the same

Tiger,Tiger Knee,Tiger Uppercut(sagat)
Sonic Boom,Flash Kick(guile)



Jun 18, 2013
The SFIV series was overrated, that I agree with completely. EX was mediocre too.

SFII-III and the Alpha series are legendary though.

agreed. the III series was quite the game changer.

Not sure if I can speak good about the parries though. But they do add a unique layer of mind games in matches which boils down to guessing games. What I loved about the II, III, and Alpha series compared to IV is the lack of emphasis in combos, making you focus more on footsies and pokes.


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
SF Overrated? Maybe a certain entry in the franchise but as a whole? No way. The impact SF had on the FGC as a franchise can't even be debated. SFIV? I mean it doesn't compare to III or older series in the franchise but IV did reinvigorate the FGC and brought in alot of new players for better or worse. We also saw a boom in fighting game releases after the release of Vanilla SFIV. Which just goes to show the impact of the franchise.

Does Capcom milk SF to no end? Hell yes they do lol.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
Fighting Games itself isn't overrated.

but i do agree now that SFV is supposed to be different they should've retooled alot. like give Ryu a brand new move or something, i would've loved to see the Tatusumaki Senpuukyaku from SFEX (3D form) pretty much its Dan's way of doing it but it looks cool seeing Ryu and Ken do it in 3D.