
Almost Not a Noob
Jul 2, 2006
I'm going through the training modes at the minute and I'm having a little difficulty understanding the difference between two input symbols.

What is the difference between and arrow pointing left for example, and an arrow pointing left with the control stick behind it?

For example, I was trying to do M. Bison's Psycho Crusher which required <, <O O> + P (I don't know how easy that is to understand) but I trying walking backwards and then flicking the stick right and punching but it never worked.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
certain charatcers like M.Bison are called charge charaacters.
To do the psycho crusher you must do this hold the left arrow or push stick left and hold it for 2 seconds, then push the stick right or press the right arrow + Any punch button at the same time then it'll work...


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 2, 2006
certain charatcers like M.Bison are called charge charaacters.
To do the psycho crusher you must do this hold the left arrow or push stick left and hold it for 2 seconds, then push the stick right or press the right arrow + Any punch button at the same time then it'll work...

So by hold the left arrow, do you mean that I need to keep walking left/backwards before continuing the move?


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
this is kinda annoying to teach online,would be better IRL.

sorry can't explain....


Almost Not a Noob
May 18, 2008
Hold away from opponent for 3 seconds then towards and punch at the same time

That's actually more than 3x too long.

You need to hold back for 55 frames, which is a little less than one second (the game runs at 60 frames a second). Holding back, or down/back (so your character is in a crouching position) then pressing forward and punch at the same time will do the psycho crusher.

As you practice more, you'll get a hang of the timing required.